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About Excalibur's Radial Blind


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Well terrify had a target limit so...


And Terrify is widely known as a near-junk-tier skill because of this. That, and the existence of the no-spam condition, plus the fact that enemies will run out of your shooting range, plus the 75 energy cost per cast.


Terrify is an overly situational joke of a CC skill, due mostly due to its lack of availability and the general unreliability even when it is available. While I can agree with Radial Blind getting a moderate smack from the nerf hammer, there is no way in hell any of us Excalibur players will accept it becoming Terrify-tier.



My suggestion:

Give Radial Blind a LoS system-- functioning that if there is any straight path that can directly connect the player to the enemy, then the enemy gets blinded. Power Strength should control nothing more than the amount of "punchthrough" that the flash has.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Well it is DE. They will make it the worst thing ever to walk the Earth.

Remember Digital Extreme :p


They've been pretty good about balancing recently, honestly. The only immensely imbalanced things that I'm seeing are either works in progress (Raveframe) or are just really old and due for an eventual update (Bonedaddy).

My only worry is that they'll bring down Radial Blind a notch without giving a much-needed boost to his other three abilities (especially that godawful Radial Javelin) as well.

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