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Hey everyone, I'm not really new to this game as I've started playing the game every so often after seeing it's presentation at this year's E3; but I have not made a proper introduction (although I have made a few posts here and there.) I love video games and have been playing as far back as I can remember.


I need to replace my primary console at the moment as well, so I'm most likely going to pool even more time into Warframe.

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Hi everyone :D I am Andre, I'm portuguese and i'm studying engineering. I play warframe since its begginings and I am happy about all the updates and events which enrich the game even more. One of the best things in this game is the community, the best community i had ever seen in a game


And for the team: keep doing your wonderful work, this game is a truly masterpiece

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Yes, hello, good evening, hi there!

I'm hooked on this game. Been playing for a few days,just found out about it. Nice to hear that the community is great. DE has donea great job here with making the game F2P. Hope you get enough funds to make this great game even better! I will give you some ;-)

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Super stoked, nice work on this game fellas.       HI  my name is Crim ... I reside somewhere in California.


Been playing video games so long. we used CB radios for team speak, used old recorded Diana Ross cassets and a tape recorder to load up games on the PC so i could play some awsome 8 bit games....  Now I am a mighty space ninja..... Master Splinter would be proud !!!


Hey nice tip Devs on your last stream about the threading option on startup, super sexy frame rate increase.

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Full support for this game. Hope it becomes as great as it's already hyped to be (even though it already is).


I'm Emmanuel, Art student and currently residing in the Philippines. Wanted to let you guys know you have a huge filipino fanbase.


More power to you guys and everyone else around here :)

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Hey all, Im new here. Only my second day on the game. Don't have much to say, game is good so far. My only issue is the level, it feels alike all the time. 
Don't know, maybe its me, or maybe its cuz I have not reached the higher levels yet. Still I do feel that maybe it is important, you know keeping the noobs (like me) excited...
Yeah one more thing, I got left behind on my first mission, was confused and all... not very nice everyone.
Anyhow looking forward to see what you will through at us

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Why hello there everyone. I like to introduce myself not because I want to lay in with the crowd and be utterly suspicious about it. :3 (Nah, not really.)


I am Freelancer27. In other worlds of gaming, they call me Xen C. Protonus (or Protonus, but many would try to steal Protonus' name while displaying poor grammar and spelling in literature, which Protonus does not like very much.) I am known to portray myself in 3rd person, which Protonus likes to do in certain times, this also adds a cat-like face in posts every time he "trolls" and makes "comeback banters". :3


Protonus is in deep likeliness in Warframe dues its customization of characters and weapons, the randomization of the battlefield in every game, and the constant development which Protonus has seen for a month so far. Protonus is also in passion of the game's concept arts, relationship with true Physics implemented to the game itself and also the theme of ninjas... Protonus likes foot ninjas, especially loot ninjas.


Protonus has experience in the artist field, though does not have as much as the concept artists that work here, though he is inspired. :D


He also has 3 years of game modding experiences, most of them are in Strategy games, but has some with FPS games. Protonus is not only looking forward about this game, but he also is looking for more people to play this game, just for the fun of it.

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Hi to all, my name is Carlos and....well I am a retired (old chap) man of 48 years, I have been playing the game for 3 weeks or so now and just

wanted to congrats all the Warframe team for the good work they have been developing so far, and that I hope you keep up the goo work.

Cheers, Carlos.

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I love warframe as a cool game, it stole me away from MechWarrior online // Diablo3,


I've been around from game to game, and dig the feel.




PS: I was watching the live stream and just felt bad for you being stuck in such a weak team yesterday..


Hope you get a better group for the next live stream demo.. I noticed the last few times you went in with a team they fell a bit short, hope things pick up with their game play, dug the sausy launguage and quips. Hope this is a sign of better and brighter things ->>




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Hey all you Warframe fans, my IGN is Dalethor, an alias I've used for numerous games now. I've been playing games since the days of using tape cassette recorders and old cassettes to store/load data in TRS-80 computers with 256K RAM, which we thought at the time was sooo op. Used to code my own games in BASIC, taught myself the basics (no pun intended) by using the owner's manual of the trash-80. Back then they contained a lot of useful info.


Anyway, on to the present day enough of prehistory. Warframe is a game with huge potential, even now, after all the progress that's been made already since alpha and closed beta. As a f2p game, I think that most folk's expectations are low, but the game performs very well in comparison with many games that are pay to play/own. Graphically stunning, gameplay is generally well balanced, combat system is great; fluid and keeps your brain in the middle of the action. The game creates visceral responses from the mood of the environments, the sounds and music, and especially the enemies, like the Stalker for example. One of the best bits I love about the game is that everything is available to the player without the need to spend any real money, all that's required is to play the game, which we're doing anyway, so may as well have fun while gathering the stuff.


I am super excited to see how the game evolves further, with new environments and frames on the way. I appreciate the way the devs are deeply involved in the game, avidly playing it themselves, and the quick response to the fans when issues arise.


Rock on DE, you guys have hit it out of the park. Now, lets all run round the bases touching each one for the score. Thanks for giving us this game, its awesome.

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Hi there! Been away from the forums for quite some time so I guess a re-introduction is in order. My name is Martin, I'm from Argentina and I'm studying to be a translator. I've been playing Warframe since the CB days, stopped playing for some time and now I'm back, full speed ahead! This game is truly awesome and I'm sure it'll keep getting better and better. :) See you inside, Tenno!

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