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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all , I would just like to say a BIG hello to you all for making this one of my most played games to date, i BLOODY LOVE IT !!

I play warframe on the XBOX ONE and the PC they both look great:)

Keep up the great work , i love watching the DEVstreams.


Cya online tenno's

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,  I am still new to warframe but so far i love it! i have  4 frames so far and plan to get more.   I Love  how  you able to play with others as well as love  the graphics  keep up the good work!

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Hello Warframe brothers & sisters!!!!!


I am new to the game (only 3 months) and am loving it, have found myself a nice little clan that I play with every day which suits me perfectly. I like watching Devstreams while I am at work and getting all the latest knowledge that the wonderful Rebecca and Megan provide us with. Other than that I like playing games, going for long walks, snuggling on the couch and stuff.  


The main reason I am here is I was just reading about the FOUNDRY APP. Where can I find this as I have searched and am having no luck at all. 


Well thanks for taking the time to read my introduction and maybe you will bump into me one day in the solar system we all play in. I am pretty easy to see as I am usually the bright pink or purple warframe that everyone seems to not like very much. 






(PS4 Network) 

Edited by (PS4)shadydavey
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What's up Tenno & Devs?


I'm the InSaiyanOne, on pretty much anything (though it's iS1_ on twitch). I'm in IT, done a lot of different things in the broad field it is, programming, web/graphic design, and now networking/virtualization. I'm a grown/older (not that old) gamer that grew up with the Game & Watch handhelds, Commodore 64, Atari, and Game Boy/Gear...so it's pretty much a part of my lifestyle. My first unofficial job was a chat/forum moderator for Nintendo Online back when I had a Packard Bell 150mhz (just to really drive that point home).


Played Warframe from day 1 of owning my PS4...and of course I loved it. Had a long break due to my system being fried in August, and I was pretty much in withdrawl. Now I'm back and trying to catch up with everything I can still get in-game. Feel free to invite me to help if you see me online, I'll help whenever I can/not already busy with another goal/task. I'm also the only remaining member of Hit Squad 187...for now...and I'm working to create a Kubrow-rotweiller kennel(?)...it's been ruff (sorry).


See ya around! iS1

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Hello fellow Tenno operatives,


The names Garlenax, but you can call me Garlen. I've had an account for a while now, but didn't start playing seriously playing until recently. This is one of my all time favorite games now. Would love to make more friends to talk about the game, go on missions, and farm for components with.


Outside of the game I'm just your average anime/manga enthusiast, fencing club president, full time college student, part time cashier. I've been getting into video games a lot more recently, and warframe is definitely the one I like to play the most. I'm hoping I'll be able to start up a club on my University's campus to get more people locally involved.

See ya in the solar system!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey y'all!

Didgitalpunk here, aka Digits. been playing for a couple months now and thought I should get on the forums a bit! So here I am!

Like a couple of the intros I've read, kinda got addicted to Warframe pretty fast but hey, can you really blame anyone for that?
and like all games I get addicted to, I have some fan-art (well, not quite art... more like... fan-model?) coming soon! -ish

I'm a 3d design student (just had my exams, hope I get good grades!) by day, and an electronics/ gaming ninja by night. And I love beer.


See ya in a relay!

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Hello, I am new to this game. And I am really finding it a game that's impossible not to love. I hope this game gets the global recognition it deserves. It is already booming here in the Philippines. Long Live Warframe! 

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Greetings, my name is Skycook3y. I am from Germany. My humor is very dark and racist. I am not racist. I like Catgirls. I am no Weeb. My Favorite Warframe is Valkyr for obvious reasons. I am lonely. I am not writing in any specific order because I can.

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Hello everybody! I'm new to the forums, definately not new to the game. Now, I have been helping new players for weeks on end, I just heard about a Mentor Program tonight and was wondering if it existed and where do I sign up? If it doesn't exist, how many Tenno would get behind me to make this happen?

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Hey! What's up everyone? I'm VanTX89 (a.k.a. PaceBreaker) and I really should've posted here sooner but I got a little caught up during Operation Tubemen. Fairly new to the forums but I've been with Warframe since update 13.7 and I'm still enjoying it now.

I'm an audio engineer and self-professed geek! I like to keep to myself, study lots of things (I even play with a laptop on standby), I read a lot and love to play video games. I'm looking forward to seeing what more the Warframe community has to offer.

Edited by (PS4)VanTX89
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