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The Solar Rail Conflicts: Pvp Balance


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I really hope DE would see this.

These are my suggestions to warframe abilities in the Solar Rail Conflicts to make them powerful but still give room for counterplay.




Smoke Screen: The black energy made it possible to go completely invisible. But killing enemies while not losing invisibility does not provide counterplay. So I propose that ASH will COMPLETELY lose his invisibility upon firing weapons, throwing his shurikens, or using his bladestorm. But he can keep his invisibility while firing weapons IF he has unlocked and installed HUSH or SUPRESS. Melee attacks will also remove his cloak.


Bladestorm: This ability has been overpowered since conclave battles. New bladestorm will keep damages from 14.6.1 BUT will target NON-PLAYER hostilities. This gives ASH a sense of invulnerability whilst the enemy players have time to take objectives but with the temporal absence of reinforcements. He cannot cast it on enemy players, only enemy non-players.


Silence: This ability is stealth oriented, but the current environment voids the use of such an ability. New silence will use the same effects with additional effects. One is that silence will remove BANSHEE from enemy maps if they have enemy sense or enemy radar. Another is that it will REMOVE her "red tint" from enemy vision, making her neither blue nor red for the duration.
Radial Blind: Will blind enemy players a percentage shorter than non players.
Tentacle Swarm: This ability only affects non-players, making it useless against players. New tentacle swarm will not stagger or knockdown enemy players, but it will damage them if they get hit.
Invisibility: This ability was in the same way as ASH's smoke screen. But the new one will work as I stated for smoke screen. This means LOKI can remain invisible for the duration or if he decides to use any weapon without HUSH or SUPRESS. Unlike ASH though, LOKI is free to use his other abilities without prematurely removing his cloak.
Radial Disarm: Radial disarm has the effect of removing the energy bar, much like an ancient disruptor's "touch". New one will just disable primary and secondary weapons. This means that enemy players can still use abilities and melee weapons.

Banish: This one really made the bill. The ability to lock out your opponent is powerful indeed. But to add some sort of counter play, with a little role play as well, Banish will have some drawbacks against Tenno. Banish should not make them invulnerable to damage via weapons and unable to make contact with the real plane. Instead, opponents will be able to deal a percent of their damage as MAGNETIC DAMAGE. Why? because you exist in an ethereal plane of energy so you deal energy damage.
Rift Walk: But there is a drawback on being in the rift plane. Any ally or enemy in the rift plane is vulnerable to magnetic damage as well, because sci-fi. So Limbo, although can move about while ignoring all forms of damage OTHER than magnetic, it allows the player to make builds for warframes that don't have innate magnetic damage.
Pull: MAG's pull has too much crowd control that it renders any enemy useless unless they're behind her. New pull will still knock down and damage non-players, but enemy players will only be damaged and staggered so they have time to copter away if they're fast enough.
[No info at the moment]
Sleight of Hand: There are little uses for this ability since there are barely any environmental objects in-game. New one will take over the turrets within range. This will make tenno turrets fight for your team instead of the enemy's. Consoles are also rigged to blow and will knock down enemy tenno trying to interact with them.
Terrify: This ability only affected non-player enemies. New ability will do the same to non-players, but will reduce enemy player armor and add a dark tint to enemy player screens indicating that they have been "terrified", obscuring peripheral vision by a marginal amount.
Molecular Prime: This had too much slows and debuffs enemy players into one-shot oblivion. New one will have reduced slows as to provide players with some time to get out of range or deal as much damage as possible until exploding like a firecracker.
Chaos: Chaos lacked some "chaos" if the enemy players still had an idea who to shoot. But this one will add some more fun. New chaos will make enemy players affected have red tints to pretty much everybody, including their team mates.
Contagion: Was thinking of a rework on this ability since it has barely any use. New one will increase proc chance to 100% for the duration.
Paralysis: The ability barely staggered players and gave VALKYR an opening instead of her making the opening. I recommend a longer stagger time.
Hysteria: 5 seconds to do some damage is too little considering 100 energy cost without streamline and fleeting expertise. I recommend a 10 second duration while gaining more duration the more she is "damaged" by enemies. The duration caps at 20 seconds worth of damage. It means she will add up 20 more seconds to her 10 second duration, having a total of 30 seconds. She will add 1 second for every 100 HP damage she would otherwise have taken. This is because she gets angrier the more you shoot her, so don't. I was also thinking if this also applied to PvE content, it would be much more fun that way.
Bastille: This one was suggested a rework since it had too much slows to prevent counterplay and it can be spammed all day. New Bastille will only reduce rate of fire of weapons, movement is not impaired. That way bastille will decrease the DPS you put out, but still move at the speed of light.
Vortex: This ability had too much power once it was deployed. The new vortex will simply drag enemy players to the center without knocking them down.
Well, that was a LOT of thinking for me!
Anyhow, this might give a sense of balance in conflicts if they are applied.

...now if DE were able to balance the DPS output of weapons, no one would think about using one weapon for eternity.

Thanks for reading and hope for some upvotes! :D

EDIT: Removed warframes and abilities that should remain unchanged.
EDIT: Removed MAG's crush add-on since it only damages the player, and adding slows would make it OP. Also added Bastille modification.
Edited by Judeo
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i would let all as it is, i would change only one thing


a railwar needs the half of the time or smth like 20 to 50 power-node-destroyments for a new clan-rail


would be more interesting then seeing all this same clans and their rails sitting all out for monthes by their laggy hostings and nobody can really win finally ...


its a mess, ones a rail is placed, its nearly impossible to blow off =)

this is the most imbalanced point on railwars XD

and, if changes are made, lower the need of polymers for the first room and we have real movement in the warframe-universe =)))

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Oh yeah, I'd like to suggest two more things:

When a tenno keeps on dying, they tend to be outleveled by the opponents. So I was thinking that maybe the next time they spawn, they would be at average of the total player level in the conflict.

Also, 4v1 on conflicts is never fair. I think the game should add damage multipliers to the side with less players. Like 25% increase in DMG and HP/SHLD for every one player more than the other team. So the 1 against 4 has 75% increase to match against 4 and lessens if new allies arrive to help.

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Oh yeah, I'd like to suggest two more things:


When a tenno keeps on dying, they tend to be outleveled by the opponents. So I was thinking that maybe the next time they spawn, they would be at average of the total player level in the conflict.

Also, 4v1 on conflicts is never fair. I think the game should add damage multipliers to the side with less players. Like 25% increase in DMG and HP/SHLD for every one player more than the other team. So the 1 against 4 has 75% increase to match against 4 and lessens if new allies arrive to help.


This is what we need. There is simply no way to fight 4 players and kill mobs. They will eventually out level you. A small damage increase would solve a lot of problems.   

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I wanted to add some more balance regarding experience.

Apparently killing specters would give you around 290 XP AFAIK (as far as I know). And that killing players and turrets yield 57 XP. I know specters are a LOT harder to kill than regular AI enemies. But killing the players should give a little more XP than turrets as they ARE the hardest enemies to kill. I would emphasize that if the players have too much XP to give than specters, some will (inevitably) feed the enemy teams, and we can't say that's impossible. Turrets are pretty much unchanged as they do support, but never really meant to outshine the "crew".

Also, I'd like to suggest adding more XP to reviving team mates and taking objectives as that would keep their heads at completing the mission and not spawn camping till 30. Because players take the specters for granted, they leave them alone when they get knocked down. So give them some love and rescue them! To support this XP buff to objectives: I wanted this because they have a LOT more to do than the defending team. I mean, all the defender's gotta do is NOT let them damage the core. The attacker's gotta disable the first room, destroy or disable the second, and destroy the third room. The first strike advantage is useless as the later enemy defender joining the game would be in a level multiple to 3 (eg. 3,5,7,9,12,15, etc)and could be higher than you or lower than you(IMO it's usually higher). 


Lastly, I SUGGEST LASER TURRETS!!! :D Short but reliable to damage, though not as good as an assault turret of course.

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