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Trade Forum>Re-Posting Threads


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     Just some thoughts about not being able to re-post your threads on the trade forum to keep them current and to keep people interested in what you have to sale!


     Especially now that Kubrow Imprint trading has commenced what are you supposed to do if you have multiple imprints for sale and the auction times are a day/days long! It just doesn't make sense to me because in those days your auctioning imprints your thread gets bumped back multiple pages!  


     I'm posting this just cause it seems anti-productive in terms of selling or trading using the forum!  Thanks all feedback or criticism is appreciated! Thanks for reading Tenno!



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It's hard to find a solution everyone appreciates, but the moderators have felt it the most productive to reduce crazy amount of threads throughout the forums. 
If you want, you can report your thread to have it removed so that you may post another.
If this becomes too much of an issue, we will discuss possible improvements to moderation.

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Thanks for the speedy response! Ya'll are truly a gaming company all others should strive to be!  Thanks for the feedback I will do this from now on, and i understand you don't want to blow up the forums with re-posting of old threads.  Is there a way to make it so where we the Tenno could delete our own threads?

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Hi, sorry for the late response. 
To be clear, I am not part of DE, only a volunteer moderator.
The issue with players deleting threads and their posts is that it makes them hard to track. If something insulting or inappropriate was posted and then deleted by a user, it will be hard to backtrack and moderate accordingly.

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