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Hey what's good my Tenno ! I'm Herohowler and I'm pretty new to the game , I use Excalibur , I'm not really big on guns so I'm usually that guy who you see moving all over the place trying to use his Meele as much as he can ahaha , guns really are not my strong suit and never have been. I really look forward to killing things with all of you !

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Hello everyone,


Real name Sebastijan, or Sebastian in english if you wish. :D 17 years old, going to Eletrotehnical HighSchool with Software and Hardware specialization, 2 biggest hobbies of my life, computers and martial arts.(could fit girls somewhere in between :D)


Playing Warframe a month possibly, love it.

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Nice to be acquainted with you all. My name is Tom, been playing this kickass game for about six months or so. "IRL" I guess I'd be called a musician, and like to play all manner of improvised musics.


Keep rockin' Tenno, and keep up the great work DE :)

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Luke Here (*_*) G'day Mates


From Australia


 Just Been Having A Problem With My Logins So It Hit The Net To See If Any of the same problems I'm facing has/is happening to others and stumbled across Warframe.com

Signed In With Sony Browsed Through site quickly And Found Forums.


Play The Game On My PS4


So Hello Everyone


I Have Message The Admin About My Problem And Started A Forum Topic (Login failed. Cannot connect to server)


Hope I Have Many Chance To Chat With The Warframers Community


See You Later's


Have A Great One     

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I have been playing since early Update 9 but I feel I should introduce myself officially, I am ZyroHunter. I have wanted to start when this game started on Open Beta, but didn't have a computer then. But I am a Mastery Rank 14, and I wish for many more things to come for this game. Good having you here guys. You guys at DE really know how to make a videogame!


Best Regards, 




"If you are asking who the Zyro is, then you are clearly the one being Hunted."

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Ayo, hope everyone is doing good :D 

Ah my ign is Cha-rule but y'all can just call me Cha. I'm just a really chill guy, hit me up anytime~!

I've been playing for about a week? maybe a little more? Anyway, I'm really excited for what DE has in store for Warframe, honestly, U14 has me so excited it's more exciting than the first time you watch dragon ball z. 

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Greetings to the Community!


Corwin "Grinner" McWolfe here. Been an avid player of WarFrame for over a year, absolutely love the game and the premise behind it. Love trying to figure out the Lore behind the Tenno, baring that I invent my own based off the facts presented.


Also, seem to actively find ways to break the game in amazing and interesting fashions. Looking forward to continued production and content, perhaps even suggesting and submitting my own. Thank you, digital Extremes, for giving us this amazing game.

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To DE - great game!  I played the beta on PS4 when I got it end of 2013 then left it for 6 months.  Now that it has been fully released, with trophies, been playing quite a bit.  Very well conceived game.  Levelling seems just right, as are the mastery ranks.  I just think it is very cleverly designed.  And the way the F2P model works is pretty spot on - some grinding but that is to be expected; but missions don't make it feel too much of a chore actually.


Now if you can just fix that Sentinel trophy glitch :) all would be good.


Hmmm I must see if I can find a new copy of Dark Sector lying around somewhere...

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Hi there! 


I've been playing Warframe since early December 2013 (Just missed Founders Packs and am still super sour about that) and recently decided it's time to start being a more active member of the community! So hi everyone! And welcome to Warframe to all new players! I look forward to (hopefully) seeing you in game sometime soon!

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Figured I'd reintroduce myself.  Started playing on the PS4 when it launched last November, but quickly started spending the majority of my time on the PC version.  Now that I migrated my MR12 PC account to the PS4, I'm ready to play!  Feel free to look me up, I'm ready to 'splode stuffs. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, I'm about as new to this as you can get. I have had the game for a couple months but I picked the wrong frame and when I found out I couldn't change it I stopped playing. I thought I'd give it another crack so I'm now slowly getting used to Loki and starting to try and play with others now as I wouldn't class myself as being very social. So if you see me wandering the solar system or I end up in your game, give me a chance, what I lack in skill I make up for in eagerness and dedication. Happy hunting :)

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I am 34 years old.

I'm from Czech Republic.

During my life I have traveled around Europe. Italy, Germany, Slovakia.

Sports: Musado, cycling from childhood, racing running long distance,

I play Pc games very long time I started to play Pac-Man around 1989 ;O . Then Mario, Prnce Of Persia, The Simpsons :D, various kinds of Formula games :D , NHL, Heroes of Might and Magic, Mortal kombat older version :D , Arcadian, a game that took me a lot Transport Tycoon Deluxe :D , Duna :D , Ufo :D , Command & Conquer :D , Red Alert,

Doom xD , Diablo 2 ;-) , I spent a lot of time for about 5 years. Longer time Need for Speed ​​Most Wanted.

Warframe before the game I played for about a year and a half StarCraft HotS :x .


I started to work more on Pc with various graphic programs from Corel after some video programs.

And there came a time about a year and a half ago, I started to play warframe. ;-))

This game has me very intrigued. ;-)


I started for 6 months solo only play with the Excalibur. After coming (Nekro warframe :D ) I made the Nekro.

I created a clan names with Booty Camp (moon clan) where there were about 200 members in the clan took several competitions in the def. maps around the solar system (every defense)

Unfortunately, during the very many people began to be inactive. :-/

With the update warframe Alliance began to set the big problem with the activity of all players.


I canceled the Clan and created a new clan with name: CeskoSlovenska Legie.

im in Alliance WarHounds


During this entire time I was introduced to both oral and written form with several different people.

Some are good some are not. :/

During my activity I helped about 350 people with everything they need (some from 1 rank for up to 14, from which about 98% exp easily obtained this player has stopped playing)

about 20 people who are now playing an active games other than warframe.

Previously I was a person that can be easily abused, but over time I realized that I should devote more of one another. Some people on the internet be able particularly simple many good people miserable.


On my computer I have about 300 of the Screens of the game and the competition so I chose just some random.


things that I like in Warframe :D

Nice people.

People who can appreciate the effort.

New possibilities of combinations of abilities.

High level units.


things I do not like the Warframe :(

People who fail to appreciate the help.

Peoples who have more than 2 accounts on warframe (of my years of experience is nonsense and tells it about human nature)

Naive players that mean buying all with platina get a better experience with the game. (logically what not played can not be considered experience)

Peoples who do not wait for others at the elevator.

Peoples who think of one kind of damage can be on any map (that's a reflection on experience)

Peoples who compare a certain kind of weapon with another type of weapon: primary gateways secondary it really does not make sense

Peoples who can not write before the game what the game is one = Random invite

Peoples who do I add my nick to friends only for your own feelings and never write (hello)

People who write obscenities and use Capslock


No one and nothing is best. the best is a good friend and play together. :)

I love it when something works and I hope I find the right place. it may be my fate. :)


From all this I am now a bit stuck and plays mostly alone or with any member of the alliance in the rail, solar and outside it. but it is possible that I will again communicate more as before. (In the previous time I had headphones and a microphone 16 hours a day on the ears and now is the time of my attenuation) :)

If there are any errors in the text I apologize to English is not my native language. :)


Thanks for your time.  Plutos.  :)


It is possible that sometime in the future I will consider creating a media channel. but I'll think about.

[New] Clan webpage : http://wfr-clan.webnode.cz/

Some time im in my [New] Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/plutosczech



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