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Hate Newbie Players? Please Read This When You Have Time.


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I haven't seen too many people be mean to newbies though the first mission I ever did with another player in this game was with a guy who coptered all the way to the target and to the exit setting off the alarm and leaving my newbie self with a level 4 or 5 mag, starting weapons and who was still getting use to the movement system so had no knowledge of coptering trying to catch up and feeling like a heel. The second went the same way.  After that I switched to solo so I could actually play the missions properly without rushers until I knew the game well enough. I think if your going to rush low level mission like that you should switch to solo. It's not like have a team-mate even if they aren't a newb is going to help you but newbs getting grouped with other newbs or more experienced players who are patient could be good for them.


I did get annoyed at someone activating life support at 90% but that was because I had told them not to and explained why twice (though I didn't pitch a fit and swear at them). The problem is not that they are a new, it's that they don't listen. 


can someone explain that definition?


TL:DR = too long, didn't read. 

Edited by DementedSheep525
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This post was huge so I skimmed it and I think I get the gist of it. I'm a pretty elitist person and I'm also quite the veteran. However, although I acknowledge a newer person may not understand the game, them being a good player or not is actually not dependent on this. I could see myself insulting a player that is terrible at the game whether they be mastery 1 or 17, but not because they are new. I have friends that I used to play competitive shooters with that have played the game and they were very good at it, despite their lack of weapons/mods. There's a difference between being ill-equipped and being bad at the game. Insulting a player solely based on them being new, is the absolute dumbest thing I've ever heard. For all you know, this new player is a professional counter strike player and has better accuracy than .01% of all Warframe players or something.


Personally, I don't go into pug groups because I know that when I first start playing a game, having someone carry me and kill everything is not fun. So I don't want them to experience the game that way. The only time I pug is when I don't have friends online to run an alert. I will admit, I rush alerts because I'm only there for the end reward. I hope this doesn't damage too many new players spirits.

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Not mastery but their warfarme rank

A veteran can put a maxxed Redirection mod on an unranked frame just by using a matched-polarity aura.  That alone is enough to survive in most of the solar system.


And if the vet can't do that, he at least ought to know better than to take an under-geared frame into a hard mission.

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I don't need to give some story to agree with you, but you are absolutely correct. We were all once new to this game, and this rule should apply to real life as well. People need to slow down and learn some patience, cause the attitude I see (not just in Warframe, but EVERYWHERE) is atrocious.


Take my +1, OP. Threads like this are refreshing to see every once in a while. I only hope at least one person saw this thread and understood the message, and made a change to him or herself.

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I wish there is a Apprentice system. I got one of my friends into this game and of course I played longer than him and I got all the good stuf. But what I did was I showed him all kinds of stuff and gave him some rare mods to start with. And he is almost at my skill level.


So yeah. Being nice is one thing. But being a teacher for a noob can form that noob into a weapon.

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I wish there is a Apprentice system. I got one of my friends into this game and of course I played longer than him and I got all the good stuf. But what I did was I showed him all kinds of stuff and gave him some rare mods to start with. And he is almost at my skill level.


So yeah. Being nice is one thing. But being a teacher for a noob can form that noob into a weapon.

If you play any fps games, all you need is a few good mods and you're good to go~

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What do you call someone who played the game form like day 1?  They can't be noobs as there's no precedent players to call them such so what are those players called?  Firsts?  Vets?  I dunno, any of you ever think about that?

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When I was a noob I actually wanted to play with other noobs. Playing with high-level players right after starting a new game is the most @(*()$ annoying thing ever I have experienced in this game. I couldn't get any kills, I couldn't get any better in this game because I couldn't do anything else than ''leech'' all the missions, unwillingly of course.


New players ruin the gameplay of old players, and old players ruin the gameplay of new players.

I was playing (and getting taxied, but that was long ago) with someone experienced from the start, and that actually let me get a bit better - I was FORCED (yes, FORCED) to get better, else I'd have nothing - no fun, no kills, nothing. When I started getting mods and upgrading guns then I started getting competitive. Now I don't have any problems with getting kills and stuff, it just takes time. Leeching isn't that bad after all, as you might get a solid springboard if you're hanging around with right people.


Once I was taken to T4D and it was all a novelty for me. I was like, rank 20? Mag without most mods, I was just randomly running around and spamming Pull. I probably died only once, as far as I remember. It was rough when you saw that your bullets do nothing, but that just tells you "stop shooting, try to survive for once, huh?!".

What's the story behind this? Play with people who don't exactly give you attention, but have the patience. It's fun after all. You can also tell noobs to just watch out for everything and let them get carried, but while they're caring for themselves. That may teach them something.


I had the possibility to see true noobs, not newbs. These just won't behave.

Edited by Filas312
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As a noob I am glad to see experienced players trying to be nice with us, I know we sometimes are annoying and hold back the others, but hey, we all have been noobs once, and if you don't help the noobs improve, then they will never do so, actually, I am kind of new to the whole genre (I have played some games like this, but not for too long).

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If I meet new players in public games I would help and revive them no matter how many times they go down, but here are two behaviors I won't tolerate:


1. Get mad and curse me how I "steal" their kills. I seldom use frames that have mass nuking abilities, I can kill faster than you because my weapon has max rank damage and elemental mods. They don't realize that there is shared exp that will benefit you a lot.


2. Trolling and rude behaviors (refuse to open doors, tbaging downed players etc.)


And also a lot of new players inspect my warframe, weapon or badge by pointing their guns at me. You feel offended when someone points at you in real life and I find it a little bit offended when other players do that to me in game. If you are curious about my gear please directly ask me or use your scanner.

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i think the Warframe community is pretty good in comparison to other MMO's. i'm only MR4, taking my time understanding the systems etc. but i've had far more good experiences than bad.


dropping into a quick defense mission to find a makeup of MR3, MR0 and an MR16 who's just said he'll take the team to wave 30 for the void key if everyone's ok. that's the kind of thing i see more often than the one's who just disappear and complete the mission while you're opening containers, then tell you to hurry up.

the best example is the other day i put up a WTB Braton Prime call out in the trade chat and an MR17 player offered everything but the stock. i have 2 maxed rifles i don't want to potato and actually just wanted to get a build going before work, so i could start leveling(mainly for the MR) once i got home later. so i turned him down and told him why, next thing he's offering to taxi me to a T4 for the only part he didn't have and babysit me till it dropped. 


of course he would've still wanted plat for the rest of the parts etc. but when was the last time you heard of anything like that happening in an MMO?

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If I meet new players in public games I would help and revive them no matter how many times they go down, but here are two behaviors I won't tolerate:


1. Get mad and curse me how I "steal" their kills. I seldom use frames that have mass nuking abilities, I can kill faster than you because my weapon has max rank damage and elemental mods. They don't realize that there is shared exp that will benefit you a lot.


2. Trolling and rude behaviors (refuse to open doors, tbaging downed players etc.)


And also a lot of new players inspect my warframe, weapon or badge by pointing their guns at me. You feel offended when someone points at you in real life and I find it a little bit offended when other players do that to me in game. If you are curious about my gear please directly ask me or use your scanner.

Well, I avoid the first two, and I was not aweare of the third, thanks for maetioning it, I will try to avoid aiming at my team mates from now on.

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im kind to all noobs except rhinoobs because they think they are the ultimate being and never reilise they're being carried harder then bear gryll's backpack...

Well, someones got to take the piss.


But in all seriousness, there is indeed a difference. my post is releated for new players who gets misstreated

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Now I don't mind having new players in pub with me, and explaining, however, the only issue I do have is when they don't see there own limitation. T4 void? Pluto? Yea I seen it, and these guys thing they can take it on, when in reality they are hindering the team, falling on the revive state over and over again. 

Edited by cryotech9020
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