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[Weapon Concept] Orokin Particle Rifle


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Thanks everyone - I just want to give this the best chance of reaching DE's eyes as possible. Even if it's not to their liking in the end.



More concept art on the way, including a coloured version of the origional pic. Should be done in the next couple of days. 

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This so much of this, great work outstanding how much thought went into this I rather have this in the game than these 2 updates (but that's just me) looks awesome I love the twisted broken but function and cool look it has and the stats make it sound balanced. +1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the Corpus may have riped you off...


With their new Orokin Moa's? 


Yes I know....they raided my lab last night : ( 


But I've been sending letters to a friend of a friend, goes by the name of DeSteve - hopefully he'll reply back soon, and we can put those boxheads in their place! 

Edited by 11.11.11
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That's the idea. It's powered by a miniature sun held in stasis at the event horizon of a microscopic black hole. As time went on, the mini sun went nova and blew up part of the gun but the nano-singularity is holding it together (for now).

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I think it might be better served as a weapon that has a "bar" of energy that is depleted as you hold down the trigger, then regenerates when you're not firing, sort of like the Stamina bar or the Prothean Particle Rifle from Mass Effect 3. If you deplete it fully, you get a lengthy cool-down animation, but if you don't, then it just recharges normally. Sounds like a cool weapon, and awesome concept art!

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I think it might be better served as a weapon that has a "bar" of energy that is depleted as you hold down the trigger, then regenerates when you're not firing, sort of like the Stamina bar or the Prothean Particle Rifle from Mass Effect 3. If you deplete it fully, you get a lengthy cool-down animation, but if you don't, then it just recharges normally. Sounds like a cool weapon, and awesome concept art!


I would agree, were it not for the fact that it would completely remove the element of rewarding player accuracy, and that is kind of what this concept is all about. There are plenty of suggestions for beam weapons or ammo-less one's. This one's a mite different. 

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That's the idea. It's powered by a miniature sun held in stasis at the event horizon of a microscopic black hole. As time went on, the mini sun went nova and blew up part of the gun but the nano-singularity is holding it together (for now).


You watch too much startreck.

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I would agree, were it not for the fact that it would completely remove the element of rewarding player accuracy, and that is kind of what this concept is all about. There are plenty of suggestions for beam weapons or ammo-less one's. This one's a mite different. 

Ahhh, I see. In that case, this gun looks like it would have a steep learning curve, then plateau in terms of skill. Tough to get used to at first (high skill threshold) but once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature.

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Actually I hate Star Trek. To much bad technobabble :P


Still, very nice if you need something to watch at 6 am.

Either way, "miniature sun, held at event horizon by a black hole" is just silly and counter-scientific enough to make it into Startreck (TOS, at least).

Come on, stars don't work that way. Black holes don't work that way. Even event horizons don't work that way! Not to mention that there's no way to hold such a complicated construction stable by one point, pulling everything together, when the tension isn't pressing parts against one another. Kind of similar with magnetic levitation - even if you find a stable spot, its' going to be anything by self-stabilizing.

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I know, I am aware of my hypocrisy XD

It's still better than that time Doctor cured and reversed "evolution" with anti-matter.


Edit: I shouldn't have said hate anyway. I like parts of Star Trek, but the junk science does bug me. Doesn't mean I wont wip it out when it suits my purposes :P


Keep in mind Warframe is already a universe with selective Magnetism, Pew Pew guns and other extremely soft science concepts. It's not trying to be Usurper of the Sun, Eclipse Phase, Incandescence or insert-other-hard-sci-fi-here. 

Edited by ValhaHazred
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