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Buff/change Of Warframe Powers


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since enemies in warframe scale indefinitely, our powers become useless after enemy reaches level 30 or so. some warframes are so useless, that they are only used when you need to speed past low lvl missions. for example - in invasions people often take ember, cast her ult and run to the exit.


what i want to suggest is to make our powers able to scale, like ash ult - you can incerase its damage with melee combo, walkyrs ult takes your melee weapon into consideration.


there are a lot of powers, that could be buffed like this, making them viable a little longer.


example: imagine, if excaliburs slash & dash would use skill dmg + your melee weapons dmg + stats. or if it could increase combo counter? or it could proc your melee weapons status effects? or make status effects stronger? or a combination of some/all of these effects?


there are a lot of powers that could benefit from such changes.


fellow tenno, what do you think which powers could be changed, and how?

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Both radial jav and super jump needs to be umm buffish.


I for one would love to have a mini shockwave blast to knockdown enemies upon activating super jump (not really a buf but more of an addon)


Javeline should do percent bleeding proc upon hitting them enemies, it should also have puncture damage when it kills the target, making it go through enemies that it killed.

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I dont think that warframe abilities should scale because that would make leveling them useless since it wouldnt matter about the damage increase because it would be a minor change on a scaling system. I would prefer DE's idea about adding utility to the abilities such as rhino stomps time freeze or lokis disarming making all the enemies have to use melee.

Edited by Iceski13
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Well, I know that Oberon now scales infinitely because his abilities either heal or proc radiation damage, causing Chaos to ensue. Actually, many frames scale infinetly.


Nova: Antimatter Drop

Nyx: Nyx

Frost: Snowglobe's health is based on incoming damage I think

Ash: Combo with bladestorm

Trinity: Link

Mag: Shield Polarize and Bullet Attractor

Nekros: SotD

Saryn: Venom halfs enemy health. Not really scaling but close.

Oberon: as said above. 

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I dont think that warframe abilities should scale because that would make leveling them useless since it wouldnt matter about the damage increase because it would be a minor change on a scaling system. I would prefer DE's idea about adding utility to the abilities such as rhino stomps time freeze or lokis disarming making all the enemies have to use melee.

mirage abilities scale, and how much they scale depends on ability level. so no, adding scaling will not make leveling them useless.


i agree with adding cc on abilities, but then the abilities would seem similar.



No warframe is useless. People just suck at using them.

you have to build your whole team around ember to make her any usefull(accelerant) late game. and if you switch her for almost any other frame, team efficiency will increase.

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Guest Tehnoobshow

Every single ablitiy that falls into these categories needs to be removed and replaced:


-Any nukes

-Any spammable damage abilities

-Any self-buffing abilities that only cost energy

-Any CC abilities that remove any sense of threat from an enemy

-Any duration ability that is fire and forget, not requiring any further action from the user (beyond activating again when it runs out) to receive its benefits

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Nova: Antimatter Drop

Nyx: Nyx

Frost: Snowglobe's health is based on incoming damage I think

Ash: Combo with bladestorm

Trinity: Link

Mag: Shield Polarize and Bullet Attractor

Nekros: SotD

Saryn: Venom halfs enemy health. Not really scaling but close.

Oberon: as said above. 

nova - difficult to use in intense battle conditions.

frost - still, it goes down almost instantly when you want to revive a teammate under heavy fire

ash - thanks to scaling his ult is one of the most powerful powers at the moment

nekros - scaling is the only thing that stops his ultimate from being completely useless.


others - havent used them enough to comment


alot of powers have scaling, but in my oppinion its too few. i think all damaging abilities should have some form of scaling to increase warframe variety in late game

Edited by dzxbeast
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Every single ablitiy that falls into these categories needs to be removed and replaced:


-Any nukes

-Any spammable damage abilities

-Any self-buffing abilities that only cost energy

-Any CC abilities that remove any sense of threat from an enemy

-Any duration ability that is fire and forget, not requiring any further action from the user (beyond activating again when it runs out) to receive its benefits

So Remove Nova,

Get rid of Reckoning, Miasma, Crush, Rhino Stomp, Prism, Shock, Overload, all of Ember's abilities, Shuriken, Slash Dash, Avalanche, Ice Wave, and Shield Polarize

Get rid of healing abilities, Sonar, Invisibility and Smokescreen, Speed and Warcry, Turbulence, Eclipse, Radial Blind, Iron Skin, and Roar

Loose Vauban, Absorb, Radial Disarm, and Snowglobe

And the rest of Nyx and any of Vauban that survived the last run.


Yep. That's sure to make for a lot of Nekros players and *MAYBE* zephyrs. Hydroid gets out fine too! By your criteria, we don't even have a full squad of warframes that don't loose almost all of their abilities. 

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Guest Tehnoobshow

So Remove Nova,

Get rid of Reckoning, Miasma, Crush, Rhino Stomp, Prism, Shock, Overload, all of Ember's abilities, Shuriken, Slash Dash, Avalanche, Ice Wave, and Shield Polarize

Get rid of healing abilities, Sonar, Invisibility and Smokescreen, Speed and Warcry, Turbulence, Eclipse, Radial Blind, Iron Skin, and Roar

Loose Vauban, Absorb, Radial Disarm, and Snowglobe

And the rest of Nyx and any of Vauban that survived the last run.


Yep. That's sure to make for a lot of Nekros players and *MAYBE* zephyrs. Hydroid gets out fine too! By your criteria, we don't even have a full squad of warframes that don't loose almost all of their abilities. 

That's the point. Most Warframe abilities require no thinking at all to use. Although I don't really mind movement abilities like Wormhole etc.

Edited by Tehnoobshow
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