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Trinity's Energy Vampire Should Not Be Able To Target Downed Players


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Hello all,


This thread is discussing about Trinity's Energy Vampire ability in the Dark Sectors PVP.


I have played quite a lot of Dark Sectors PVP recently (since I wanted the game mode to become better), and I have realised that anyone with a Trinity could cast Energy Vampire on a downed player. That basically means every ally within the range of Energy Vampire will have free energy, since a downed player cannot move around as much, and can be killed very quickly (Energy Vampire damage + opposing players shooting at the downed player), which also means that the side with the Trinity can continue on to cast abilities almost constantly (which further highlights some of the more 'broken' abilities, including Bladestorm [because being hit for 8 seconds without being able to do anything, even not being able to go to the Pause menu, is really cheap] and Link [to an extent, although one could escape its area of responsibility]). 


What I suggest is that when a player is downed, any opposing Trinity cannot target Energy Vampire (and maybe Well of Life, but I have never seen it in action to confirm whether it also works against downed players) on said downed player. Also, if the player is downed while under the effects of Energy Vampire, the Energy Vampire will release one final burst that will restore the remaining amount of energy left in Energy Vampire to all allies within range, and the downed player will still have 300 HP bleedout health left. 


Please take the time to read this thread, and provide any constructive criticism and feedback. 



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