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Enemy Melee-Weapons?


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so,a s somebody who has played a fair share of loki, i have often seen all enemies around me drop their guns and pull out their prod-sticks, so i gotta ask... 


why provas? they just look like a joke in the hands of a napalm/tech that is bigger than you in both heigh and girth, and now that we have bigger melee-weaponry that is supposedly technology from both factions (serro for corpus, jat kittag for grineer), shouldnt at least the heavies be able to actually use those weapons, at least when disarmed?

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They can have them on their backs. Moreover I would like to see melee expand into the Grineer wouldn't Tenno influence cuase an influx of diverse Grineer training?

Afterall if you cant beat em join em. And they clearly cant beat us. Moreover being "Human" they should know that turn a phrase.

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They can have them on their backs. Moreover I would like to see melee expand into the Grineer wouldn't Tenno influence cuase an influx of diverse Grineer training?

Afterall if you cant beat em join em. And they clearly cant beat us. Moreover being "Human" they should know that turn a phrase.

It'd take years to train them enough to even have a fraction of the skill Tenno have.

And then they'd get obliterated anyway, rendering all that training pointless.


The jat kittag is costly to produce & the serro is outlawed and a salvage tool, not an actual weapon, despite the tenno's improvisation.


Also, provas are pretty good. They might look stupid, but they have ridiculously high voltages.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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It'd take years to train them enough to even have a fraction of the skill Tenno have.

And then they'd get obliterated anyway, rendering all that training pointless.


The jat kittag is costly to produce & the serro is outlawed and a salvage tool, not an actual weapon, despite the tenno's improvisation.

So is the cannon that napalms carry why not give them a jat kittag too, i mean honestly i would prefer to see them swing a jat kittag at me when i get close, or after the ground slam hammer me to death. It gets weird when enemies shoot at someone standing 1m away from them. especially when they have a rocket luancher or a napalm gun.


Since when was enemy economics important in game... if it is what about the cost of making BILLIONS of clones...

Edited by Olivionic
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I'd imagine the current back-up weapons all troops have are just placeholders until DE comes up with something better. And i wouldn't imagine giving a heavy a Jit Kittag if disarmed is a good idea. Radical Disarm is supposed to cripple your enemy. I wouldn't imagine many Lokis using Radical Disarm on Grineer Heavies if instead of getting beat down by guns they are gonna be rushed and bludgeoned to death by Jit Kittags

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I'd imagine the current back-up weapons all troops have are just placeholders until DE comes up with something better. And i wouldn't imagine giving a heavy a Jit Kittag if disarmed is a good idea. Radical Disarm is supposed to cripple your enemy. I wouldn't imagine many Lokis using Radical Disarm on Grineer Heavies if instead of getting beat down by guns they are gonna be rushed and bludgeoned to death by Jit Kittags

Not neccessarily those weapons are hella slow. and personally i would like more realism and less comfort food. BRING ON SOME REALITY. If its Grineer let me see the Grineer use it. (Also shouldn't Infested Ancients use the Scoliac whip instead of the grapple....)

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Not that costly, or they wouldn't do it.


The Grineer would do it even if it were costly, as unlike the Corpus they only care about domination and don't give a damn about money/profits



Not neccessarily those weapons are hella slow. and personally i would like more realism and less comfort food. BRING ON SOME REALITY. If its Grineer let me see the Grineer use it. (Also shouldn't Infested Ancients use the Scoliac whip instead of the grapple....)


One again, I believe that the grapple is just a place holder.

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On a side note, when can we craft the grineer version of the prova? seriously, the grineer use a different prova skin which looks like a steel pipe with a lightbulb that makes a zappy sound when swung.


I need more mastery points!!!!

i think that is the same weapon corpus use, they dont have the real prova either (minus the melee-crewmen ofc)

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