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Sure thing :) Im only available to play after 8pm. Weekends After 3pm. Im a gym owner and trainer for kickboxing. As for the Game, Ive cleared all the planets and sectors so if you or the community needs my help. PM me I am currently of The Galactics Clan.

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Hello every Tenno, this is Drew speaking to you. I hope your all having as much fun as I am playing this wonderful game, Warframe. So thank you developers! I've played games since I was a youngling, and it's been a long time since. So with that time I've played, there has been many games that came and went. But I got to say, Warframe isn't one of those. I think that's enough for now. If anybody is interested in playing some Frame with me just message DrewGrayBear. Otherwise, have a wonderful day Tenno.

-Drew Gray

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Hi Rebecca!


I've been a Warframer since the PS4 released in the UK and having seen some vids and screenshots, coming to the website made me adamant that I wanted to really get to grips with this game.


Loved the idea that the online 'mode' was co-op only, no PvP for a change, that and the rich backstory and everyone's dream, an upgradeable 'exo-skeleton' with melee and ballistic weaponry!!! \:D/ "...Back of the Net!"


The one thing I've come to love is the quality community forums and the rather nice and helpful other gamers that play WF! Makes for a lasting experience!


Anyway, back to looking for like-minded players/clan to join ;-) I'm still a 'Noobie'

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i say BYE

I will not pay more for the game you can not play
In which spoils characters who has filed a lot of time and effort to get them to do and which now are not suitable for anything.
Greetings to those who still think that something will improve (yes WILL BE tear us even more cash) for another crap which we want to bestow but really nothing in particular.

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i say BYE

I will not pay more for the game you can not playIn which spoils characters who has filed a lot of time and effort to get them to do and which now are not suitable for anything.Greetings to those who still think that something will improve (yes WILL BE tear us even more cash) for another crap which we want to bestow but really nothing in particular.


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Hi to everyone of you. I just started to play a few weeks ago and I muist say I have really enjoyed this game a lot. It has been quite a long time since I'd had this much fun with an MMO. For this gift, I am Greatful to all of you how participated in the creation of this great game, and continue to improve it, and even listen to suggestions of your community.


Also very special greeting to you DERebecca, I started to watch the Warframe Prime time episodes and really enjoy watching you guys play. Its nice to know you guy really care about this game. Hope be able to play with you someday guys. And again thank you all. :)

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Why did i get suspended from the game 4 20 year ive spent over 1000 dollars on plat i had all the warframs all the weapons all the cards i got in 2 it with a nother warlord i made him a warlord by the way he started destroying my dojo and we stated cussing each outher and i get kicked out 4 infringement 

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