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Kick Ability To Remove Leechers, Key-Botters, And Afkers.


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i have never seen a game where kicking has been good in any way, it kills many games as it further seperates the community to the point where new players dont bother to play anymore.


Kicking gets abused in every single game its in, for many reason, be it a feeling of superiority all the way to just being an &#!.  warframe went the right choice to leave out kicking, and has kept a steady stream of players for an extended period of time beacuse of this.


if AFKers and BOTers are a problem for you then you should be carefull who you allow into your parties and never play public.  an afk timer is a nice-ish idea but at the same time it screws over anyone who has to get up and do something for any reason.  having a kick vote can easily be abused as if your party is a hast and his 2 buddies deciding itll be a fun idea to screw with the new players (this happends alot in games where its possible), then its just going to chase away people from public play alltogether.


one solution would be to remove public matchmaking and have 2 recruiting channels, one for normal or casual play and clan recruitment and the other for serious or elitist play.  then have people build their parties manually.  or if thats too much effort (seeing as one of the complaints was about having to reform a team when a random selects a mission you dont want to do......pfft...) then have a simple team finder selection when you click on a planetary node where the hosts can post the types of restrictions they want as well as add a player controlled gameplay status so people who change theirs to "competetive" or "rushing" can find team hosts that match their playstyle and have a happy time together.


playing in public is a gamble and shouldnt be complained about when getting a terrible team of either bad players or leachers...because a bad host can be just as bad as a bad party member.  people who want good teams really should stick to invite only games and build their parties with people they know.


in the end there are many better option than simply kicking.  people who want a kick option tend to be the types who actually like to abuse it (this is something learnt from experiance), even if they feel they arent.  and anyone who thinks they make up only a small part of the community would be gravely mistaken as once you give people even a drop of that kind of authority, they spiral into power madness.

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From the way that the OP has been responding, he seems to constantly talk down to those who disagree with him. So I'll make this short and sweet.

Yes. It's a pain in the &#! to have leechers come in and do nothing.

However, warframe as it is right now is highly built on specific items. 
"Oh you don't have these items? Kick"


"Oh look he's this frame, kick".


"Oh god he's a black and white frame, kick" <-- this has happened on several occasions where I've been "forced" out a lobby due to my coloring preferences.


It's not gonna be abused a little.

It will abused A LOT

OP you have good intentions, and I respect that. But the cons outweigh the pros. Especially in this game.


To use payday as an example: I'm infamous rank 2 with over 139 hours into the game. In payday 2, you are constantly forced to go and change your items and if you do not have the correct stuff. Then it's a kick


Too low leveled? Kick


Too high leveled? Kick <-- In payday 2, infamous ranked players are generally either considered hardcore or just hackers who hacked the game. Which leads to way more kicks than you can imagine.

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if AFKers and BOTers are a problem for you then you should be carefull who you allow into your parties and never play public.  an afk timer is a nice-ish idea but at the same time it screws over anyone who has to get up and do something for any reason.  having a kick vote can easily be abused as if your party is a hast and his 2 buddies deciding itll be a fun idea to screw with the new players (this happends alot in games where its possible), then its just going to chase away people from public play alltogether.

The number of people/friends thats mostly online does not allow u to pick a good group most of the time thus u have to do a public match. And what are the odds that 2 as5holes would play publicly and kick anyone they dont like when they can simply do an invite only. Makes sense? The thing is we assume that X would happen since it happened to most games or scenarios but obviously warframe is a different game with different community there's simply no harm in trying seeing that this game is still under development.
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Adding in a kick system that is under control of the players would cause more problems then solve. You need to ask yourself this question when you bring up the topic of kicking:


What is more annoying?

A) Having to carry a leech or two through a mission.

B) Actively helping the group but still getting kicked mid mission, denying you everything you would have earned in that game.


One instance is a minor annoyance. The other causes a waste of time and makes you wary of interacting with anyone.


Whether or not you believe that the majority of players won't abuse a kick system, it will still happen. And I'd much rather have to carry a group of leeches then have one person wrongfully denied their mission rewards.

Edited by Zyion
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