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Login Rewards Need Some Tweaking In My Opinion (Change Suggestions Included *updated*)


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Edit: It seems our topic got noted in the hot topics section, so great job everyone on getting those ideas flowing!
https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/316176-september-26th-community-hot-topics/?p=3574845#entry3574845 .

Edit 2: If you want to help us gather more data (PC version) post your results over an entire week here and quote either f4c30ff or myself so we can eventually merge all data into a nice and sexy spreadsheet! Possibly with pie (charts)!

The format we use is aaaa-bb-cc xx:yy <Timezone> <Rotation>, <Login Reward>.
Where A= Year, B= Month, C= Day (ISO standard, thanks for the suggestion Bibliothekar!), X&Y the time of day and the rotation either 0-2, 3-6 or 7+.
We prefer 7+ data as that's what is most important for active and daily players.
(Example: "2014-09-29 13:05 CET 7+ rotation, Secondary weapon xp")

Edit 3, 31 October 2014: Over a month's worth of data and my new suggestions can be found here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/311328-login-rewards-need-some-tweaking-in-my-opinion-change-suggestions-included/?p=3773940


I've got Sentinel Weapon affinity 3 times in 4 days and i don't even have a sentinel weapon to level.
At least make it so that you can't get the same reward 2 days in a row.

Also having loads of Gorgon/Glaive blueprints when you already have a rank 30 one of both isn't helping.
Can't you make it so that it checks if you actually have the weapon for said blueprint in your inventory before deciding to give you one? Because 2500 creds (bp sell value) as a 7-day login feels like an insult to me.

And finally not getting any affinity as a login reward if you already have everything of that kind maxed in your inventory would be a welcome change.
I still have loads of warframes to level so i don't mind warframe affinity, yet an irl friend of mine has all of his frames maxed and he's getting warframe affinity like crazy.

So far the best chance of getting the best plat discount (70%/75%) is 0-2 days with a 2/12th (16.66%) chance while the 7 day reward discount chance is 2/21th (9.52%) and that's when the chance of each reward would be equal, which i believe they aren't.


Edited by Xarfrax
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I'll have to agree in this one (since I am that IRL friend) and indeed getting quite fed up every now and again with the lame rewards that are given. 

I've been getting used to equipping my lowest level gear before quitting, just in case I get XP (which I get 90% of the time) as a login reward. 

Also the rewards don't really scale up if you get to 7-days reward, like Xar pointed out. Sure you get a bit more (most of the time useless) XP on the 7 days reward. The chance of getting nothing usefull is even greater then at 1-3 days. 

tl;dr: I've never gotten a Forma(bp) or reactor or catalyst from a login reward EVER!! Only useless XP for already maxed stuff :)

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Login reward is a simple tool, it wont check what you have or not. I dont think DE will ever bother changing it.


Adding more things to the pool is a good idea though. 


You can also have Forma\ Forma Bp and Orokin Catalyst BP \ Orokin Reactor BP


I think their chances should go up after 7 days (or 14, 21 days, whatever is ok with DE)



And to think of it, I havent seen this mentioned things quite long in the reward pool, I think chance got nerfed.

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I agree on the incremental chance thing after 7 days, why not give us something like a +1% chance for each day after the 7th to get a better reward.
Playing every day feels like punishment instead of rewarding atm.
With the crap/bad luck i've been having at 7 days i'd rather have no login rewards than being disappointed that i have no use for the reward. Also having to change your gear before logging out, just so you don't miss a specific affinity reward is quite the hassle.

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Might be better if the exp reward is an item that you can keep, and you can apply them later to your warframe/weapon/sentinel instead of it being applied right away after being received from the login reward.

Would lreally like that idea, that would at least solve the most annoying part about the login reward (not getting anything at all because of max level or not equipped)

Edited by f4c30ff
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I was going to make a thread about it but I guess I'll post it here.


I want to buy platinum.

But the opportunity cost of buying now instead of waiting for a 75% off coupon is too high. $50 spent now would only get me 1000 plat as opposed to 4300 with the discount. That's a 430% increase.

According to testing, statistically, your highest chances of getting a platinum coupon come from the day 0-2 login rewards.So my best bet would be to play for 3 days, wait a day, and repeat.

Since the pool of reward possibilities grows with each tier, the probability of receiving any single reward that is present in a previous tier decreases. Therefore, because the coupons are all in the 0-2 tier, logging in for a third consecutive day actually lowers your chance of getting one, and the seventh day lowers it again.

This seems like an unintended disincentive.


Edit: god damn, getting this to paste without formatting was a pain.

Edited by Spacebat
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I was going to make a thread about it but I guess I'll post it here.


I want to buy platinum.

But the opportunity cost of buying now instead of waiting for a 75% off coupon is too high. $50 spent now would only get me 1000 plat as opposed to 4300 with the discount. That's a 430% increase.

According to testing, statistically, your highest chances of getting a platinum coupon come from the day 0-2 login rewards.So my best bet would be to play for 3 days, wait a day, and repeat.

Since the pool of reward possibilities grows with each tier, the probability of receiving any single reward that is present in a previous tier decreases. Therefore, because the coupons are all in the 0-2 tier, logging in for a third consecutive day actually lowers your chance of getting one, and the seventh day lowers it again.

This seems like an unintended disincentive.


Edit: god damn, getting this to paste without formatting was a pain.

50 bucks feels like a fair price on a standard game, right? So buying 50 bucks worth of plat should give the same feeling, like buying a new game, yet it doesn't without the discount. And my guess is that people would spend more often if they got more discounts, which in the end results in more money gained. Sure some people have no money problems, be it rich parents or the most awesomely paying job ever, yet most of us don't have that luxury.

At the current chances on 70-75% discounts i've only seen it once and it was at a time when i didn't have any money at all and that's been almost a year ago. Now that i do, or at least can loan it from someone, the discounts ain't coming and it makes me sad.

Still it could be much worse as i'm glad DE isn't as bad as EA is when it comes to extra content and its price.

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I fail to see how people can complain about a free game giving free things on login.


It helps new players. A lot. The fact you now have Glaives and Gorgons and all the Frames and guns maxed is irrelevant. If DE followed the insane reasoning in this thread it has to mean that rewards get better and better the more you already have.


Login Rewards are NOT your private gift shop, stop thinking they are.

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I fail to see how people can complain about a free game giving free things on login.


It helps new players. A lot. The fact you now have Glaives and Gorgons and all the Frames and guns maxed is irrelevant. If DE followed the insane reasoning in this thread it has to mean that rewards get better and better the more you already have.


Login Rewards are NOT your private gift shop, stop thinking they are.

I'm not complaining about getting free things, I am complaining about getting useless things.. I'd rather get nothing at all then get stuff that does nothing for me. 

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I fail to see how people can complain about a free game giving free things on login.


It helps new players. A lot. The fact you now have Glaives and Gorgons and all the Frames and guns maxed is irrelevant. If DE followed the insane reasoning in this thread it has to mean that rewards get better and better the more you already have.


Login Rewards are NOT your private gift shop, stop thinking they are.

I've already bought enough plat in the past to not make it a free game anymore so that's no excuse.


I'm not complaining about getting free things, I am complaining about getting useless things.. I'd rather get nothing at all then get stuff that does nothing for me. 

This, a million times this, i prefer to skip the hassle and disappointment of crappy rewards than living under the pretention of awesome rewards who all seem to have a chance far below the 1% and thus hardly show up if at all.

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I fail to see how people can complain about a free game giving free things on login.


It helps new players. A lot. The fact you now have Glaives and Gorgons and all the Frames and guns maxed is irrelevant. If DE followed the insane reasoning in this thread it has to mean that rewards get better and better the more you already have.


Login Rewards are NOT your private gift shop, stop thinking they are.

New players start with some plat, enough for 2 frame slots, or 1 frame + 4 weapon slots. Until they use these, there's not much reason to buy any.

I think it's safe to say that by the time they've exhausted that (used all free slots and their starting plat), they've played for more than 3 days. The discount provides an additional short-term incentive to buy plat. As it stands, a new player is more likely to get one of those discounts in their first three days, when they don't need it, than they are to get it after that, when they're probably already considering the option of buying plat anyway.


I really don't mind the other rewards, they don't usually help me at all, but occasionally getting something I do want is a nice bonus.


My point boils down to economics.


Provided the consumer knows that the discount exists, they do not currently have access to it, and they also know that they may have access to it if they wait, it follows that they will have a disincentive to make a purchase until they do have access to that discount.


There are many possible ways to fix this. The first tweak I would suggest is merely changing the weights on discounts so they are more likely to appear on days 3+ than they are currently. On top of that, they could take various factors into account to determine this weight, perhaps making higher discounts more likely for more active players, for instance. There are many other factors that could be considered, though.


Regardless of whether or not it's free, it still does influence players.

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I really like the daily login.....but getting crap xp and crap credits 95% of the time when your 7 days+ (I've been at a over a month and a 1/2 now and haven't missed a day b/c i play daily) is really weak.....higher chance at forma (BP or complete), catalysts/reactors would be far better than useless xp that i can get more of doing mission runs in the same time it takes to log in.


having a higher chance at plat discounts is better rewarded at 7 days and greater than having to purposely miss a day just for it to reset.

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Guess what, i just got another Sentinel weapon xp reward today and yesterday another Dual Zoren bp (my 3th overall).
Why do we even bother with these login rewards. And Archwing will only make it worse as no doubt there will be an Archwing xp reward and a heavy weapon xp reward added to the 7-day list, only making discounts less likely.

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The issue with console getting the plat discount is that I don't think DE has the legal right to give us a discount at "Sony's Store"...If that makes sense to you...I hope it does. Sometimes I don't say stuff to clearly, lol.

In a nutshell that's the problem, pc isn't owned by anyone in particular nor is the internet, the consoles are, so yeah blame Sony for being greedy on this one, not DE.

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I dread logging in to see my reward I get. 6 out of the 7 days I get a XP bonus of some type.. 1 of the days its something just as boring as the other 6 days. If I want to grind XP, I can get the amount that is given as a log in reward with in 10 minutes of play.


New Log In Reward Ideas

~Nothing - Still better then XP I can earn on my own just as fast as Watching the log in reward spin. 

~Free Kubrow name change

~Resources - 1000 circuits, 900 nano spors....ect................WAIT NO MORE NANO SPORS!

~Kubrow Egg/s

~1500 Credits

~30 days logging in every day = 20 plat

~60 days logging in every day 25 plat

~90 days logging in every day 30 plat - Repeat every 30 days

~Tower keys, ie, Day 1 is a T1 key, Day 6 is a T4 key. 

~kubrow bed! I read this from someones post.

I could go on forever about reward ideas. 

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