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Weapons Should Have Proc Prioritization Options


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With the advent of 100% proc chance potential with several weapons, the implementation of procs is still too dependent on RNG selection. Adding a column that enables players to prioritize the procs that they want based on a weighting system will ensure that there is less randomized proc and more specialized configuration.


For instance, let's say I'm using Miter, and I want it to weight the slash proc heavily

-I'd rearrange the list of elements on my weapon in a drag-and-drop manner

-I'd then modify the weight based on percentages

-I'd subtract weight percentage distribution from the other damage types and put it all towards the slash proc


When I next play with the Miter, I'm then dishing out slash procs left and right based on this setup.


There shouldn't be mods for this.

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currently although which proc you make is determined by RNG the priority of procs is determined by the amount of damage of that particular element or physical damage you do per shot your much more likely to get a slash proc if it is the highest damage value on your weapon we simply don't have a large number of mods to influence the damage balance of a weapon especially with it all percentage based

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Honestly, there are too many mods in the game already. This proposal you have would dilute the drop tables even further and produce a couple of 'useless mods' in regards to the fact that they would take up a slot that people consider critical for damage. They would not be a beneficial addition to the game because of that.


It should simply be a configurable setting on the weapon.

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Honestly, there are too many mods in the game already. This proposal you have would dilute the drop tables even further and produce a couple of 'useless mods' in regards to the fact that they would take up a slot that people consider critical for damage. They would not be a beneficial addition to the game because of that.


It should simply be a configurable setting on the weapon.

The probubility of them further deluting the drop table by ummm 1. seems easier then changing the UI and modifying a ton of game code.

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The probubility of them further deluting the drop table by ummm 1. seems easier then changing the UI and modifying a ton of game code.


It's more mods that won't be slotted. It also gives you less control over the weapon's tuning for the fact that you have to find the mods, too. RNG stacked with RNG. No thanks.

Edited by Vaskadar
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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread poses a simple solution to your problem


Procs Should Match Your First Mod Slot %7Boption%7D


The trouble with this one, is the order of elemental mods and the requirement to combine a couple elements in a specific order. Let's say you want to be able to proc cold, but still maintain corrosive on your Glaxion? What then? You are unable to specify that it shouldn't be viral or magnetic damage first at that point. Control over what procs and what doesn't is still reduced. While you are able to 'sorta-kinda' choose, it's still not desirable, especially if you want your weapon to proc secondary elements that are lower in the order.


While my solution that I proposed is a tad more complex (for prioritization percentages), it also provides more customizability than the other suggestions previously provided without so many negatives or drawbacks.

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