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Spy Missions Are Impossible To Solo


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seriously, 200 units against you using your pistol is @(*()$ $&*&*#(%&. you guys gotta tone this S#&$ down a bit when the player is playing solo.


200 units are just too @(*()$ much

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I hate to point out the obvious but drop the thing and either shoot with your rifle or hack and slash with your melee weapon...

I've solo'd spy missions without any issue so to be brutally critical if you can't pass them by dropping it and picking it up afterwards get better at the game.

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In every game you're gonna have stuff you love to do and stuff you loathe. It's all a part of it bro. Deep breaths and take your time. We all have stuff we'd rather not do in games but we do it anyway so we can get to the stuff we actually want to do.

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seriously, 200 units against you using your pistol is @(*()$ $&*&*#(%&. you guys gotta tone this S#&$ down a bit when the player is playing solo.


200 units are just too @(*()$ much

That tells me you're using the wrong pistol.


I run with a lex and I annihilate everything that enters my sight. A well modded lex will munch through even level 40 infested ancients and other tough enemies.

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I will have to say these missions SHOULD NOT BE changed. Love them ....I go out of my way to not drop my package (yes I said that) then i casually walk to the end with my pistol blasting away ...makes me feel like im the big guy on campus.



And ya I use starting pistol with the ice mod :)

Edited by Seraphim2t
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Even with a Lato well moded (Hornet Strike + the Multishoot things for example), you destroy everything in your way quite quickly.

And in the case they are coming close, just do a charged attack with your melee.


The only thing I hate about soloing spy mission, is when I want to level up my primary weapon.

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Soloing spy isn't nearly as hard as soloing defense. At least the enemies are usually polite enough to appear from one general direction at a time in spy missions. Like people said earlier, use Lex or melee. For some reason, I can use duel melee just fine when carrying the data mass (if you thought you couldn't melee while carrying datamass)

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It depends on the frame you're using. I find spy missions very hard on solo because you have to hack 3, 4 maybe even 5 consoles whilst half a platoon is shooting at you. I'm lucky though I'm a Loki meaning I can go invisible for 10 seconds + put down decoys. Unless you have little perks like that you're a bit screwed on these kinds of missions. Unless you have an ungoldly large amount of shield/health/armour etc. I'm not really sure whether Rhino could just stand there hacking and take the hits or not. I'm not sure how high his stats can go. Once you have the item though, regardless of your frame you just have to run it if you're on your own so it helps if you're fast. 

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Use a Lex if you hate dropping and picking it up again. Instant gratification my friend.


I use a 30 lex well modded


the warframe I use for these missions are the rhino on full tank


I also drop the datamass very often to use my hex; 



STILL... 200 enemies is just absurd for solo.  ABSURD. you guys talk like you don't do the pluto missions where the grineer have that machine gun with INFINITE BULLETS that has a long range accuracy and a absurd damage. Even worse are the freaking corpus with a dzen offspreys and moas rushing with their infinite bullets.




yea, spy missions are TOTALLY DOABLE SOLO! if you're playing on mercury




PS: if spy missions are so freaking ez, why aren't you guys on them? All I see is tons of squads farming bosses; farming mods on xini and avoiding every single spy mission ever. you all talk and talk but no action, i don't see anyone queuing up for them

Edited by stortz
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I use a 30 lex well modded


the warframe I use for these missions are the rhino on full tank


I also drop the datamass very often to use my hex; 



STILL... 200 enemies is just absurd for solo.  ABSURD. you guys talk like you don't do the pluto missions where the grineer have that machine gun with INFINITE BULLETS that has a long range accuracy and a absurd damage. Even worse are the freaking corpus with a dzen offspreys and moas rushing with their infinite bullets.




yea, spy missions are TOTALLY DOABLE SOLO! if you're playing on mercury




PS: if spy missions are so freaking ez, why aren't you guys on them? All I see is tons of squads farming bosses; farming mods on xini and avoiding every single spy mission ever. you all talk and talk but no action, i don't see anyone queuing up for them

Okay, I have to ask, do you have confirmed 200 enemies in one level, all gunning for you, or is it just a number you decided to latch onto? I ran into an extermination where about 60 grineer spawned in one room, which I confirmed by having the counter drop from 90 to about 30 once I got done running for my freaking life, spamming everything I had behind me.

Also, I can't solo pluto. At all :P. spy missions beyond mercury are doable for me though. I mean, we HAVE planets in between mercury in pluto. Your tite statement implies that ALL spy missions are impossible to solo, not just pluto, which generally requires a full squad for someone of my lackluster skilllevel to get through.

Finally, your final point seems flawed. Obviously, if spy missions are easy to solo, we're just running them solo, not in squads. Plus, spy missions don't have farming potential like xini does. I know I just get through spy missions to go to the next one, or get an alert reward.


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I had 350 enemies in some missions. Sweet XP and mod drops. Love it. My suggestion: Get a hard-hitting ammo efficient pistol, pistol ammo boxes and manage your ammo carefully. Take on enemies one-by-one, stage fighting retreats and don't get cornered. Know your surroundings.


Why am I not running Spy missions? Because running Sabotage, Capture, Raid and Bosses is straighter. I have all missions unlocked, I can choose. And I pick those missions because I feel that Spy is limiting. I agree with you there.

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I've been using twin vipers, and had little problem with these missions as volt or excalibur and so far frost. I tend to make sure the rooms cleared before grabbing it. More often than not one enemy will eventually lockdown the area then i just mop up whats left in the area then collect data then open it back up again.


Never had an issue with these ones, even with the lato. If anything i liked it cause it forced me to level up my sidearm/s and melee. I will admit though that the vipers tended to chew through the ammo but the mods i have on it are currently enough too drop all but the heavies in a burst, and the heavies take a mag or at most two.

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I use a 30 lex well modded


the warframe I use for these missions are the rhino on full tank


I also drop the datamass very often to use my hex; 



STILL... 200 enemies is just absurd for solo.  ABSURD. you guys talk like you don't do the pluto missions where the grineer have that machine gun with INFINITE BULLETS that has a long range accuracy and a absurd damage. Even worse are the freaking corpus with a dzen offspreys and moas rushing with their infinite bullets.




yea, spy missions are TOTALLY DOABLE SOLO! if you're playing on mercury




PS: if spy missions are so freaking ez, why aren't you guys on them? All I see is tons of squads farming bosses; farming mods on xini and avoiding every single spy mission ever. you all talk and talk but no action, i don't see anyone queuing up for them


Looks like you need to get better, I solo everything except for higher-level bosses. 

You don't need to kill every unit either unless it's extermination.

Edited by Nightframe
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Okay, I have to ask, do you have confirmed 200 enemies in one level, all gunning for you, or is it just a number you decided to latch onto? I ran into an extermination where about 60 grineer spawned in one room, which I confirmed by having the counter drop from 90 to about 30 once I got done running for my freaking life, spamming everything I had behind me.

Also, I can't solo pluto. At all :P. spy missions beyond mercury are doable for me though. I mean, we HAVE planets in between mercury in pluto. Your tite statement implies that ALL spy missions are impossible to solo, not just pluto, which generally requires a full squad for someone of my lackluster skilllevel to get through.

Finally, your final point seems flawed. Obviously, if spy missions are easy to solo, we're just running them solo, not in squads. Plus, spy missions don't have farming potential like xini does. I know I just get through spy missions to go to the next one, or get an alert reward.



the point is if i'm running it solo it shouldn't spawn 200 total units because that's #*($%%@ up


with a group seems like only the levels change. which make no difference what so ever.



again... gotta solo it... because nobody queues for the damn missions

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Looks like you need to get better, I solo everything except for higher-level bosses. 

You don't need to kill every unit either unless it's extermination.

hahalol you soloing pluto? right bro



some mod just delete this topic cause ain't nobody from the actual missions here talkin about it, just xini farmers and extermination specialists. 

Edited by stortz
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hahalol you soloing pluto? right bro



some mod just delete this topic cause ain't nobody from the actual missions here talkin about it, just xini farmers and extermination specialists. 


He's actually right. Also, want me to solo Ambulas? haha. I can post screenshots if you want. Or Phorid? just choose a high level non-defense mission.


These personal attacks get you anywhere....the first step to improve yourself is to accept your own shortcomings. Here the shortcoming seems to be that your pistol sucks or you haven't modded it correctly. Like I said earlier in the thread, there are a couple of pistols that are on the same level or above primary weapons, so your thread is objectively wrong.

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He's actually right. Also, want me to solo Ambulas? haha. I can post screenshots if you want. Or Phorid? just choose a high level non-defense mission.


These personal attacks get you anywhere....the first step to improve yourself is to accept your own shortcomings. Here the shortcoming seems to be that your pistol sucks or you haven't modded it correctly. Like I said earlier in the thread, there are a couple of pistols that are on the same level or above primary weapons, so your thread is objectively wrong.


instead of internet fighting let's do a mission together. I need to complete my map


let's go eris - giardia

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