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Splitting Hairs And Picking Faction Guns


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I absolutely adore the way this game is designed: The art and style all creates a great sci-fi charisma that is purely it's own. I know we are still far from done in terms of game and art design, but I had a few questions and concerns, and thought I would post them here. Mostly, they concern everyones favorite thing: Guns, more specifically, enemy armament.


Grineer troops bring struns, bratons and sicarus' (sicarii?) on their troopers, lancers and shield lancers. I understand the strun, though it does not look like other grineer weapons, but the corprus designed braton and the unidentified sicarus confuse me moderately. Are they still placeholders for the 'grineer rifle'? Is there a plan to put the viper in the hands of shield lancers, where I would expect them to belong? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems heavy gunners and seekers bring the gorgon and kraken respectively. Is there a grineer assault rifle, shotgun, and for that matter, sniper rifle, in the works?


Similarly, we can address corprus. They make the braton... why don't they use it? I love the fact that they got models for their guns: I'm quite pleased, actually, that they have their own 'plasma gun' that I, as a tenno, cannot get. Somehow I know that, eventually, corprus plasma guns will get into my grubby little ninja hands, but for now I'm satisfied that they have their own weapon models to represent their unique weapons.


So I guess, in brief, this is me griping about the grineer using the corprus braton, when the corprus do not, and I'm kindof curious if there are plans to work on this. I imagine it's something being sorted out, especially with the idea of in game lore coming, but curiosity got to me. I'd rather the factions get their feeling consolidated over more crazy tenno weapons arriving... though I'm not goign to complain about more weapons either.

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"The Corpus control all traded goods."

"They control the entire supply chain of goods that flow through the solar system."


The Corpus are considered to be masters in the manufacturing of Orokin tech and maintain the solar rail network for moving around trade goods, (and I assume) most of them being cheap, robust, effective, and easy to manufacture Bratons. And the only other paying customer are the Grineers, who are in need of cheap, robust, and effective weaponry to outfit their multitudes cloned fodder troops.


Therefore the Corpus Bratons would most probably see the most circulation, hence the saturation of Bratons in Grineer-held territory.



And Corpus crewman would never pick up a cheap trashy Braton anyways. They've got awesome plasma rifles, for Hek's sake!

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A reasonable answer. My reasoning is that the grineer clearly are 1:capable of mass production and 2: prideful to a fault. You make a good point about the corprus not using the braton, as a sub par weapon: Keep the best for yourself, let the others have the rest. This would be well reinforced if we saw another faction rise that was a much more rag-tag collection of mercs, civilians, what have you, using whatever they scrounge (being bratons). Foor for thought, certainly.

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A reasonable answer. My reasoning is that the grineer clearly are 1:capable of mass production and 2: prideful to a fault. You make a good point about the corprus not using the braton, as a sub par weapon: Keep the best for yourself, let the others have the rest. This would be well reinforced if we saw another faction rise that was a much more rag-tag collection of mercs, civilians, what have you, using whatever they scrounge (being bratons). Foor for thought, certainly.

What I want to know is that why can't we, the Tenno, can't have the cool Corpus plasma rifles.


They look super awesome could, make them slightly above the Braton in terms of damage per shot, but lower firerate and added projectile travel-time, with a credit price point of somewhere between the Braton and Latron. New low tier long gun DE pretty please?

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I'm sure we will see it before too long. I imagien it would have similar functions as the boltor, with how it has travel time on the plasma bolts and the like. Hand held rail gun would make a fine corprus style sniper rifle, I might add.


And the cattle prod, for giggles, but, thats a bit beside the point. No doubt it's coming. I'm more interested in seeing more corprus and grineer unique equipment.


My god. A doubel barrelled grineer assault rifle. Sign me up.

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A double barrel assault rifle would be great. It seems that Grineer are followers of the "More Dakka" ideology  so maybe it could be a nerfed (and cheaper) version of the Gorgon, with more spread, less damage, but the same or greater RoF.

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Something I would like to see would be the bosses and maybe a few of the tougher enemies in possession of a weapon or two that only the Tenno can manufacture.

Trophies that they took from Tenno they killed or captured which wouldn't be implausible. A fair number of these guys are tough as hell and pack a wallop! It would certainly lead to more interesting boss fights, especially if someone like Nef Anyo started hunting you with a Paris and nailed you to a wall or the ground.

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I don't have a source, but I believe the Devs have said a pack of energy weapons is coming, perhaps with update 8.

As for more dakka, why stop at two barrels? There has been a proposal for the Grineer Hydra, a multi stack 8 barreled Metal Storm style weapon. It would be distinct from the Gorgon in that it starts at full auto and keeps firing for a moment after the trigger is released.

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