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Q:Do you really like to run whit a BOW(for now)and charg and shoot ?

While you hef a Braton-added whit a silencer? that shoots rapidly whit low damage?


Its not the question what I like. Its a fact that a the bow and upcoming throwable daggers would be useless since all the other weapons still do more damage and are silent as well. It wouldnt even make any sense to create silent weapons at all.

And to answer your question, I love to use my bow.

Edited by Venarge
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Its not the question what I like. Its a fact that a the bow and upcoming throwable daggers would be useless since all the other weapons still do more damage and are silent as well. It wouldnt even make any sense to create silent weapons at all.

And to answer your question, I love to use my bow.


Clearly you don't understand that the issue you are talking about is only about the balancing and proper implementation of the silencer - and clearly people want the silencer (considering the second place in the poll).


And BTW, no weapon does the same damage as Paris per one shot and not killing enemies with one shot is dangerous and can cause alarm if the enemy is not killed in time or the bullets miss enemy. 


You just ignore everything reasonable related to silencer mod...

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I can't tell if some of the execrable excuses for English in this thread are real or facetious.


Suppressors are just too tacti-cool for this genre. Throwing-knives or shuriken make much more sense, even if the player would be carrying a ridiculous number of them.

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You people love saying apple when you mean orange. Damn Hollywood.


It's not a preference to say one over the other. One is right, the other is wrong. It's a suppressor.


Same thing with the entire magazine/clip business. I'd make everyone watch this so they can maybe remember, that they are not saying a preference, but being completely wrong.


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So teaching us about how "silencer" is popular term used for "suppressor" is how helping this thread?

Everybody knows, what we are talking about.

Somebody doesn't think it fits the setting, some does (I personally do considering the technology they have available.


Also saying "it would allow to kill you hordes without even noticing" depends on how it is implemented. Right now, you can kill enemy in front of other enemy with Paris and he will ignore you as well as he ignores the fact, that his fellow grunt is dead on the ground or just suddenly disappeared... it's not an silencer/suppressor issues, it's the problem with the stealth system in this game.

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If people are aware then they are stupid for repeating the same mistake. It's a stupid widespread name that was popularized by Hollywood, and people should get it right. If you want to sound silly even after you know that you are wrong be my guest but I won't take that sort of person seriously.


It's bad as it is that it says "clip" in game instead of Magazine, even further reinforces a bad habit.

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Are you serious? Just disregarding a person, because of this? Forgive us we are not weapon enthusiasts. It's on the "you've made a spelling error therefore everything you say is wrong" level... not sure if trolling or serious though...


On the other hand, I agree that the wording should be proper, so how about telling the truth about magazines and clips to developers instead of adding nothing to this topic, eh?

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Are you serious? Just disregarding a person, because of this? Forgive us we are not weapon enthusiasts. It's on the "you've made a spelling error therefore everything you say is wrong" level... not sure if trolling or serious though...


On the other hand, I agree that the wording should be proper, so how about telling the truth about magazines and clips to developers instead of adding nothing to this topic, eh?


Would you call a dodge a ford willingly to people when you knew you were wrong? Base guitar and guitar are the same right? Pencil and pen are identical, apple is an orange. If you willingly make a mistake as such, you make yourself quite a fool. Regardless if you are discussing cereal, cars or firearms. It's the principal of correcting your mistakes, not ignoring them.


That is sort of the whole point of not taking that person seriously. If a person is stubborn enough not to admit one small mistake which is so easily mended why would I discuss anything with them when they can't correctly adjust to something that is such a minor and simple detail. Seriously it's just a word, one is right one is wrong, if you refuse to correct yourself despite knowing you are wrong...what sort of person are you?


Now regarding suppressed weapons. I thought that was addressed in the next update, assuming throwing weapons will be silent. Though exploding daggers would be neat.

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Now regarding suppressed weapons. I thought that was addressed in the next update, assuming throwing weapons will be silent. Though exploding daggers would be neat.


You assume, but Silencer mod was clearly placed on the second place of the weapon mod poll, i.e. devs are really considering it.

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Correct people on jargon all you want, but please don't pretend it automatically invalidates whatever their underlying argument is.


I didn't say that. I'll ignore only those who refuse to correct themselves because that is what they are used to saying, despite that it's wrong. It's not jargon as in which one is used by who. One is right, one is wrong. I gave enough examples in my earlier post.

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Clearly you don't understand that the issue you are talking about is only about the balancing and proper implementation of the silencer - and clearly people want the silencer (considering the second place in the poll).


And BTW, no weapon does the same damage as Paris per one shot and not killing enemies with one shot is dangerous and can cause alarm if the enemy is not killed in time or the bullets miss enemy. 


You just ignore everything reasonable related to silencer mod...


The only thing that would happen is: Silent weapons become needless.

Its so easy: There are the weapons with fast fire rates and all that sh***

And then, there are the silent weapons. Cant people live with that system....

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The only thing that would happen is: Silent weapons become needless.


That's a bs, seriously. Why would silent weapons become needless?

The fact they are silent isn't their only attribute - Paris is still good as non-silent weapon.

Also you are ignoring the fact that it would take mod capacity and a slot to make a weapon silent, i.e. that's one slot and some mod capacity points for the silent weapons.

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The problem with a suppression attachments is that the way the game is set up it'd be a suppressor for all rifles, all shotguns, or all pistols, etc.


Making specific weapons quiet  (e.g. the Paris or throwing knives) is much easier to balance.

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A lot of people say that silencer suppressors do not silence weapons of today, that they're still clearly audible. It is correct, if you're the shooter. In reality, the shot gets muffled and the sound doesn't travel that far. Whereas the load explosion of an unsuppressed weapon can be heard a kilometer away, a suppresed weapon will be dismissed as random noise fifty meters away. You could literaly take a suppressed pistol to an alleyway, that connects to a busy street, fire a shot and no one would even notice, while an unsuppressed shot would lead to a panicked mob.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem with a suppression attachments is that the way the game is set up it'd be a suppressor for all rifles, all shotguns, or all pistols, etc.


Making specific weapons quiet  (e.g. the Paris or throwing knives) is much easier to balance.


Much easier to balance against....what? 


If all weapons had the option of being suppressed, how would that be imbalanced? Correct me if I'm wrong but currently the only discrete ways to kill someone are with the Paris or a stealth melee strike. 


So with suppressors added, your options would be: 

-Shoot them with a supressed handgun / rifle / shotgun attack.

-Paris attack and pin two people to the wall with a double head-shot

-Walk up behind them and poke them with your sword. 


as opposed to:

-Paris attack and pin two people to the wall with a double head-shot

-Walk up behind them and poke them with your sword. 


How is adding more options - inherently imbalanced? 

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Much easier to balance against....what? 


If all weapons had the option of being suppressed, how would that be imbalanced? Correct me if I'm wrong but currently the only discrete ways to kill someone are with the Paris or a stealth melee strike. 


So with suppressors added, your options would be: 

-Shoot them with a supressed handgun / rifle / shotgun attack.

-Paris attack and pin two people to the wall with a double head-shot

-Walk up behind them and poke them with your sword. 


as opposed to:

-Paris attack and pin two people to the wall with a double head-shot

-Walk up behind them and poke them with your sword. 


How is adding more options - inherently imbalanced? 


It makes guns versatile! THE HORROR!

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