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Your Best Survival Record


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83 mi t4.

Only reason we lasted this long is thanks to Nyx constant cc with nova slow, otherwise we would be downed in 2 shots.

BTW, after a certain point in survival all of your weapons become pretty much useless (took a 5 forma boltor prime almost a full clip just to finish off a 140 heavy gunner) so the only way to survive is constant cc and good power strength m.prime for some good quality slow.

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76, barely got out once the marker hit 75. We would just lock down a whole room with trinity and banshee , Soundquake for the lockdown and energy vamp to supply banshee with infinite energy, while the other 2 were killing things...sadly they couldn't kill them fast enough after a while so we had to bail due to life support, 

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hmm i dont have a picture on the end but i end this round on 60 minute i save this picture cause want to show the level on eximus to my friend ( it a bad run actually die 2 time and miss too many headshot on eximus coz panic )


it solo btw



Edited by ComplexityZ
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