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The Valkyr Hysteria Debate - Make Her A True Bloodlust Frame!


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Hi there, so I've taken on board what every has said in this thread, and have concluded that my original idea, while motivated correctly, was absolutely trash. Here is it if you fancy a laugh :)

Hey folks, following on from my Rhino thread the other day, I would like to talk about another Waframe that sits as part of the tank line up, as the title suggests, the Valkyr. The Rhino I felt needed reworking to tone down his CC and damage buff ablities in favour of pulling aggro and gaining tankiness that scales. Check out my ideas here if you are interested:


So why change her?
Whereas I felt the Rhino largely fell short as a tank beyond the early game (where he is broken beyond belief), the Valkyr as we all know spams her Hysteria to become an unkillable melee machine for huge chunks of time, rarely to never feeling the supposed downsides the ability implies (i.e. the loss of her primaries and the health loss at the end). This makes the risk vs. reward of the frame rather poor, and pretty much shunts all her power exclusively into 1 skill, which is a shame because the rest of her kit is in my opinion darned cool. I feel she could be far more interesting, and most players seem to agree that damage invulnerability, as was with the Rhino's old Iron Skin, is a very toxic mechanic that doesn't belong in the game.

TLDR - Invulnerability SUX!

What do you have in mind?

I see Valkyr as essentially a Berserker, her whole design is one of rage and brutally ripping things apart with her bare hands in a blood lust. Both thematically and gameplay-wise her kit is rather well geared for her in this regard, her regular 3 skills are all about sticking to targets and keeping them in range for the torrent of melee damage she is setup to unleash with her Hysteria. Sadly these skills are not called upon as often as they should be, as the ability to simply become invincible and absorb as much damage as you like doesn't really give you any reason to worry about keeping all your opponents in range. Right now she can just keep walking from enemy to enemy whittling them down until they are all dead.

So my though s to basically take the invulnerablility off her completely, and also that surviving enemies who have dealt damage to her cause her to lose health thing (cause that just seems weird).

TLDR - Remove it! (And that weird surviving enemy damage applicaiton thing at the end)

So naturally you are vying to have Hysterias invulnerablity removed, but what should we do instead?

Well the primary idea is to focus exclusively on lifestealing as her main form of survival. The Valkyr's kit is already reasonably geared for her to be this kind of frame. With the low base shields and 33% shield cost on Paralysis, buffing shields is rarely done on the Valkyr, since her lifesteal and invulnerablity on Hysteria give her all the tankiness she needs.

Without the invulnerability however she will instead be relying her huge armour and health pool (and the CC immunity her ult provides) to keep her alive long enough for her to keep pummeling her opponents and taking their precious life blood to feed her. A max rank Steel Fibre and Vitality mod will give her stacks of both, and give her a pretty respectable effective health pool overall. Using her Warcry (50% extra armour) buffs her effective health pool up even further to ridiculous proportions!

*Numbers Version*

Without the invulnerability she will instead be relying on lifesteal coupled with her armour and health pool to keep her alive. A max rank Steel Fibre and Vitality mod will give her 1260 armour and 1320 health respectively. The damage reduction from her armour would give her 80% damage resistance or so, and that works out to give her 6850+ health overall. Using her Warcry (50% extra armour) gives her 1890 armour ( an 86% reduction) and bumps up her effective health pool to 9600+.

Remember that her lifesteal will only be acting on her base HP, not effective HP. Already I imagine you can see the kind of potential returns in health that lifesteal on every melee attack can potentially provide to the Valkyr. Even relatively weak attacks on enemies at something like 10% life steal will be granting back 3% of her max HP or so for every target hit. I calculate a high damage build pulling back 9% of her max HP EVERY attack. Given each swing works on up to 5 enemies we are talking potentially 4k~ HP effectively every single attack!

TLDR - Her kit is already pretty damned survivable without actually changing anything.

So just a buff to her lifesteal? Do you actually want to add anything else to compensate the loss of such a powerful ability!?
The question/problem is when we are getting to the super late game, how good do we want her to be? Even with the massive damage reduction of her armour she will still be going down very quickly at this kind of point of the game.

Idea 1

I want to say something like while Hysteria is active the Valkyr cannot take more than 10% of her HP in damage from any single attack or something, but I imagine given the way shotguns work and the potentially huge number of enemies firing rifles at the end game, this would do slim to nothing most of the time. Lowering it any further than that negates the point of her armour/health build ideology. (In fact you benefit more from not building HP)

Idea 2

While Hysteria is active make her armour increases the lower her health gets to mimic her body being flooded with adrenaline, becoming tankier as her HP gets lower. My only real concern is will there come a point where she gets 1 shot before this ability can kick in?

Idea 3

Since she is in a blind fury kind of mode, her rage could allow her to get up of her own accord if she is knocked into bleeding out mode. Perhaps hitting melee/jump 10 times while downed, or completing some kind of red cipher like puzzle, or perhaps even getting downed just causing her to fall on the gorund and slowly claw her way back to her feet instead. Getting back up will bring her back on her feet at 1/2 HP (and even angrier). Subsequent downs lowers the HP she comes back with each time.

Hysteria carries over and we could then temporarily make her immune to damage for 3-4 seconds or perhaps stunning/knocking back all nearby enemies to get back to life stealing again... or both.

Note: I like this idea most myself, DE could add some slick animation to show her crawling back to her feet and shrugging off the damage/screaming at the top of her lungs and knocking enemies on their a$$. I know how much they like doing cool shizz :)

Anyway, thoughts, suggestions and criticisms are welcome ;)

So upon some reflection and a lot more thinking, the issue a far as I see with the Valkyr (and this problem will remain as long as she stays in her current state), she is very much a Marmite frame. Players either love her kit entirely for the power and utility it brings, while others consider her a rather noobish frame with a number of crutches that make her very boring to play.

While my opinion of the Valkyr hasn’t necessarily changed, there were a number of things I didn’t take into consideration when I made my original suggestion. I’ve been sat for a few weeks now trying to come up with a more solid solution to address this controversial issue, and hopefully find a middle of the road that pleases all. Here are the points that I have taken into consideration: -


Pros: -
- The way armour works, coupled with the Valkyrs high armour base and her buff from Warcry, gives her a damage reduction based on the damage enemies are dealing to her.
- Due to its design her tankiness scales through most of the game very well.
- The Life Strike/Blind Rage melee build gives her massive sustain as well as boosting her tankiness even further.
- Her whole kit (Rip Line/Warcry/Paralysis) works well at making full use of the melee power the above build provides
- Hysteria gives her invincibility for a very long time, even at unmodded levels, allowing her to resurrect and/or tank in locations no other frame would be able to.

Cons: -
- Hysteria negates a lot of the clever and interesting builds designed to maximise her tankiness and sustain, by simply providing an “Oh S#&$, my health is low, better hit the Denied! button” ability. This is especially problematic in the Conclave.
- Beyond the invincibility Hysteria is a very poor skill, with lacklustre damage, the blocking of primary/secondary weapons, and a very odd end health loss mechanic upon ending. All of this makes being forced to use Hysteria, kinda boring.
- While the intent is clearly there, virtually none of Hysteria’s current mechanics meet with the frame’s theme, turning the Valkyr into more of a support frame than a front line monster ripping enemies apart.



So Valkyr’s, here is my revised suggestion to you, that will hopefully make the Valkyr more rewarding to play, and finally put this belly-aching and crusade against her to rest.

The focus is to make Hysteria a truly “Oh $#!?” ability, where activation of it feels like you are really channelling everything you have into a last stand of fury, pain and death.

Hysteria Changes

1) Her claws still use the same damage calculation as before (300 + 1.75 * Power Strength * Damage Mods * Base Weapon Damage), however the Damage mods now also inherit the elemental damage of her equipped melee weapon as well. In addition each melee attack will deal 5% of the enemies max HP extra. (Obviously this damage is affected by enemy resistances, so in relation to bosses it may not necessarily take 20 hits to kill enemies as standard… with the Valkyr’s insane attack speed)


2) Under Hysteria the Valkyr cannot use primary or secondary weapons, but this ability is now toggle-able, with an activation cost of 50 energy, and the standard energy cost to maintain (affected by power efficiency).


3) The maintainance energy cost of Hysteria doubles every 5 seconds that the ability is active. (I feel the Nyx would benefit from this same mechanic with an initial energy cost).


4) Hysteria loses the Health loss upon end mechanic, and still provides invincibility, but drains 20 HP every second (or 2 HP every 1/10th of a second). I’m also toying with the idea of CC immunity being removed as a balance factor.


5) Lifesteal buffed to match the Life Strike mod. This coupled with the previous point encourages the Valkyr to use this ability to fight, not run away/be a resurrection bot.


Doing this gives Hysteria the feeling of being an important part of the Valkyr’s kit, while preventing the constant spam of the ability to be the rezz support, invici-tank she is now. The sustained mana cost means she cannot remain invincible as long as she pleases, and the initial energy cost (coupled with the activation animation) prevents turning her invincible mode on and off at will. The health drain gives the ultimate a weakness both in terms of activation (she can't trigger it while low on HP AND too far from enemies) and in terms of use (she MUST keep fighting if she wants to use her invincibility).

I do feel however that even with these drawbacks, on the whole this is pretty much a buff to the Valkyr, as Hysteria gives her some damage scaling that she is otherwise lacking (in the form of HP percentage based damage). We may find that her Warcry (which if you are honest, is her best ability by far) may have to be reigned in a tad, the numbers are obviously up for debate. However as a concept I'm eager to see what you guys think :)

So that is version 2. Ideas, contribution and criticisms are welcome :D

Edited by FatalJ
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removing hysteria s invulnerability would somewhat change what valkyr was meant for, she s not the kind of berserker where "the more you hit me the harder i hit you", she s more like a combinaison of tryndamere and olaf(from league of legends, check their ults to see what i mean) she s the berserker type to ignore the pain and go all over you, so i don t think removing hysteria s invulnerability is needed

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removing hysteria s invulnerability would somewhat change what valkyr was meant for, she s not the kind of berserker where "the more you hit me the harder i hit you", she s more like a combinaison of tryndamere and olaf(from league of legends, check their ults to see what i mean) she s the berserker type to ignore the pain and go all over you, so i don t think removing hysteria s invulnerability is needed


I see what you are saying, but the big thing that irks me is there are so many clever things to her kit (such as the armour/health effective HP, the low shields and shield cost spell to push you into your health pool, the whole kit setup to keep enemies locked in melee, etc) that are just pointless cause you can gear her to just be invincible off her ult all the time.

Even Hysteria itself has a number of cool features (like the lifesteal and CC immunity) that just don't really matter because shes invulnerable to damage. Just seems a shame to break such a clever frame down to such a basically boring ability :/

Edited by FatalJ
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I strongly dislike the suggestions.


It appears to me that the OP plays Valkyr in a different way. Let me explain why:


Hysteria is surprisingly balanced. It gives Invulnerability and Life Steal for a limited time, but it also makes the use of weaponry impossible and restricts you to claw melee. The claws are vastly inferior to my melee weapons. At higher levels I do little to no damage with them and have to rely on my weapons to thin the herd of enemies.


I essentially use Hysteria to keep from dying, to rack up some health again, and to reposition. Then I take the enemy down with my weapons.


During the excavation challenge Hysteria became increasingly useless as a combat mechanic at about 3000 points. I spent about 20 seconds beating up a single enemy. If you are trying to protect the pod you really need weapons.


However, Hysteria kept me (and thus my team) alive long enough to manage enough extractors to reach 3000 points.


You cannot keep Valkyr continually in Hysteria. You usually don't have enough energy, and you don't have access to your weapons, which you need sometimes, at least at higher levels. Thus the claim that someone would lock her up to prevent damage is simply inaccurate.

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I strongly dislike the suggestions.


It appears to me that the OP plays Valkyr in a different way. Let me explain why:


Hysteria is surprisingly balanced. It gives Invulnerability and Life Steal for a limited time, but it also makes the use of weaponry impossible and restricts you to claw melee. The claws are vastly inferior to my melee weapons. At higher levels I do little to no damage with them and have to rely on my weapons to thin the herd of enemies.


I essentially use Hysteria to keep from dying, to rack up some health again, and to reposition. Then I take the enemy down with my weapons.


During the excavation challenge Hysteria became increasingly useless as a combat mechanic at about 3000 points. I spent about 20 seconds beating up a single enemy. If you are trying to protect the pod you really need weapons.


However, Hysteria kept me (and thus my team) alive long enough to manage enough extractors to reach 3000 points.


You cannot keep Valkyr continually in Hysteria. You usually don't have enough energy, and you don't have access to your weapons, which you need sometimes, at least at higher levels. Thus the claim that someone would lock her up to prevent damage is simply inaccurate.

Thats not balanced


Thats borken and underpowered at the same time


Its low risk/low reward in the worst nwayt possible




Valkyr with QT+rage can face tank lvl 30-40 effortlessly with unranked weaponry without touching lifestrike


Around 40+ youll occasionally life strike for HP


Theres no challenge for her unbeatable defense until enemies get close to 70, where youll find yourself using roll to avoid QT stun and even then the enemies take so long to kill you even with you being entirely locked in stun that valkyr plays her role perfectly


With half decent CC shes a top contender for lvl 100 enemies with melee alone


With trinity noone will die


Hysteria needs a change but valkyr is definitely in a good place without it holding her back

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Firstly, if you're going to suggest a frame gets rebalanced you could at least actually know it's stats. She has high armor but the normal health value of 100, so a full ranked Vitality raises her health to 740 (assuming rank 30), not 1320. With a maxed Vitality, Vigor, Steel fiber and maxium power strength build, the highest EHP she can get is 8609.


Secondly, you seem to suggest that Valkyr's main tactic is just spamming Hysteria, that is not the case. Sure, when you first get her Hysteria is invaluable, but once you put a few forma into her and get the right mods, an alternative becomes available. I'm talking about the Rage + Lifestrike combo. A Valkyr with Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage and a good melee weapon can regenerate health at a outstanding rate when channeling and attacking enemies, gain energy from taking damage (which can further increase survivability if you have Quick Thinking) and make Valkyr near immortal.


Taking away Hysteria's invincibility would make it no better than the Rage + Lifestrike combo, or in the eyes of some, worse, since that's what people mainly use Hysteria for. Valkyr with Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage, Quick Thinking and a Lifestrike weapon with max strength war cry can take ungodly amounts of punishment. In the case where enemies become so strong that they can take down even the tankiest build in a few seconds, that's what Hysteria is for.


If DE ever took away Hysteria's invincibilty (which I greatly doubt they would) it would lose most if not all of it's usefulness because the thing you want (a bloodthirsty Valkyr that isn't invincible and stays alive through killing) already exists through the Rage + Lifestrike combo I mentioned above. Any experienced Valkyr player knows that Valkyr's great for more reasons than just 'Perma invincibility'.


This doesn't have a 'TL;DR' because I'm not sure how to summarize this in a few lines.

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Firstly, if you're going to suggest a frame gets rebalanced you could at least actually know it's stats. She has high armor but the normal health value of 100, so a full ranked Vitality raises her health to 740 (assuming rank 30), not 1320. With a maxed Vitality, Vigor, Steel fiber and maxium power strength build, the highest EHP she can get is 8609.


Secondly, you seem to suggest that Valkyr's main tactic is just spamming Hysteria, that is not the case. Sure, when you first get her Hysteria is invaluable, but once you put a few forma into her and get the right mods, an alternative becomes available. I'm talking about the Rage + Lifestrike combo. A Valkyr with Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage and a good melee weapon can regenerate health at a outstanding rate when channeling and attacking enemies, gain energy from taking damage (which can further increase survivability if you have Quick Thinking) and make Valkyr near immortal.


Taking away Hysteria's invincibility would make it no better than the Rage + Lifestrike combo, or in the eyes of some, worse, since that's what people mainly use Hysteria for. Valkyr with Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage, Quick Thinking and a Lifestrike weapon with max strength war cry can take ungodly amounts of punishment. In the case where enemies become so strong that they can take down even the tankiest build in a few seconds, that's what Hysteria is for.


If DE ever took away Hysteria's invincibilty (which I greatly doubt they would) it would lose most if not all of it's usefulness because the thing you want (a bloodthirsty Valkyr that isn't invincible and stays alive through killing) already exists through the Rage + Lifestrike combo I mentioned above. Any experienced Valkyr player knows that Valkyr's great for more reasons than just 'Perma invincibility'.


This doesn't have a 'TL;DR' because I'm not sure how to summarize this in a few lines.

I have yet to meet a group of enemies that could take out valkyr in a few hits


Its amusing to see lvl 100 enemies stunlock her but not be able to kill valkyr


Spamming shift for that roll and life strike combo so you can escape the enemy and continue your rampage...

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Replace invincibility with 90% damage reduction.

Max Power strength war cry (Assuming max Steel Fiber) = 2400+ armor or over 90% damage reduction.


Increase Life Steal to 25% of her max health per hit per enemy.

Strong enough melee weapons (e.g. D NIkana) with Lifestrike can restore most if not all health in one or two hits.


Give her a medium-short range projectile attack while in hysteria for dealing with enemies that fly or are just above melee range.


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Firstly, if you're going to suggest a frame gets rebalanced you could at least actually know it's stats. She has high armor but the normal health value of 100, so a full ranked Vitality raises her health to 740 (assuming rank 30), not 1320. With a maxed Vitality, Vigor, Steel fiber and maxium power strength build, the highest EHP she can get is 8609.


Secondly, you seem to suggest that Valkyr's main tactic is just spamming Hysteria, that is not the case. Sure, when you first get her Hysteria is invaluable, but once you put a few forma into her and get the right mods, an alternative becomes available. I'm talking about the Rage + Lifestrike combo. A Valkyr with Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage and a good melee weapon can regenerate health at a outstanding rate when channeling and attacking enemies, gain energy from taking damage (which can further increase survivability if you have Quick Thinking) and make Valkyr near immortal.


Taking away Hysteria's invincibility would make it no better than the Rage + Lifestrike combo, or in the eyes of some, worse, since that's what people mainly use Hysteria for. Valkyr with Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage, Quick Thinking and a Lifestrike weapon with max strength war cry can take ungodly amounts of punishment. In the case where enemies become so strong that they can take down even the tankiest build in a few seconds, that's what Hysteria is for.


If DE ever took away Hysteria's invincibilty (which I greatly doubt they would) it would lose most if not all of it's usefulness because the thing you want (a bloodthirsty Valkyr that isn't invincible and stays alive through killing) already exists through the Rage + Lifestrike combo I mentioned above. Any experienced Valkyr player knows that Valkyr's great for more reasons than just 'Perma invincibility'.


This doesn't have a 'TL;DR' because I'm not sure how to summarize this in a few lines.

^I agree entirely with this.


The only thing Hysteria has for itself is that dumb invulnerability. Removing it would be like removing her 4 entirely.

I use the same build JoeyTwoShoes mentions, and I know MANY people who use it too. Actually, any Kitty user that has played her long enough will tell you that this build is far more satisfying and FUN than pressing 4 and hitting enemies for minutes with very short range claws with a not so impressive damage output and being forced to run after half of them to catch up and again, hit them forever before they go down. Hysteria is mostly there to revive downed teammates without endangering other teammates, or a last resort panic button.


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Secondly, you seem to suggest that Valkyr's main tactic is just spamming Hysteria, that is not the case... I'm talking about the Rage + Lifestrike combo....


Taking away Hysteria's invincibility would make it no better than the Rage + Lifestrike combo, or in the eyes of some, worse, since that's what people mainly use Hysteria for. Valkyr with Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage, Quick Thinking and a Lifestrike weapon with max strength war cry can take ungodly amounts of punishment. In the case where enemies become so strong that they can take down even the tankiest build in a few seconds, that's what Hysteria is for.


If DE ever took away Hysteria's invincibilty (which I greatly doubt they would) it would lose most if not all of it's usefulness because the thing you want (a bloodthirsty Valkyr that isn't invincible and stays alive through killing) already exists through the Rage + Lifestrike combo I mentioned above. Any experienced Valkyr player knows that Valkyr's great for more reasons than just 'Perma invincibility'.

Oh yeah, crap, of course, it takes your Base HP not rank 30 Hp for the Vitality mod, and I freaking forgot her Warcry is affected by Power Strength as well, my bad. I have not used her for ages, mostly been keeping up with her from watching a mate of mine play her.

Anyway, miscalculated stats aside, the whole midsection of my post is saying that the Valkyr is damned tanky from her base abilities and her Warcry is the main reason she gets so damned durable. You raise a good point about the lifestrike build, except that is exactly the kind of thing I'm attempting to turn the Valkyr into.


The argument "This shouldn't be on Hysteria because it already exists in the form of this combination of mods" is not really valid, because my point is this style of play should be the focus of the Valkyr. Of course the current lifestrike build with an invincible Hysteria will be better than a lifestrike based Hysteria, you have the option to go invincible on demand. I bolded your post above where you said "In the case where enemies become so strong that they can take down even the tankiest build in a few seconds, that's what Hysteria is for" since that is the very problem I am addressing.


You are openly admitting that there comes a point where the Valkyr cannot tank naturally anymore so she has this invincibility button on standby. It takes a God Mode button akin to the Rhino's old Iron Skin to allow her to carry on tanking, and be honest is that really a healthy mechanic for the game? I ask you is there any real reason NOT to use this set up all the way through the game? Just because you don't doesn't mean others don't, and my point is you shouldn't be able to do it period, at least not with the get out of jail free type of set up it currently has. If you enjoy playing your Valkyr with your life strike setup, what possible reason could you have to not be on board for a rework that focuses on matching your current style of play?

I can accept Hysteria as I have suggested it is not in a good palce, and would have to be improved in other ways, I'm trying to think of something a little more elegant than just saying "More stats", but rather than just say "Nah this sucks", why not share some things you don't like about Hysteria as it stands, and try to think of a way of addressing it that permits the loss of this lame @$$ invincibility?

Far as I can tell, the main gripe is that your melee weaponry is superior to the Hysteria claws, so how about putting our minds into thinking of ways to make the Hysteria claws worth using? Since you know they are sort of the point of the frame. My intial thought is to drop the restriction on weaponry, and basically do a straight transfer of abilities from the melee weapon to the claws, then providing a damage boost on top of that.


If you agree with the goal, but not the means, share your ideas, that is the point :)

Edited by FatalJ
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Why not just increase valkyr armour by a percentage per kill in hysteria, starting at 100% boost


rework it as another kind of combo timer albeit slower degradation


and increase lifesteal


I say marked targets should be from within 10 meters as 5 meter targets always die before dealing damage. and as just cause for the above


To please panic button users restore valkyr to full hp/shield instantly upon cast


100 Damage reduc is not fun, Rage lets me use hysteria after losing 70 hp, of 700


Without narrowminded i can reach 40 secs of invulnerability, which I only use to revive team mates or distract enemies as i do low damage


Valkyr hysteria damage falloff is due to melee being worse than shooting in such cases


The damage is 300 + plus melee weapon physical damage x 1.75% power strength scaling


It also takes the weapons crit chance + 25%


Weapon crit bonus + 200%


The only thing to make it weaker is it not factoring in elemental damage/attack speed/status/reach/channeling


Just build a melee weapon with mods just to empower hysteria directly


It should be on-par with most channeled weapons 


that is - without modding for power strength


Her claws should be greatly superior to many melee weapons if you mod right as is the case for everything

Edited by Refrus
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Why not just increase valkyr armour by a percentage per kill in hysteria, starting at 100% boost


rework it as another kind of combo timer albeit slower degradation


and increase lifesteal


I say marked targets should be from within 10 meters as 5 meter targets always die before dealing damage. and as just cause for the above


To please panic button users restore valkyr to full hp/shield instantly upon cast


100 Damage reduc is not fun, Rage lets me use hysteria after losing 70 hp, of 700


Without narrowminded i can reach 40 secs of invulnerability, which I only use to revive team mates or distract enemies as i do low damage


Valkyr hysteria damage falloff is due to melee being worse than shooting in such cases


The damage is 300 + plus melee weapon physical damage x 1.75% power strength scaling


It also takes the weapons crit chance + 25%


Weapon crit bonus + 200%


The only thing to make it weaker is it not factoring in elemental damage/attack speed/status/reach/channeling


Just build a melee weapon with mods just to empower hysteria directly


It should be on-par with most channeled weapons 


that is - without modding for power strength


Her claws should be greatly superior to many melee weapons if you mod right as is the case for everything

I'm not so sure about that honestly. I mean, we can get some VERY high damage per strike with some melee weapons, not to mention some VERY useful elemental procs.

And building pure Power Strength has some give and take to it too, so in the end it's a matter of choice I guess... And the claws have a short range, I'd take several melee weapons with a Steel Fiber + rage + Life strike + Warcry build over an Hysteria on steroid any day still.

Also, you can't base everything on damage alone, and Hysteria attacks have no elements like you said, so no bonuses, and actually their damage goes down with armor scaling and enemy resistances a lot faster than with melee weapons. That counts too I think.

I'm not saying the damage wouldn't go high with a full focus on buffing Hysteria's strengths, just that we would probably get less than what we would have to give up.^^

Edited by Marthrym
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