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Spy Missions Are Impossible To Solo


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the point is if i'm running it solo it shouldn't spawn 200 total units because that's #*($%%@ up


with a group seems like only the levels change. which make no difference what so ever.



again... gotta solo it... because nobody queues for the damn missions

Well, I guess I just happen to be really lucky then. I'm playing through Pluto right now, and I'm rarely fighting more than 10 at a time.....If you need to get past the spy mission, I can help you out if you want.

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I use a 30 lex well modded


the warframe I use for these missions are the rhino on full tank


I also drop the datamass very often to use my hex; 



STILL... 200 enemies is just absurd for solo.  ABSURD. you guys talk like you don't do the pluto missions where the grineer have that machine gun with INFINITE BULLETS that has a long range accuracy and a absurd damage. Even worse are the freaking corpus with a dzen offspreys and moas rushing with their infinite bullets.




yea, spy missions are TOTALLY DOABLE SOLO! if you're playing on mercury




PS: if spy missions are so freaking ez, why aren't you guys on them? All I see is tons of squads farming bosses; farming mods on xini and avoiding every single spy mission ever. you all talk and talk but no action, i don't see anyone queuing up for them

200 enemies? Please tell me what mission you're getting that many enemies with. I need to level up my twin vipers. :)

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i was unlocking pluto missions yesterday. Since i was in a hurry, i  went soloing and speed run the whole way and managed to  finish the whole spy mission without firing a single bullet... XD 

use chao, wait for them to kill each other ---> run, use chaos--> run--> retrieved data mass...-->repeat--> . run to extract.  

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you use your pistol? i melee my way through spy missions... oh and pistols have as much if not more damage than most rifles if you put the right mods on and I know quite a few people who regard pistol as their primary weapon just like I prefer to play with melee as my primary.

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I use a 30 lex well modded


the warframe I use for these missions are the rhino on full tank


I also drop the datamass very often to use my hex;



All that screen shot and your other information proves is that you're shockingly bad at head shots, your melee is lackluster at best and to prove it (If my maths are correct) 1 in every 46 of your kills were from a head shot and 1 in 10 were melee kills...

If you want to get better either try aiming for the head so they go down faster (HEK should be OHK for everything bar the elite guys) or put better mods in your melee weapons and you might even be able to pass your so called "impossible spy missions"...

Is there anything else we need to explain to you? I can get some crayons and draw pretty pictures if you like :P

Edited by Temporary
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I have solo'd Spy missions many times. You have to know when to drop the data package and use your alternate gun, which in my case is a BURSTON. Regardless of what weapon you are using, sometimes you just have to clear a room before moving on, especially in those infected missions. I think with the Ninja mentality, some people run headfirst into each tile without considering how screwed they'd be should they become overwhelmed.

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My offer to give you a little bit of help through the spy mission still stands.


However, I also thought of another thing that might matter, what frame do you use? If you can get a Nyx, soloing spy missions would become much easier, as those 200 enemies would just start destroying each other.

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how bout almost 400?


infinite enemies, that is all

I'm gonna be straight with you.


Firstly, if you're playing to be stealthy and are actually good at stealth, you won't kill more than 150 enemies.


Secondly, you barely melee at all, that screenshot flaunts your lack of melee use.


Lastly, you complain about massive amounts of enemies when those actually power up weapons very quickly. If you don't want to fight them, run. Assuming you use Rhino, you can literally put Iron Skin and run across the level without an issue as well. It's just you inadequately forcing yourself to use the pistol and not actually taking time to aim the thing.


The bottom line is that if you're the type to stay and fight, your skill level is low. If you're the type that runs, you fight way too much.

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how bout almost 400?


infinite enemies, that is all

Sorry to also jump onto the bandwagon here, as I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt here even after all the raging and foul language you displayed on your posts, but posting "proof" here with those numbers is totally ridiculous. A few points about your proof and earlier posts then:


a) your stats on that mission suck which seem to be the core of the problem. Lex = headshot instant gratification. Firing on a Grineer's foot isn't going to do you any good. Also, that little amount of melee kills seem to indicate an unhealthy attachment to your ranged weaponry which also does you no favor if you try to blame the mission, not yourself.


b) I can spend an afternoon running around and get you a screenshot of a mission with 1000+ kills. Heck, I could stand a day before a Moa dispenser and shoot the poor bastard in the face to get these numbers. Not that I would actually waste my time like that. This is laughable proof and you were better off without delivering it.


c) A Rhino isn't the worst choice to do anything solo. Okay you can't just Smokebomb your butt out of that hypothetical 200 enemy room but play your frame's strengths and you would have no problem. As above poster suggested... Iron Skin and run.


d) Doubting other players abilities is poor form. I also tried soloing Pluto missions with my Ash and it was perfectly doable. Not currently worth the hassle for me, though.


e) This has been said to death: drop the datamass objects and use your primary if you have to.


f) Strong language, hyperbole, blaming the community for not doing the mission with you and then asking... nay, demanding that someone helps you... and even finding a saint here who offered help. And still you rage. I'm beyond words now.

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Also once you get a quality sidearm like Aklato, you don't even need to drop the datamass.


I have a maxed Aklato and a maxed Boltor, and the Aklato is actually better.


Lex is another very powerful sidearm.


Dual Vipers is inferior to Aklato but will tear through all enemies like they're tissue paper.

Edited by CaligoIllioneus
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