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Death Caused By Suicide Via Stug Aboard The Liset.


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So I was aboard the Liset, after being defeated by the G3, and I built the thing I need to remove it. I did just that, and when I was freed from the G3 restraining bolt thingy, my Warframe decided it was time to draw his weapon aboard the Liset. That's what happened, and when I switched over to my secondary, Stug, and began firing at the walls, I quickly made myself very, very dead. I have no idea how this came about to happen.

Here is a screenshot of my dead Vauban. Rest in peace you magnificent bastard. http://i.imgur.com/Ghw5vAT.jpg

(I also wasn't sure where to post this so I picked PC Beta Bugs --> UI.)

Edited by GhastlyGasMask
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he is not dead, that is vaubans natural sleeping pose.


This really made me laugh.


On-topic, that seems to be a persistent bug related to fighting the Grustrag Three, being able to pull your weapons in the Liset after getting defeated. Apparently a fix hasn't been deployed yet!

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