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Ps4 Mastery Rank Test Bug [Megathread]


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This is obviously not a new problem but even after Update 14.5 it still hasn't been resolved. I was lucky to have been able to load the Rank Up test twice after several attempts which had taken weeks as each failed attempt or loading results in a 24hr wait. I was hoping that the issue was fixed in Update 14 or 14.5 but I encountered the loading sequence of a Black screen for about 1-2min and then the space craft returning back to the ship with a automatic failed attempt. It obviously is a major problem especially for those players who need to Rank Up to unlock certain privileges such as Trading, Weapons etc and even though I'm not in need to Rank Up it is still unbelievably frustrating. I hope DE resolves this bug as its been around for quite some time now and really needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

P.S the previous time I was lucky enough to load the previous Rank Up test 9 & 10 by changing the WF game servers to a non-U.S based as I thought it may have been sow thing to do with the connection or reliability of the servers but I have no idea if that was the reason behind the successful loading of the Rank Up test.

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The easiest and most reliable fix for this is, as I already described it in the official thread for this issue, simply restarting your game prior to attempting to test. I've never had it fail on me or anyone else I've told to use this method. Good luck. DE is aware and have been taking the issue. I'm not sure if they've discovered a remedy to put in a future update or not yet. Just follow the above step and you should be fine until DE can issue a proper fix.

Edited by (PS4)jwernecke
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This happened to me today and yesterday trying to rank up from rank 9 to 10. it says i have to wait another 24 hours before i can attempt the test. every time i try it shows a black screen and then returns to the liset. I hope this is being addressed because it seems to be a big problem for both playstation 4 users and PC users.

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As you mentioned, Jwernecke, resetting does seem to work "sometimes" and is pure luck as to whether it works or not. I've tried that many times and I would admit it probably works more often than not but it doesn't solve the issue. Like I stated in earlier posts I had no issues with the Rank Up tests for about 4 weeks and it seems to have returned. Resetting the game every time to do a Rank Up test is not a solution especially when it's more chance than a sure thing. I tried that just before and still had the black screen and automatic fail. I do acknowledge that DE is aware of the problem and is probably working on a solution (I hope so) because it's a major sticking point especially for new players to Warframe and also a pain when I've tried to rank up for the last week only to have had 1 try out of 7 days since its a 24hr waiting period. I'm hoping that DE either has a fix for this problem soon or perhaps can change the 24hr to something less like 6hrs for the time being until the problem is fully fixed so people don't have to keep waiting 24hrs to retry a test that they haven't even been able to play let alone fail.

P.S this is not aimed at you in anyway and my goal for these posts is for DE to hopefully resolve the issue quickly as the proem has been around for quite awhile now.

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I had several issues with the same thing. The solution of me getting past it is to change your game to solo only, and then choose your rank up option from your options menu instead of your navigator menu. I hope this helps.


All of you that are still having issues.  Have you tried the above ALONG with, restarting your game.  Actually at this point I would recommend just rebooting your entire PS4, logging in, don't open ANYTHING don't even switch your warframe or mods/guns. 


Get everything how you want it for the test, set your matchmaking to SOLO.  Log out.  Turn your PS4 all the way off.  Log back in.  Don't go to the foundry, arsenal, incubator, Nav system, NOTHING.


Just hit start or (Options button) on Dualshock 4.  Go up and click to take the test.  


Let me know if this helps those of you still having problems,  I especially feel for those stuck at rank 0 :-(.  Hopefully DE can fix this soon!  


In the meantime please follow each step above.  If you do everything I've listed above, whether a success or a fail.  Please feedback!


Thanks guys.

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When do you plan on fixing this bug already!? Seriously trying to get the soma is becoming an extremely long and tedious chore when I can't rank up!

I hit rank up, my screen goes completely black, 30 seconds later the loading screen show up and I'm back in my ship. Hit rank up again and I have to wait 24 hours before I can do it again!? Seriously dafaq?

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Well the title about sums it up.


When I try it level up to rank 5 all I get is a black screen for 2-3 minutes then I get the returning back to craft animation.


When I attempt to try again I'm told to wait 24 hours!


So I suppose this helps to keep the bugs down to one a day!!!

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Before anyone says "there's a sticky, you should post in that topic" I know about it, but doesnt seem like anything has been fixed from reading through it, so I am starting another thread.  I woke up today, thinking "hey, i can try the rank up mission again, screw it, might as well..." Just to get taken to a black screen, then went to the ship loading screen for a second, then all of a sudden i'm back on ship....first thought?  Wont be able to do the gd test, and i didnt even get to try it.  Guess what, I was right. 


Appearently this has been a problem in the past on PC and now on PS4, why hasnt it been fixed.  Posts in the sticky has been from months ago.  An update was just released, with all these little "hotfixes" and all that...where's the fix for this?  This wouldnt be so bad to me, but I want my rank 6.  Having to wait 24 hours over a glitch in the game is kinda BS.  Would be different if i failed and SUCKED at the mastery rank, but didnt even get a shot to try it. 


Doubt I can get that timer reset, so basically I am just standing on my soapbox for a little bit.  Good luck to those that have this happen.  Oh and for the love of GOD please do a maintenance on the game.  Freezes during missions, ultra lag for a second, like i was playing on a PC with a single core processor and 128mb video card...along with many other things I could list, that has somewhat of a simple fix.  Reset the servers.  Perform some form of maintenance, the entire time I have played this game, not ONCE have I saw WF go down for maintenance.  Even games that have the same business model, you know, "pay to win" like Vindictus and alot of other F2P games, they go down once a week.  Pay to play games sometimes go down more than once a week, they find a problem that more than a couple people has, they fix it, turn off servers, implement the fix, and put it back up.


And that's all for the soapbox.  Sorry, just had to get some of that out.  REALLY wanna get to rank 6 sometime in the future....without the whole "black screen o' death" and then hey!  guess what?  we think you failed the test cause you "loaded" into a black screen after selecting "Rank Up".................................................................


and this was instantly posted in this sticky thread..........wtf


By the way, matchmaking was set to solo, for anyone wondering. 


This "bug" has made me not want to play, even though I have a credit booster going, time to play a game without frustrating bugs, Final Fantasy XIV.

Edited by (PS4)Darkendfaith
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I am having a problem with taking my level 9 test. When I tell it I want to take the test the screen goes black for about 10 seconds and then comes back on with me back in my ship. It then tells me that I have to wait another 24 hours before I can take the test. This has happened several times on the other tests. Twice on the level 8 test the game froze up when I completed the test and then made me take the test again after 24 hours. I have talked to several other players and they are having the same problem. One of them tells me he has been trying for over a week to take his level 10 test and every time he tries to take the test the screen goes black, after about 5 to 10 seconds he is back in his ship and has to wait 24 hours to take the test again

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