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Einde's Tweak Suggestions (Today : Nekros).


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I'd love it if Frost's Snow Globe would last for more than 8 seconds at higher levels, but people seem to discriminate and cry at the thought for any high level content.


Regardless Snow Globe ought to go back to simply lasting a set duration of time, without any damage cap. To compensate, the base duration would be much shorter. Should last no more than 20 seconds with full duration build.

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Hello ! In this thread I am trying to buff or rebalance things, and you guys will tell me what do you think about ! YES ! YOU !... Well, that was a bit awkward, so how should I start...


So yeah, you may notice right now, but as a moderator I do care about balance between Warframes and stuff. And it seems that it's a topic where you guys loves to talk about. So I'll try my best give nice and simple tweaks with good arguments in order to make underrated or weak frame a bit more valuable.



Frost :


Since the nerf of Snowglobe, I hardly see one. Once absolutely needed in every defense related games, his three other powers seemed to not be good enough to may worth the use. The nerf of his only "valuable" power really bought him at the bottom of the pit, and the buffs of his three other powers didn't helped that much. Let's tweak that.


Freeze :

- Can now punch through ennemies.

- The next time some damage is dealt to a frozen ennemy, it'll deal 300% more damage.


Freeze badly needed an AoE effect (freezing ennemies one by one isn't good), and the +300% damage gimmick will reinforce that skill's power against heavy ennemies. I think this is a nice addition, we never saw that kind of mechanic actually... Or at least I've never heard of. Just remember to hit hard when you're freezing something in order to make that one-two punch combo working at it's best. By the way : thanks for Blatantfool for giving me the punch through idea.


Ice Wave :

- Can now be used without interrupting reloading or shooting.

- Frozen ennemies caught in the AoE will transmit frozen status to nearby ennemies. However, it won't unfreeze or dealing additional damage to them.


Why ? Why not ? I though that making that power easier to use would be nice, and a bit of synergy seemed good.


Snow Globe :


- Ennemies frozen in the snow globe will be frozen for an extended time.


More synergy, more happiness. Seemed to be a good idea too.


Avalanche :

- Extended freeze duration (would be something like 8 to 10 seconds at max rank).

- The next time some damage is dealt to a frozen ennemy, it'll deal 300% more damage.


And here we go ! Okay, it's yet another CC skill, but it works kinda differently, hey... Like freeze : bring a high damage weapon when you will deal with your popcicles.


Volt :


I won't make a bunch of changes here. The frame overall seemed fine to me until I realised that Electric Shield was a bit too much specialised when it's about his offensive abilities. I recently discovered that the stacking +50% electric damage may not be as good as it seems due to the way it's calculated (I doesn't seem to count elemental damage), and also the skill is really much more powerful with crit weapons. It's a shame, because we have a lot of weapons in WF, but with Volt we would only use a few to get that insane +200% critical damage bonus. Also, Overload.


Electric shield :


- Instead of a +50% damage bonus, weapons would get a +15% critical chance bonus that can be stacked.


That bonus is ADDITIVE, not multiplicative. So using ES with a 5% crit weapon would give you 20% crits. With 7 shields (350 energy) you would be able to get 105% crits. I think that this would make a lot more weapons usable with ES than before... As well as making some weapons OP as crap. But heh. I don't think that we can get over 200% crits, right ? Right ?...


Overload :


- Electrical componements are now usable even if they are destroyed.


May not fix everything, but that's a start.


Excalibur :


That dude became a really hot topic recently, and for a good reason (everything sped up due to a unintended change from de dev team). Excaliburs is a prime exemple of what we can call a "one trick pony" : he's got one exceedingly powerful ability, but the others are not really good. Like most of all one-trick ponies, his only powerful ability will be tuned down (it's was already previewed to make Radial Blind subject to a line of sight), and his other abilities will be buffed. He just have to make sure that it'll be nice made.


Slash Dash :


- Damage now scales with your melee weapon's power.

- Each ennemies hit by slash dash counts toward your melee combo multiplier.


Hysteria does the same : I think it would be a nice idea to apply that change to Slash Dash. That power is more handled as an additional melee attack, so I can hardly see a reason to not consider Slash Dash as a full one.


Super Jump :


- During super jump, guns get +50% damage bonus, melee weapons gets +300% damage bonus (also applied to slash dash and heavy impact).


I think everyone will get the point here. You use super jump to take a better view of the battlefield and smack down everything, and you can also use the jump attack of your melee weapon to wreck the ennemy you'll fall on. You can also use slash dash in with for an insanely powerful aerial melee attack. The bonus is kept as long as you won't touch the ground.


Radial Javelin :


- Damages of each javelins now scales with your melee weapon's power.


Simple, yet efficient. Bring a Mag with bullet attractor for insane damages to a unique ennemy.


ADDITIONAL NOTE : Consider the line of sight nerf of radial blind being applied with these changes (not saying that other Excalibur's power will gain line of sight, just saying that RB would be nerfed as well as other abilities would be buffed the way I wrote it).


What do you guys think about that so far ?

INB4, y u want to buff them, dey r OP enuff nao, dis gaem is ez inuff. hurrdurr git gud.

jokes aside,agreed on all of them and i will be VERY VERY HAPPY if DE takes your suggestion on those skill especially the avalanche one.. but i think the 300% bonus damage is abit too much doe... a simple 8-10 sec freeze to provide breathing space is enough for me..

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INB4, y u want to buff them, dey r OP enuff nao, dis gaem is ez inuff. hurrdurr git gud.

jokes aside,agreed on all of them and i will be VERY VERY HAPPY if DE takes your suggestion on those skill especially the avalanche one.. but i think the 300% bonus damage is abit too much doe... a simple 8-10 sec freeze to provide breathing space is enough for me..


and Einde please do a tweak suggestion for ember too thanks in advance...


About the 300% damage thingy : it's only for the next hit, so I can't really see any real problem. If the enemy is hit he'll also be free as well.


About Ember, I don't know that much about her : I only rarely see her in game and I rarely play her. But I may try to put something in place. Finding ideas in order to fix her shouldn't be that hard... I hope.

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About the 300% damage thingy : it's only for the next hit, so I can't really see any real problem. If the enemy is hit he'll also be free as well.


About Ember, I don't know that much about her : I only rarely see her in game and I rarely play her. But I may try to put something in place. Finding ideas in order to fix her shouldn't be that hard... I hope.

hmm 300% on a fully modded dread shot can be ridiculous but if the enemy could break free after getting shot once is pretty much pointless since your teammates is pretty much constantly stuffing bullets into enemies's mouth but um what do i know about dis game...

on the ember's side i was thinking ember's fireblast can changed to something like a meteor shower*just like hydroid's tempest barrage do* that deals blast damage on impact and causing the Area to burn for 8 sec dealing xxx damage per sec could be nice... and oh a toggle-able WOF would be nice too

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Added Ember.




Since Oberon's buff, Ember is considered by most of the community as the weakest frame available. Reasons ? Most of her power are just number based, her powers have too big constraints and her CC ability is limited. The community also miss the good old times where Overheat was still available. Accelerant is just not useful enough to make people forget about it. Some work has to be done here.


Accelerant :

- Gives also 50% chances to trigger a fire proc (Heat damage's unique status effect is a Heat DoT, which deals 50% of your weapon or power's base damage per tick (7 ticks in 6 seconds)). Can be triggered without heat damage. Heat DoT damages are based on damage dealt (1000k damage will trigger 500 damage DoT for 6 seconds).


This would make Accelerant a bit more useful if you have no fire element equiped, and fire based weapons even more fearsome also.


Fire Blast :

- Will also inflict DoT for ennemies inside the ring.

- Will ragdoll ennemies on cast, knocking them rather far away.

- Will inflict also 500/700/800/1000 damage on cast with 100% fire proc.


The second idea seems kinda contradictory, bu I though it would be fun to see and use. Ragdoll makes everything better.


World on Fire :


- On cast, surrounding ennemies will be also make ennemies panic (like Nekros's Terrify). While panicked, enemies will not attack and will haphazardly flee, however there won't be any armor malus like the current Terrify.


I think that makes sense. Seriously guys... The world is on fire, everything goes boom around you and the floor burst fire around. You know what you do ? You pee in your pants and run for your life ! Here it's the same idea.



Nekros will surely be the next frame I'll talk about, since I kinda stole his Terrify for WoF's sake.

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hi, i already noted it in other forum thread, so sory about duplicated message, but maybe this is a better place for it.

With LoS idea, RB(but not only RB) ability need to be used with some tactics in mind. So it somewhat scales with player skill. But, on other side, in some situation, this make the ability useles or hard to use(which degrade fun factor).

I like to use LoS as a bonus. So the ability has radial effect (as of now) within limited range(half of current?), but also affect enemies in larger area if they are in LoS.

Of course, this need some sort of balance(change the ranges, change effects of power range and/or power strength mods on both ranges) and better LoS detection.

But it takes the better of the two approaches.

It will be easy to use(specialy for newbe like me :) ) in most situation, but skilled player can use it much better.

This can be also more funny, than pure radial/pure LoS approach. I like the idea of power combination like Super jump and RB so it can go above the obstacles on some map.


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Added Nekros.


Nekros :


Nekros is an oddball among the Warframes. Weak, yet so useful... Nekros is ONLY use for his 3rd ability, Desecrate, making him able to reveal more loot : for the community, this is his only usefulness, ans the only reason why he's bought in a game. The way his powers are made does not allow him to take profit from both Desecrate and his other abilities, making him extremely boring to play if you want to play like a support (aka how the meta said Nekros should be played). I think it's time to make Nekros's job a bit more fun.


Soul Punch :


- Acts now as a unique projectile with infinite enemy punch through (deals up to 500 impact damages in a straight line). Still keeps his range and explode when hits a wall.

- Ragdoll all enemies in the path.

- Explosion now ragdolls enemies as well.


Ragdoll fest ! Wierd ranges, but ragdoll fest ! Yo dawg, I heard you like ragdoll ?...


Terrify :


- Instead of an armor decrease, gives a direct damage resistance debuff : Ennemies caught by terrify will be dealt 10/20/30/50% more damage for the duration of the skill. Affected by power strenght.

- No more enemy limit.


"No more enemy limit"... THIS will definitely make Terrify way more useful than it is, as Nekros is oftenly run with a max range mode.


Shadow of the dead :


- Number of ennemies buffed to 5/6/8/10.

                       - or -

- No more ennemy limit, spawn all enemies dead inside the spawn radius, and spawn radius buffed to 15m.


I don't know what's better. The first one is simple yet welcomed IMO, while the second one looks nicer but would be hard to put in game.

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Soul Punch :

While your changes would make Soul Punch mildly better, the real problem is that it's firing a single, small projectile in a straight line. If anything the projectile should be as large as the unit that it was fired from; that way, you're more inclined to aim at bigger, stronger units. This also plays into Shadows of the Dead, since SotD is only useful when you have strong shadows summoned, but currently Nekros has no abilities to help him kill those units.


Terrify :

I approve of the damage resistance debuff suggestion, since the only faction that truly makes use of armor is the Grineer. These changes will help make Nekros viable against all factions.

No enemy limit, while tempting, would feel overpowered. You would max for range and then just make the entire room evacuate, which while a powerful tool, means you have to chase them down. It also encourages rush builds with Nekros, and I personally don't feel the game needs that encouragement.

Perhaps alternatively, Terrify could be directed in a cone directly outwards from Nekros in the direction being looked. It would limit the "hits every guy" mechanic significantly, while still making it extremely powerful.


Shadow of the dead :

Shadows of the Dead's primary issue [aside from needing to target powerful enemies to make it worthwhile] is that said shadows are only as powerful as the enemies that they were created from, their AI is as bad as the enemies they were created from, and that same AI unintentionally forces those shadows to stay in the same area. This wastes your energy and also empties your cache of slain foes, causing you to start from scratch.

Instead I propose changing SotD's use ENTIRELY. I propose that said shadows arise in a Fire Blast-like ring around the casting Nekros, and either stay there or move with him. The shadows would still be made of the enemies Nekros had slain, and would act as a living shield. Nekros is weak in his armor, shields, and health, especially with a Desecrate build, and being protected by a ring of aforementioned enemies would be welcome. The shadows would not have health as they currently do, but rather combine the health of all the enemies, and multiply it by, say, x2. The shadows would only disappear when said health pool is depleted.

This way, rather than summoning a bunch of useless goons, Nekros, the king of shadows, is escorted by his own private entourage of shadows made from his slain enemies. Much cooler.

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Having played frost breefly there are things I like about him and things I don't.


Obviously snow glove is nice but local. What he needs is his 1 ability to have a small explosion radius that would apply the same slow effect on areas caught in the effect for a short time. That is they move and attack really slow. That would give it great utility much like Banshee's sonic boom or mag's pull.

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