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I Love My Grakata Over Any Soma.


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Corrosive + Blast grakata now the ice mod is really fun since you can geat 70% statuc chance in each bullet.


Grakata was my first weapon I took seriously and I loved it. But in the end, it still felt kinda limiting. The high proc chance is really nice, but you end up getting a lot of useless physical procs (only impact procs are worth anything at all, if you ask me) and really not so many elemental procs.

Now I'm ranking my Amprex and I can tear through whole groups of enemies and get elemental procs without them being diluted by physical ones. I honestly wouldn't really consider going back to the Grakata after the Amprex. Maybe if an improved Grakata is released, but not sooner.


Bleeding still useful since it can stack like Toxin but pucture.... i guess can be useful agaisnt some bosses.





Adding a Grakata Wraith would defeat the entire purpose of the Grakata.


Grakata is the thinking man's machine gun. It has more drawbacks than the Soma but can be lovingly crafted to excel past the obvious choice.


A Grakata Wraith as a straight-up upgrade would mean that all the Soma/Boltor Prime users would migrate to the new meta, and there would be no hope, no choice. Just a game full of people using the Grakata Wraith.


At least now, there are 3 primary machine guns which are capable of dealing a ton of damage in slightly different ways. Keep it that way. Or add more choices. Not a "correct answer".





De Doesnt know how balance things so in the end they will always release a Broken weapon in terms is going to be Godly (B.Prime) or Pure garbage (Glaxion).


Now the other problem is they dont know how to fix it either leaving just 2 opcion.


A) They will need to apply 2-4 hotfix to try to balance a single weapon.

B) They will totally forgot about it like never existed in the first place (Multiple Underpowered/Overpowered Mods)

Edited by Dasmir
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Adding a Grakata Wraith would defeat the entire purpose of the Grakata.


Grakata is the thinking man's machine gun. It has more drawbacks than the Soma but can be lovingly crafted to excel past the obvious choice.


A Grakata Wraith as a straight-up upgrade would mean that all the Soma/Boltor Prime users would migrate to the new meta, and there would be no hope, no choice. Just a game full of people using the Grakata Wraith.


At least now, there are 3 primary machine guns which are capable of dealing a ton of damage in slightly different ways. Keep it that way. Or add more choices. Not a "correct answer".



My views have changed. It would be nice to have a version with less recoil tighter spread (accuracy 40), slightly higher status (+5-10%), larger clip (75), and mabye 2.5x crit multiplier instead of 2.0x flat. Just a light amplification.

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My views have changed. It would be nice to have a version with less recoil tighter spread (accuracy 40), slightly higher status (+5-10%), larger clip (75), and mabye 2.5x crit multiplier instead of 2.0x flat. Just a light amplification.

You can say that on any wepeon >-<

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My views have changed. It would be nice to have a version with less recoil tighter spread (accuracy 40), slightly higher status (+5-10%), larger clip (75), and mabye 2.5x crit multiplier instead of 2.0x flat. Just a light amplification.


Yes that's better, but honestly, its still a write-off of the original Grakata. I'm not a fan.


I get, it, this is what primes etc are for, but no need to do this to a top tier weapon. We dont need Amphrex prime or Marelok prime or Soma prime either.


What i'd rather see would be a weapon like the bratton prime or Supra get the prime/wraith treatment you suggest to bring it up to Soma/boltor p/grakata tier.

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Yes that's better, but honestly, its still a write-off of the original Grakata. I'm not a fan.


I get, it, this is what primes etc are for, but no need to do this to a top tier weapon. We dont need Amphrex prime or Marelok prime or Soma prime either.


What i'd rather see would be a weapon like the bratton prime or Supra get the prime/wraith treatment you suggest to bring it up to Soma/boltor p/grakata tier.

Well thats the basic crap that DE doesnt seem to care about buffing, however one other thing that I would like your opinion on is, what if they pooled the damage from puncture into slash and impact? afterall wraith version is made by grineer, and moreover it would be great to see a grakata that actually has a 16% chance increase of procing elementals over the previous version. (if they keep the same proc/status chance system)

Edited by Olivionic
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Pretty sure I haven't.

This isn't merely the Grataka Club for Grakata Enthusiasts, which I don't have a problem with.

The OP made it pretty clear in his opening post and title. Grakata is being directly compared to Soma.


The general tone of the thread is that Grakata is this overlooked dark horse that'll match/outperform the Soma! (Sticking it to the Man!)

This is followed by a lot of posters, including myself, pointing out exactly why this isn't the case.

When most people say something is underrated, that usually means the weapon is unpopular for a reason which is being overlooked.


The reasons in summary:


1) There are better status weapons. To name a few: Amprex, Akmagnus and Marelok. You'll note that two of those weapons are very much not underrated. They have comparable or better status chances and overwhelmingly better damage (and therefore better ammo efficiency).

2) Soma still outperforms the Grakata for everything not Endless mission.

3) Soma still outperforms Grakata at Endless Thing with Corrosive Projection. Something I had overlooked until it was mentioned. But it's a fair one, because all extraordinary measures are valid when it comes to Endless Anything.


I've caved on getting on the Marelok (mine is building) because two of the dual-stat mods will bring it up to 94% status chance per trigger pull. On top of achieving an average of 5000 to 7000 damage per shot, depending on whether I'm running Seeker for punch-through.
I already have an Amprex I use as an Infested-Killer and am beginning to favor the Gas+Electricity procs on it. The procs add half-again damage as an AOE effect. So I'm starting to like it a little better over corrosive, as the procs are useless against Infested.
So it's not like I'm unfamiliar with this whole status schtick. I've been looking at a lot of weapons for that purpose alone. And that's probably the main reason I even looked at this thread at all. 


seems you did miss out on the point of this thread. i know 3 pages seem daunting but go ahead and read all of them.

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With my Grakata 8-9/10 hits is a status proc


It makes me sad that most of them are physical though

I know they need to find a way to let us prioritize specific procs its extremely frustrating. Moreover puncture and impact basically do nothing becuase so many enemies are stumble proof now. 

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they should do whatever they have on the akmaguns on it, since i rarely get anything but elemental procs on it.

I think that is related to the crazy damage difference between its physical types and elemental types, however in my experience with using the akmag (5 forma) they seem to proc almost identically to the grak, lots of physical types very few elemental.

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seems you did miss out on the point of this thread. i know 3 pages seem daunting but go ahead and read all of them.


No I didn't. Yes, I read those pages. No, I'm not interested in talking to self-appointed arbiters of "The Point."


Try actually articulating something instead of going, "Nuh uh." Not that I care whether you do. It's not my problem that you can't read between the lines or see where the conversation has drifted.

Edited by PlayGooYa
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The thing to consider is that you can build your Grakata so that about half of the procs deal additional damage. Forget utility for a second and just think about DPS.


Here's a rough number way to look at it.


Many procs such as toxic, slash, fire, elec can increase the damage of a single shot anywhere from 50% to 150% (over time). Imagine for a second that 80% of your shots proc, and 1/2 of those are damage procs.


Thus 40% of your shots deal an average of 100% bonus damage due to procs. Thats an addl 50% bonus damage that's not listed on the arsenal.


12k DPS? More like up to 18k of fun. Now, remember on top of that, you're ALSO constantly stunning, shocking and knocking your target around.


Couple that with a stabilizer mod and you're about to have a good day.


I suppose, I didn't consider that it's per-bullet.

That said, Amprex is pure elemental, so you're getting more of the elemental procs that you want while the Grakata is still getting so-so physical procs. I tend to run the Gas+Electical procs on Amprex for Infested. But you could equally do something like Viral or Corrosive for Grineer.


And it's still more damage-per-bullet. The thing red crits and chains half the damage.



Grakata is the thinking man's machine gun. It has more drawbacks than the Soma but can be lovingly crafted to excel past the obvious choice.


A Grakata Wraith as a straight-up upgrade would mean that all the Soma/Boltor Prime users would migrate to the new meta, and there would be no hope, no choice. Just a game full of people using the Grakata Wraith.


You're such a hipster.


For one, a Grakata Wraith would be exclusive, such that anybody who misses out on it would never be able to use it anyway.

For another, having more guns on par with the Soma actually encourages diversity.


I personally like my Sybaris and the Amprex. And, I'll probably get around to Forma'ing that Latron Wraith because I'm a semi-auto fiend. Frakk, I'm also in the process of Forma'ing a Marelok so that I can have my semi-auto in my semi-auto while I semi-auto. So I'm happy in my niche, even though I have a maxed Soma in my Arsenal.


Lastly, sadomasochism is equivalent to "thinking"? Psssh.

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I suppose, I didn't consider that it's per-bullet.

That said, Amprex is pure elemental, so you're getting more of the elemental procs that you want while the Grakata is still getting so-so physical procs. I tend to run the Gas+Electical procs on Amprex for Infested. But you could equally do something like Viral or Corrosive for Grineer.


And it's still more damage-per-bullet. The thing red crits and chains half the damage.





You're such a hipster.


For one, a Grakata Wraith would be exclusive, such that anybody who misses out on it would never be able to use it anyway.

For another, having more guns on par with the Soma actually encourages diversity.


I personally like my Sybaris and the Amprex. And, I'll probably get around to Forma'ing that Latron Wraith because I'm a semi-auto fiend. Frakk, I'm also in the process of Forma'ing a Marelok so that I can have my semi-auto in my semi-auto while I semi-auto. So I'm happy in my niche, even though I have a maxed Soma in my Arsenal.


Lastly, sadomasochism is equivalent to "thinking"? Psssh.

I thought wraiths were vaulted but not entirely exclusive


To be released vaguely in the future

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I suppose, I didn't consider that it's per-bullet.

That said, Amprex is pure elemental, so you're getting more of the elemental procs that you want while the Grakata is still getting so-so physical procs. I tend to run the Gas+Electical procs on Amprex for Infested. But you could equally do something like Viral or Corrosive for Grineer.


And it's still more damage-per-bullet. The thing red crits and chains half the damage.





You're such a hipster.


For one, a Grakata Wraith would be exclusive, such that anybody who misses out on it would never be able to use it anyway.

For another, having more guns on par with the Soma actually encourages diversity.


I personally like my Sybaris and the Amprex. And, I'll probably get around to Forma'ing that Latron Wraith because I'm a semi-auto fiend. Frakk, I'm also in the process of Forma'ing a Marelok so that I can have my semi-auto in my semi-auto while I semi-auto. So I'm happy in my niche, even though I have a maxed Soma in my Arsenal.


Lastly, sadomasochism is equivalent to "thinking"? Psssh.


Amprex is such a different weapon than that Grak that its apples and oranges. I have a few forma on my amp and I love it as well.


Grak is a viable, fun alternative to the Soma.


That's the point of the thread. I'm not claiming it's the best weapon in the game at delivering status effects.


Making a Grak Wraith will invalidate both the Soma and the Grak most likely; as the Grak is already dealing near-soma/above-soma DPS depending on build/situation. So that's less alternatives. Call me a hipster if you like, but I'm in to options/diversity.


I'd rather see Bratton Prime brought up to near Soma DPS as a basic, reliable, no gimmick assault rifle. Fast reload, smaller clip, tight bursts, low crit/stats.

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That applies to any critical weapon even the grakata derp...

Difference is that Soma can get 75% crit chance, and Grakata only 62.5. If you dont factor in critical delay, which i dont, because it just eats a slot. So Soma crits 6/8 bullets, while Grakata only 5/8. Given, no big difference, the crit damage is what really widens the gap. 8,4 or 16,8 with shield, and 5,6 or 11,2 with shield is quite a high difference.


Grakata burns through way more ammo than Soma, and it also has quite the recoil. Its less accurate aswell.

Edited by Netheroc
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