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Are Sentinels Worth It?


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Just thinking about buying a sentinel.  I have some spare plat left over that I could use to buy one.  It'd probably be the offensive one rather than the stealthy one, but I'm not 100% sure that it's worth it.  I mean I've rarely had a problem levelling Excal up to 30 and beyond, although I haven't unlocked all of the late game planets yet.


So do you guys with Sentinels feel like they make much of a difference?




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Unfortunately i can't answer with accurate information, since i'm trying to make mine.


But for what I've seen/read, they're still kinda bugged, and too "expensive" for what they are worth.


Although, depending on the Sentinel you have, you might keep alive in a difficult situation. They are NOT a must, but they sure do help. Depending on the level zone you are, they get better or worse. And also, the mods you put on them, makes them be better or not, according to what you want

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They add content, are fun to talk about with friends (my sentinel can kick your sentinels &#!... even tho its the same), you can color them.  They DO keep you up if you invest mods in them, they stunlock corpus like its cool.  When I made mine I had buyer regret, now that its lvl 30 and duel supercharged, its pretty good.


At somepoint you'll get every frame, weapon, and mod if those are your goals.  If nothing else leveling a sentinel is just something extra to do.

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They do add some utility in that like people have said if modded correctly they can stunlock grineer and corpus.  If you're lucky enough to get two rifle cryo round mods for the wyrm he can slow stuff.  They can be quite tanky, modded to instantly revive if killed once per level, and with the guardian mod they refill your shields if they are depleted.  Haven't quite determined how often this happens but its really really nice.  Also mine is quite adept at taking out roller balls! >.>

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hmm, it would be plat I'd use as I have some left but I can think of better things to spend it on.  I might hold off for now and if I find another gun would be handy later on then I'll maybe invest in one then.  Also, I'm not too keen on actual look of them.  Like the rest of the art style in this game it's slowly growing on me :)

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Now that they fixed the Ghost Cloaking i LOVE my Shade.

It still does no damage whatsoever but Ghost and Guardian are both awesome abilities, it is well worth the 115k Credits!

 Mine's filled with elemental damage mods to inconvenience anything that manages to hit me. It's fun running around a boss and seeing him set on fire everytime my Shade shoots him.

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let me tell you a story...once upon a time i got the blue prints for the wrym (which i named fred). at first i thought he was useless, but now he's leveled up to 30 with his laser rifle up to 30, also... supercharged, modded up with mods for damage, armor piercing, speed shooting, etc. i got the blue print for the dark sword in an alert mission...crafted it, claimed it, and decided to run mercury missions to level it up. fred killed everything i ran across before i got close enough to swing at it. needless to say i had to unequip fred just to start leveling my dark sword. i find him to be well worth the time and expense of getting the BP, crafting him, and leveling him up. i just have to remember to leave him behind when trying to level new weapons.

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i have Both of the sents. shade for my Loki and wurm for my soon to have rhino (friday morning local time).

Shade is very useful for getting a quick escape without energy usage and also is very useful when soloing.

Wurm instead is the tank, like Magicfingers said.

Conclusion: sentinels can be very helpful, life savers even. but like real pets, they will cost you alot and will be pesky to train.

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In my opinion yes. They have an impact when you play.


At 100k credits I would say they are worth your plat.


They however don't do a lot of damage so if you use them in "level appropriate" places you will find there only useful for stunning. 


When choosing keep this in mind. Wyrm does more damage. He has a "attack everything option". Can perform AOE Stun.

                                                      Ghost does less damage. Has a cloak. Has revenge ( attack after ive been attacked ).

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Guardian on sentinels will save your life ALOT. I can't count the amount of times I lost my shields in a heated party and I instantly got back enough shields to make a dash or finish up. Also, Shade's cloak can help you solo missions, especially when you go cloaked while hacking datamass.

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probably next to orokin reactors/catalysts the most cost efficient use of plat.


Don't discount the "stealthy" one. I did at first and got the dps one. The dps one doesn't serve any really good purposes. its damage is poor unless you mod its rifle and that takes away from your own rifle.


Also using the attack precept stops it from using other precepts such as regening if it dies or refunding your shields when they get depleted.


Currently I run the "stealthy" Shade with the attack precept turned off. All it does is tank some extra damage and constantly brings me in and out of cloak in the middle of combat throwing off my enemies fire. The utility is insane. I don't even use stealth runs its just awesome like that.


Not to mention when my shields get depleted it recharges them. Just all around better then the wyrm in my opinion, also doesn't look half as ugly as that little wyrm.

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I might have a bit of a different perspective, as I've soloed nearly 50 hours and only grouped a few hours. I'm basically player rank 2, lv 30 Loki / pistols (rifel is about 28, so it's close). I'm doing levels that are like 15-25 level baddies. I have two issues with my sentinel.


1- He pops extremely easily, so unless I want to go to low level areas specifically to level him up he can last anywhere from about 1 minute in a mission to lasting the complete mission. It's really unpredictable, and since he dies in the first heavy fire-fight, kind of annoying.


2- He is ALWAYS in the upper left corner of your view, floating around, wibbly wobbly moving unless you happen to be moving 100% straight. For me this is the bigger issue. If he were a cute bunny, or maybe even a wolf or spider, down at my feet, out of my view, that'd be fine, but the fact that it's ALWAYS floating in and out of view is distracting to me. Every now and then I'll jerk up that way in reaction, or think it's one of those floating bomb things coming at me. So for me, the quick death and constant distraction just isn't worth it. I think I managed to get it up to level 4 afer a dozen missions (like I said, usually dies in the first few minutes being put against so much higher level baddies), and I just found it not worth the negative points. Again, given the option of a cute bunny, maybe with zero offensive potential, but sits down at my feet out of my view, just have something like a 2d image on my UI showing it's health/status, maybe then I'd be interested.

Honestly I think it might be kind of a broken mechanic that will eventually be changed. From a statistial view you've got x that gives the player, what is it 6 more slots for mods compared to not having them?! That seems really imbalanced. If the mods weren't as good, and maybe it did something like blocked out 3 spots on your suit, I could see a balance point. I know it says it requires 2 slots, but I didn't see anything blocked when I equiped it. Seems like something that's statistically OP to me.

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