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Just wanted to say hello to every other Tenno, we might meet and fight together from time to time.


I'm just an Canadian with a kind heart, I'm Papper2k pretty much everywhere, so if you seen this name in some other games, it's probably me. Looking forward to play with you all! :D

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Well, everyone seems to be introducing themselves here so I though I would do the same.


So hi everyone, I'm Silverfelt. I have been playing this game for a while using Mag, but since some changes have been done to her I guess it will be like starting from the beggining with her. Hope that I don't slow you down if I play with any of you.


Anyway, I hope that all of you are having a good day, bye : )

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Hello everyone! I've been following the development of Warframe, and since the first teaser was released, I was absolutely stoked. I mean, the initial idea I got was cyborg space ninja parkour combat, and a concept like that simply cannot fail.


After noticing how much feedback and love there is between the producers and the community, I decided to give the Forum a shot and perhaps help out myself. So here I am.


Digital Extremes has a pretty stellar history of producing quality, original titles, and being a fan of their work was another reason to keep Warframe under close watch. Plus, being an art enthusiast and amateur digital artist, the concept behind the game is brilliant and a personal favorite of mine. You guys are doing an absolutely amazing job. The game is a universe waiting to be filled with yet more... everything! The space and possibilities for new things is as big as you want and as long as the game is kept alive.


I've been having a blast for practically half a year in Beta now, and there's simply no ending to the fun, not to mention the updates introducing new stuff and fixing previous issues of all sorts.


A big cheers to everyone behind the project, keep it up!

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Hello ppl i am GodOfFap my real name is Spas i am from bulgaria 15years old i found the game whan i started i was really confused now i am almost maxed loki i realy like playing it but none of my friends want to play because they are big jerks :D and i was wondering if someone would like to play whit me my skype is gantar_bg_98 my steam is spas014 you can easaly find me on skype i am online allmost all day depend on my free time and activities you can even find me on facebook Spas Kirov And thats all i will be looking forword to play whit you guyz :)

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hALLO 1st me whants to start off with mai name mai name is pesho kriov from konstinbrod bulgaria iam one of spas's friends and i do play he lies hard and alot . So my skype i don have one just pm me ingame to play me will be vary happs

Edited by PlayForFun23
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Hello there ! I'm Skadi, an initiate Exacalibur for the moment. Currently, Warframe became my favourite game.


---------  Regards,


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After a few weeks (or months?) I managed to find this topic - I guess I always missed it... I always thought I will rarely write on forums if at all, didn't to get this deep into it... no way I was lazy coming to say hi, of course not, nah, not a chance... well... so, kinda like:



A casual gamer/working guy here, with great love for computer games and many things connected to them, inlcuding mapping, modding, animating - tried the programming part but guess I like the "flashy" parts more (I am still a programmer by title or at least my diploma says so).


Sorry for taking this long I guess.

____________  _ _  ____________



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hello! im dminertron? noob game designer extraordinaire. anyhow ,to the designers- I love it! this was one of those things where I downloaded it and started to play and then it was 3:30 am. really addictive gameplay, excellent graphics, and a nice backstory. im really looking foreword to seeing this game's true form.

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Hey everybody, I'm SJ, ign Qu3er, don't ask me how i got that name =.=


Anyway I'm a Malaysian currently working in China, loving this game! always do love ninjas and stuff, got introduced by my cousin. I'm a working dude by day and a casual gamer by night. Still new to the game, can't wait to explore more of it and just have fun!



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Hey all, just found this game through a random ad on a website I visit and thought the frames looked cool enough to download  the game and give it a shot, so far it feels like I made the right choice :D 


I'm not used to playing these sorts of games in a team, should be interesting.

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