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Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...Suggestions on how to improve the game? NERF SHOTGUNS! What he F*** is going on?! Shotguns are insanely overpowered and deserve to be heavily nerfed. I see people killing enemies with shotguns as far away as I can with my Latron assault rifle...And the damage they do?...How is this justified... They clearly break the game, and make it $&*&*#(%& to use any other kind of gun. Seriously make the spread of the shotguns much less precise, and change the spread of the shot so that it diverges as it travels...Also the shotguns need to be drastically reduced in their base damage. Seriously, this needs to be addressed...Its a joke to have weapons like the Kraken that give a large payoff to skilled gameplay, and then have such obtuse clown guns like the current shotguns...Most of the guns in the game are very well balanced...So why not the Shotguns? Why this issue has not yet been fixed seems completely idiotic to me. Eitherway, I hope the devs make the right choice, the choice of sanity.


Dude you are the first Rage%&^ i see in this forum from my joining.


didnt notice the "overpower" of the shotgun, i think its a matter of rank and mods on it.


just be more calm, this forum is full of love for DE and personaly, i like that way.


You know that paris can do over 3000 damage PER SHOT with right mods?

So it sounds to me like the mods are the problem, not the gun. Talk about fixing the mods, not senselessly nerfing a weapon because of how it interacts with the aforementioned mods.


this is a serius issue, shotguns are way OP in this game, and im a shotgun lover, the hek its far beyond any other weapons, making rifles pretty much useless, because an full elemental dmg + full multyshot shotgun can snipe down multiple targets under lv 55 . . .


no, the only posible solution is, make them less acurrated, greatly reduce distance, so its an shot range weapon, instead of sniping targets in outer terminous far end area....


Shotguns are not overpowered - They are rewarding for having to be extremely close, while other weapons are way more efficient, can be shot from afar, and have a set amount of damage.


Boar is a shotgun you can look at:

It is fairly weak with no mods.. You have to PB (Point Blank) enemies to match the damage of a rifle with mods. This may be strong, but not as rewarding since you're going to run out of ammo really fast and you're exposing yourself to danger. With crit mods and armor penetration, you will be able to deal MASSIVE amounts of damage with the Boar, but it's still not as efficient as rifles and you have to concentrate on taking out 1 target at a time.


There are pros and cons. Sure, the damage is "overpowered", but only because the rest of the weapon's attributes are cons compared to other weapon types.


Lemme qualify your point a bit--it suffers a lot from being far too broad and exaggerated.  It's not that all shotguns are universally overpowered.  The Hek, for example, is one of the most expensive/difficult weapons to acquire and has a lot of downsides...though it does have incredible accuracy.  The Boar is hardly a sniper-shotgun and burns through ammo to boot.  It's the cost-equivalent of the Gorgon and feels roughly right.


The Strun is a completely different story.  The Strun is dirt cheap, never runs out of ammo, and has a polarity.  The Strun is supposed to be almost a starting weapon, somewhere between bottom and mid-tier...but it enables even a beginner to clear the most difficult content in the game.  It has the uncanny, pinpoint accuracy you were describing with no real downsides.  Every single person I play with is of the opinion that the Strun is absolutely ridiculous.  It sounds like your post isn't so much about shotguns in general, but rather the Strun...


The shot guns dont need to be touched, shotguns are supposed to be strong, but the ones you are probably talking about have been properly modded. I can rip through mods eaisly with my Twin Vipers, Paris, Boltor or Braton if modded right. I dont understand wy you want it to be nerfed anyway this game is pve not pvp


It sounds about right to me too. All the guns are awesome (except Snipertron :P) and that's good. Maybe people are coming off games where the enemy difficulty comes from tanking rather than firepower? 


I have a catalyst in my HEK.  It is kind of game-breaking.  But, I'm not sure it needs a nerf, because I don't have any other level 30 weapons with catalysts in them yet.  Consequently, I don't know how much better or worse it will be compared to say, a catalyst'ed braton/latron/gorgon/aklato/lex/etc.  


And, if all other weapons are equally game-breaking, it would argue for harder high-level content rather than specific weapon nerfs.  


Of course, none of this means a nerf isn't justified for shotguns - just that I don't have enough info to really agree or disagree yet.  

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