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Lore Suggestion For Unobtainable Warframes.


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I had an idea to explain why not everyone has an Excalibur Prime or the Stalker or Prime Access cosmetics:

Prime Access: As you know, most Warframes used to be One Of A Kind, except for those who are copies themselves (Excalibur, Mag, Loki, Nyx, Ember, Frost, Rhino (at this time)).

Prime Warframes are also copies of the original Prime Warframe, that is why the stuff that comes with Prime Access can only be obtained through it, when you buy Prime Access

you are not copying a Prime Warframe and it's weapons, you are getting the ORIGINAL, COMPLETE Prime Warframe and weapons, including the cosmetics it was wearing at the time.

Apparently they are in some places in the Void only the Lotus and Vor know they even exist, and after 3 months those places dissapear, but by that time, Lotus can mass produce the Prime as she now knows where in the Void are the parts.

Excalibur Prime and Founder Weapons: Unlike the other Prime Stuff, as Excalibur Prime is the Original Warframe, He and his weapons CANNOT BE REPLICATED BY THE LOTUS for some reason, that is why only the Founders have them, as they found the only cache of Excalprimes in existance and took them all.

Stalker: As you know, Mirage was unique and until she left her messages so that the Lotus could replicate her, she was the Only Mirage in existance. A similar case happrns with the Stalker, although his Warframe is based in Excalibur, it is completely unique as only he is seen with it.

We cannot get it because we would need to rip it from his body so that the Lotus can replicate it and he teleports before we can do that. Disintegrating him would not be an option as that would Permakill him as it did with Mirage.

so, guys, whaddaya think?

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Stalker: As you know, Mirage was unique and until she left her messages so that the Lotus could replicate her, she was the Only Mirage in existance. A similar case happrns with the Stalker, although his Warframe is based in Excalibur, it is completely unique as only he is seen with it.

We cannot get it because we would need to rip it from his body so that the Lotus can replicate it and he teleports before we can do that. Disintegrating him would not be an option as that would Permakill him as it did with Mirage.

so, guys, whaddaya think?


Stalker is not a Warframe. Stalker is an Orokin Guard that survived the day the Tenno killed the Orokin and is now looking for revenge.


The rest meh not really a good explanation (and i don't think that any is needed)

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Stalker is not a Warframe. Stalker is an Orokin Guard that survived the day the Tenno killed the Orokin and is now looking for revenge.


The rest meh not really a good explanation (and i don't think that any is needed)

Of course Stalker is not a warframe. Warframes are just warframes. Tenno are not warframes either.^^


The fact that he belonged to the "Low guardians" doesn't mean he's not similar to the Tenno. He just wasn't among the ones who fought directly the Orokin's enemy during the war. He was just a lowly guardian, that's all.^^


Anyway, until we get enough lore, it's all theories.^^

Edited by Marthrym
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