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Channeling Warframe Powers


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Hey guys just a suggestion about Damage dealing waframe powers.


BAsically I think it would be awesome if some powers had a "hold  to increase damage or n° of projectiles thrown" mechanic. 



Examples  :


Fireballs. press 1  : 1 fireball , plain and simple/ 


Charge the power stay pressed on 1 for a second or 2 and you throw more fireballs in one attack / or  bigger fireball / throws 3 fireballs.



But would consume more energy



Slash dash : staying pressed would increase travel distance and damage.






Psychic bolts : Stay pressed and nyx throws more bolts that spread around more.



Rhino charge same as Slash dash but can ragdoll enemies.



Snowballs: Same as fireball



Soul Punch: More damage and punchthrough


For valkyr : Paralysys : more range and stun duration


Oberon; no idea , waiting for his rework.



Pull  ; charge = more damage and range.



Decoy : the decoy has more Hp and aggros enemies ina wider range.


Shock : more damage and stun chance


Tornado : more damage and duration


Mirage : no idea


Ash: shuriken : throws more shuriken and greater range and power/


Vauban ; tesla , more damage 


Nova : antimatter drop , bigger ball


Saryn : venom : has punchthrough


.Keep in mind the bonuses i'm talking about should be in the 10- 15% range. Not too great so it's usless to even cast the skill normally. But great enough so it's useful/


+ the power charge could be affected by Casting speed : natural talent.*







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Channeling on WF ability will only be useful to some.

Most Duration-based ability with these will be OP.

imagine, mirage with channeling HoM... instead of 4 clones it's 5++ clones!! with 25% each....


+1 to nice & good intention/ideas.

-1 to adding it to almost all ability.

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It's an interesting enough idea, but i'm not sure the answer to fixing damage dealing abilities is to get them to deal even more damage.


Besides that, channeling in general is just a really boring mechanic to me. *Hold this button to deal more damage (or range/duration in this case)* It's just straightforward and isn't all that interesting.


Slash Dash ; staying pressed would increase travel distance and damage


I don't care for the damage increase, but I do like this one. Dash/travel powers in general need a way to give us more control over where we're going to use em in more situations. You can spec for a particular distance, but every match (that isn't odd) doesn't play out the same way, so you'll need to travel further in some situations than others.

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Why not just make it cosmetic?


For example:

Powered Slash Dash - dead enemies vaporize as from the channeled attack.


Basically, every ability, if channeled, would have this vaporization effect.


If we add power to already powerful abilities, it would get out of control and all will come to who will have more energy(powered MPing Novas that are even more powerful - nothankyou).

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