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Runners Who Likes To Play With Them?


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Go fast or go home. There is nothing worthwhile finding in a mission. If you need to farm go to survival or defense and bring a Nekros. Other missions are just there to unlock the survivals and defenses, which is a problem with warframe, not the missions.


I am a ninja who completes his objective. My objective is to sabotage, not kill every mo-fo I see. If you can't keep up, oh well =P


P.S. You'll see a lot more of us in higher tier, because we didn't waste time killing every mob =P.

you are a ninja


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You don't understand.


When you want to go slow = play solo

When you are on a team = go fast


If you are trying to go fast, and you go down I will clear the room and save you (general).  If you are crawling along trying to kill everything then I will just leave you. 


lol.. I think a more fair statement would be:


When you are solo - you do want you want

When you are on a team - you try to go with the Team's majority's style - be it rush or taking it slow.


Personally, I don't mind slowing down when the Team has new players.  Even if I tend to rush ahead a little, I can wait at some doorways for them to catchup before continuing together.

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Yes I see what you did there: You made a logical mistake.


See,  not everybody wants to solo a mission, or feels capable of their ability to solo the mission. So they engage their Public Matchmaking mode to get placed into a team for the mission in question, because they want other people to participate with them.  But then they find that the people the game has placed them with are hardcore rush players who leave them behind to fend for themself without a thought.  A player can play solo regardless of whether they are alone or not, all it takes is casual disregard for other people.  But a player who wants a team experience cannot have a team experience when other people are soloists.  The issue can be forced one way but not the other.  THAT, is why rush players who don't even care about what other people are doing should be the ones choosing Solo mode in their matchmaking.  Going Public is an implicit declaration that you will play in a way that acknowledges and supports other people.


No, going Public is an implicit declaration that you are taking the risk to play with pugs who may or may not have the same play-style as you. No one is obligated to help you other than out of the goodness of their heart.


When you play in public queue you sign the imaginary waiver that says you either put up with what you get or you choose to leave mission.

Edited by Arabaxus
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I rush without killing as it is not a necessity, especially in Void Captures. Thing is, most people rush with me. We get the mission done in 1 minute or so and enjoy our credits and prime parts :D


If people want to kill I let them, I usually finish the objective first and just do a relaxed jog back home.


 While the ability and the option to do that certainly exists, It is my opinion that it simply isn't playing the game properly. That is more or less the sole reason I rarely do it. The only exceptions being high level missions that I'm not prepared to fly solo on where my allies all bumrush past enemies together. I don't like doing it but I'm not gonna get killed repeatedly over not keeping up with allies.

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i dont play slow, there is no turtle frame

iv had great team plays and helped a bunch of people

made im just saying that the runners or better players

should play solo if the feel that they are that good

it feels that the runnere or better players are using others so they dont have to play solo

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 While the ability and the option to do that certainly exists, It is my opinion that it simply isn't playing the game properly. That is more or less the sole reason I rarely do it. The only exceptions being high level missions that I'm not prepared to fly solo on where my allies all bumrush past enemies together. I don't like doing it but I'm not gonna get killed repeatedly over not keeping up with allies.

Rushing to the objective without stopping to kill everything is the proper way to play the game.  Killing everything is meant for missions like survival, defense, and exterminate.

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 its happenbd too many times to me..

you join a game and find that the other palyer;s or player just run through it shotting nothing ,trying to finish as fast as possible or something?

in my last sabotage mission i called a guy out for being a RUNNER and you know what he said>??

you could play it slow if you want, but he was the first one to get to the finnish and start the count down clock, screwing me over because im half way there killing all or most of the enemies in my way, not to mention looting lockers too.

do you think there should be a different match up the computer uses for finding squads for (team players) and (RUNNERS) or should we still be all together???????????????????

i perosnally could play solo and do, but when i choose team play i need a team and not a RUNNER or RUNNETRS who leave me fighting like i was playing solo..

does someone agree wiith me ,or am i just a shiiiy player and complain too much?

im not talking about VOLT

You're playing space ninja game, but you want to walk slowly through every corridor gunning everything down.

I hope you're aware that is not what ninjas would do.

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Past couple days I saw this thread thinking it was some new and creative way of messing around with these guys in game:




Then found out it was a thread about rushers.  Don't fret SLYEST1 you'll soon be playing just as fast as the "runners" as you call them, and then a couple months from now newbies will be complaining about you too.




It's the natural order of things.  We all get faster when we play more and more.

Edited by sushidubya
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running and rushing in this game is easy mode, and boring, not to mention it forces you to be less than an optimal killing machine by taking rush and stamina mods.


ive played this game for a hell of alot of hours, since U5 ish i think, i am only mr13 (with every weapon and frame in game bought / built and just not yet leveled but more than enough formad weapons to be mr17 i only mention this because im fed up of the gotta go fast crowd saying only new players dont rush).


now saying this, i choose to play at what i class as a reasonable pace, ill sprint and ill slide as and when needed however ill always run at the pace of the slowest in the group, and if the others have slightly underwhelming gear i let off the killing as to let them have some fun also, as to me, the fun is in killing stuff not rushing from load screen to load screen.


now saying that if the majority of the group are of the gotta go fast mindset ill do my best to rush as much as possible, inevitably only be a few seconds behind in most cases, but have a good 80% of the kills.


however, that is not the norm, what i usually find is youll have 1 under-geared crappy high MR player who thinks that rushing off alone is pro and leaving the rest of the team - often lower level also underwhelmingly geared to fend for them selves, most of the time they will fail to even shoot out sensors and cameras.


and it is for those types that i believe should be playing in solo mode as they clearly have no interest in team play and clearly do not need a team to support them.


now i also rarely need a team to support me, however i prefer to kill stuff with others (and i have everything i could need in wf already so im there to shoot and stab stuff in a different environment and nothing more complex than that) but will adjust to the majority of the groups pace, unlike alot - not all - of the gotta go fast rusher crowd and thats where the problems arise.


if you join a public group you should be prepared to adjust your play-style to match the majority, and dont be selfish, everyone's in the match to have fun, if your incredibly geared and a team mate isnt, if the situation allows it, slow down, let them get in on the action also.





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if you join a public group you should be prepared to adjust your play-style to match the majority, and dont be selfish, everyone's in the match to have fun, if your incredibly geared and a team mate isnt, if the situation allows it, slow down, let them get in on the action also.

If you join a public game then you should run as fast as possible.  If  NO ONE ELSE wants to go slow then you will get stopped at friendship doors.

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You know what I love about these topics. Rushers and slow player alike could solve their problem by playing solo. Truth is I will rush any mission where I can. We have other S#&$ to do and time is not a replenishable resource. The number of time we have ot wait for you is just as annoying. truth is the best players adapt to the mission and not some adherent playstyle that is ohh so special. If the mission requires you to runn that &#! off then do so if you have to kill 150 mobs then fire up the weed whacker. 


Instead of rehashing the same complaint over and over I think it is time we present the other side. 

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I understand runners in alerts, since there's really no point in collecting pathetic pocket change from lockers, but running through void/derelict mission is a completely different story... good thing the host can decide who to take :D

IF you encounter these things in regular non-survival missions, GET OVER IT! unless there are oxiums dropping everywhere there's no point in collecting useless junks like your 999999th alloy plate.

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I understand runners in alerts, since there's really no point in collecting pathetic pocket change from lockers, but running through void/derelict mission is a completely different story... good thing the host can decide who to take :D

IF you encounter these things in regular non-survival missions, GET OVER IT! unless there are oxiums dropping everywhere there's no point in collecting useless junks like your 999999th alloy plate.

Why is it a different thing in void/derelict? I would like to understand that.

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Why is it a different thing in void/derelict? I would like to understand that.

people want to get crystals in void, others don't seem to care. same thing for other rare resources. not exactly pathetic pocket change...

like I said gathering oxium is a justifiable reason to not run in regular missions.

Edited by MemeticRepo
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I hate runners only in Assesinations even more if they do it in low levels boss totally destroying new players experience.


There are just certain stuff where running on public mode makes the drop rate seem more generous. For me it seems like Phorid and Alad V, their drop rate for Argons and Sensors are less than 1/3rd drop rate but its magically like 80% drop rate when in a public group. 

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people want to get crystals in void, others don't seem to care. same thing for other rare resources. not exactly pathetic pocket change...

like I said gathering oxium is a justifiable reason to not run in regular missions.

Let's face it no one does a void extermination for argon. You go to surv/def for that. Same thing for oxium,you go to a defence mission for that.
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