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Warframe And Weapon Stats


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I would like to see more information when looking at a weapon or warframe's mod screen. In the left hand box it shows some information like shields, health etc for warframes and damage types, status, etc for weapons. But a lot of information is missing, particularly for the warframes.


There is absolutely ZERO information on the warframes unique abilities besides a vague description in the mod card. It doesn't tell you anything about how a duration or power mod might affect that ability. For that info I have to go to a website like warframebuilder.com.

I find it ludicrous that a fan made website has more information on a warframe's abilities than the game itself does. This means that I have to build all of my loadouts offline because I have no clue what is going to be optimal in game. I understand that the space is limited there but would having to mouse over it and scroll be so difficult?


The weapons aren't as bad, but it would be nice to have a total damage number for all combined damage types, so I don't have to add them up in my head and try to figure out which is better.


Also when equipping a new weapon it compares the two but compares the one currently equipped with all it's mods against the new gun with nothing on it. What use is this?

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Yes, I'm well aware of the wiki. My point is that I shouldn't have to go to a website to find out the stats(duration, damage, etc) of a warframe's abilities. The game itself should provide that info, like you know, virtually every other game in today's market.


Also, the wiki doesn't tell me what an abilities stats change to when I add a mod.. so yeah. 

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Well, i rather go check wiki than have the screen flooded with all info. You said: "There is absolutely ZERO information on the warframes unique abilities besides a vague description in the mod card. It doesn't tell you anything about how a duration or power mod might affect that ability." Well...how about TESTING IT OUT? Doesn't take much time. Or like i said...wiki.

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Well, i rather go check wiki than have the screen flooded with all info. You said: "There is absolutely ZERO information on the warframes unique abilities besides a vague description in the mod card. It doesn't tell you anything about how a duration or power mod might affect that ability." Well...how about TESTING IT OUT? Doesn't take much time. Or like i said...wiki.


You missed my point entirely. I'm not talking about when you are leveling a new warframe and trying stuff out. I'm talking about when you know what an ability is and how it works and want to make it last longer for example. There are 3 mods that affect duration, all with different costs and bonuses.  Take Exalibur's Radial Blind. If I add continuity how long does that add to the duration? If I combine a rank 5 narrow minded how does that affect it? etc. I shouldn't have to leave the game and go to a website(which by the way the wiki only provides the base and maximized stat) to find out how long the new duration is going to be. Likewise I shouldn't have to launch a mission multiple time just to "try it out" It's inefficient and stupid that the game can't simply tell me in the little box where the warframe's stats are what the new duration is. 


Also the screen would not be "flooded with info" if the stat box simply becomes scrollable. 

Edited by Acebaur
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You said: "Take Exalibur's Radial Blind. If I add continuity how long does that add to the duration? If I combine a rank 5 narrow minded how does that affect it? etc." Oh right...there's this new invention called calculator. Now if you're unable to calculate how much 30% is from 10 seconds for example, there are some nice basic math formulas on the internet somewhere. xd

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