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We Need A Kick Button To Get Rid Of Scroungers


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So me and my mates just slaved away at the new event barley doing it, while this lv2 just died on purpose and did nothing for the whole game, just so he can get everything we worked for, people like that don't deserve a wraith weapon ever.


People can just sit in games and scrounge the rewards off of people that work hard for it, it isn't fair at all.

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would a vote kick be useful? i dont know, maybe. but saying "we need _____" isnt really true. we, as a community do not need anything. a proper tite would be "I would like ______"


To your point about leechers, i agree, they are irritating, but i think the reputation system that DE is working on should help with that. If ntohing else works, then you should just go wiht friends.

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So me and my mates just slaved away at the new event barley doing it, while this lv2 just died on purpose and did nothing for the whole game, just so he can get everything we worked for, people like that don't deserve a wraith weapon ever.


People can just sit in games and scrounge the rewards off of people that work hard for it, it isn't fair at all.


It's a real pity people join matches and don't actually play the game.  =(


All you can really do is collect evidence via screenshots, and report him/her by making a support ticket via the Warframe help desk.




EDIT: and oh yeah...  About a kick button.  Well that could work both ways, and serious griefing can be a result of that.

Edited by sushidubya
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A kick / votekick option would be abused; a blacklist feature might be worthwhile to prevent repeat offense from the same person to prevent them from ever being paired with you again.


Either way, you need to be exposed to the offender at least once for either option to be used while the second option would make sure you never get bothered by that player ever again while just having a kick function means you could be matched up again with that player in the future.

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Need a report system for this type of problem, had the same thing to happen to me, we were 4 and this guy just afk'd at the extraction while the rest of us collected 5690 points.

I am one of those who ran to extraction to afk when I am being 1 shotted.


Is it my fault for being matched with people that can handle stronger enemies than i do?

Edited by DoomStick
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it'll create more problem than it can solve


Meh, people keep saying this but I disagree. Everyone immediately looks at the absolute worst part about a function that's actually successful in many other games to stop griefing/afkers. Yeah, we're gonna get some asshats abusing it. But It's just as bad as asshats abusing the fact that we don't have a kick function. In fact I'll argue that the current afkers are far more rampant than the small menagerie of folks that might abuse a kick function.




Well, maybe you can connect the kick feature with certain requirements :0

For example: Player that is to be kicked has to be inactive for 3 minutes (random number is random)


Sadly a simple macro or a weight pressed down on a movement key can easily circumvent that.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I am one of those who ran to extraction to afk when I am being 1 shotted.


Is it my fault for being matched with people that can handle stronger enemies than i do?

No, but this was a squad made in Recruitment were the host stated we would go as far as possible, and the guy had the gear to go through, since our team comp was pretty good and we were all well geared he just went afk bc he knew we would get enough points for all of the rewards.

Edited by Khawz
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