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Newbie Got Questions!



1) I want to buy some melee weapon blue print but it says xp locked so how to solve this? my friend said u need to increase ur mastery rank or whatever - but how to increase it?

2) In my profile I have daily quest to rank up? Is it mastery rank up quest? whats benefit of that quest?

3) I m xcaliber class and still learning about game - which weapons and pets are really good for him? blueprints made only please. 

4) In how many Earth missions we get kurbow egg? just asking about general drop rate.

5) Is there any mode and upgrade guild for xcaliber here - preferably according to latest patch. 

6) Where is xcaliber combo guide? Other frames which are low lvl then me but still killing enemies so fast - how can I do that too? or just my frame xcaliber sucks or I suck lol.


Ty in advance

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18 answers to this question

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1: Mastery Rank is a measure of how versed you are as a warrior. Completing quests, earning achievements, and mastering weapons increases your rank as a Ninja.


2: This tests whether you are worthy to become the next rank of Ninja


3:Whatever suits your playstyle. Let no one EVER tell you otherwise - every weapon/pet is equally useable, it merely depends on skill level and preference.


4: Random drop. Kill nests for the egg.


5: Just build him the way you feel fits you best.


6: depends on how you built your Frame. build it for damage, tanking, casting, etc. depends on how it will do under different cercumstances.


Welcome, Tenno!

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1) Increase your Mastery Rank by ranking up weapons and warframes.

2) If it is the Mastery Rank test that is how you increase your Mastery Rank IF you pass it. If you fail you have to wait to retry it.

3) It is all personal preference really.

4) RNG RNG RNG, there really is no average. Some get it in their first few runs and others may not find it for days.

5) Just try out some builds yourself, it is part of the experience!

6) Their frame lvl might be low but they might be packing higher ranked weapons.

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1) Every time you play with a warframe/weapon/companion it gives you mastery points, those are needed to reach a higher mastery rank, you'll find more info about mastery ranks in the link, that also answers 2)


3) Every weapon is craftable (and I personally do not recommend to ever buy a weapon with plat). All the weapons can be equipped to any warframe, same goes to companions so whatever you prefeer are way to go. Weapons wiki you can see al the weapons below the bugs section. companions wiki.


4) Any as they all have kubrow dens


5) You'll have to build him as you go progressing and getting better mods. Try Warframe Builder so you can have a vision of what you want to accomplish. Also goes to weapons and companions.


6) The combos are not attached to the warframe but the melee weapon. You see other players mouling everything because they have more time in game hence more and better mods, just give it time. Do not underestimate any frame, they all are usefull.

Edited by xlraistlx
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1) Every time you play with a warframe/weapon/companion it gives you mastery points, those are needed to reach a higher mastery rank, you'll find more info about mastery ranks in the link, that also answers 2)


3) Every weapon is craftable (and I personally do not recommend to ever buy a weapon with plat). All the weapons can be equipped to any warframe, same goes to companions so whatever you prefeer are way to go. Weapons wiki you can see al the weapons below the bugs section. companions wiki.


4) Any as they all have kubrow dens


5) You'll have to build him as you go progressing and getting better mods. Try Warframe Builder so you can have a vision of what you want to accomplish. Also goes to weapons and companions.


6) The combos are not attached to the warframe but the weapon. You see other players mouling everything because they have more time in game hence more and better mods, just give it time. Do not unserstimate any frame they all are usefull.



1) Increase your Mastery Rank by ranking up weapons and warframes.

2) If it is the Mastery Rank test that is how you increase your Mastery Rank IF you pass it. If you fail you have to wait to retry it.

3) It is all personal preference really.

4) RNG RNG RNG, there really is no average. Some get it in their first few runs and others may not find it for days.

5) Just try out some builds yourself, it is part of the experience!

6) Their frame lvl might be low but they might be packing higher ranked weapons.



1: Mastery Rank is a measure of how versed you are as a warrior. Completing quests, earning achievements, and mastering weapons increases your rank as a Ninja.


2: This tests whether you are worthy to become the next rank of Ninja


3:Whatever suits your playstyle. Let no one EVER tell you otherwise - every weapon/pet is equally useable, it merely depends on skill level and preference.


4: Random drop. Kill nests for the egg.


5: Just build him the way you feel fits you best.


6: depends on how you built your Frame. build it for damage, tanking, casting, etc. depends on how it will do under different cercumstances.


Welcome, Tenno!

More or less what these guys said.


also my input on #6, the "combo" list is melee weapons, which are depending on the melee stance mod, and it's handle type. Also, if you mean by abilities, every warframe comes with it's own abilities when you A: Start with it (First warframe for baby accounts), B: Build the Warframe (built from Forge), or C: bought it (Using real life money to buy plat, to thus buy the warframe from the market.) Each warframe has it's strong and weak points with it's abilities. some warframes are more support, others are more defense, and the rest can be classified as attack abilities. Excal's "attack" abilities are Slash dash, and Radial Javelin, they can hurt and kill enemies. Some warframes have all four abilities that can be classified as "attack" abilities, others can have either mix of the three, or just all four abilities be just one classification. Another reason why players with lower leveled warframes might be kicking more butt than you maybe because of one of the following: A: They're a skilled player who just picked up a new frame. B: (if it's a Primed frame {Shiny gold metal parts on it}) they've used another version of that frame before. C: They've formaed/polarized their frame, thus resetting their frame to rank 0. D: They've played warframe on another account and/or another platform IE PS4 or Xbox One new players might also be PC players, and vis versa.

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on top of all these great answers, I'd advise you to keep in mind that weapons are more important than frames. you can take on any mission with a level 0 frame and a level 30 weapon and pwn, but a level 30 frame and level 0 weapon will be a struggle. focus on weapons, modding them, levelling them and finding the ones that suit your playstyle. they'll take you further.

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rank is not daily its from leveling items. But you can only take the test once a day and only rank up once a day. The benefits are unlock gear mostly, and that stops at rank 8 (7 really, one item needs 8). Because failing sets the daily cooldown you want to read the wiki to see what each test is ahead of time to prepare for it. First is to killl with only your main weapon, which should not be a bow unless you want it to be more difficult -- its timed and bow is extra challenging.


Actually starting out buy credit weapons like the braton (not mk1). You can't even get the mats to make useful BP weapons until at least unlocking mars and jupiter. Weapons and frames do not generally matter (not a lot of synergy) and not at all starting out. Just pick what you like and try it.


egg drop rate is low. It would seem to be single digit %s so 100 runs is not going to be unheard of for unlucky folks. 25-50 runs should do it on the average? Kubrow cost 3k / day and almost 200k up front. Delay fooling with this and and you can 1) afford it and 2) farm it faster/easier. For now buy a robot instead (costs less, gives much mastery rank, is better for getting started).


can't help with excal builds but wiki page often has good tips. also you wont see the best mods for a while so builds will be too much stuff you dont have. Just focus on your basic shield, health, armor, and weapon damage mods for a while.


level of frame does not matter. A lot of top geared ppl reset their frame or have a new frame but a max weapon. A reset frame with 4x the points to spend is > a frame with less points & higher level. I think a level 4 frame with an aura and a reactor (double points ) and a polarity slot (half cost) can slot 12 or so points of mods! Your new frame can't do that until level 12! Don't judge by the numbers, some ppl just got stuff you don't have yet.

Edited by jonnin
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ty for help guys 


I m still confused about which primary, secondary and melee weapon should I make for my xcaliber lvl30 now. Please dont say its personal preference - give ur suggestions :)


My play style is more like yolo - rambo diving with melee weapons. Fight enemies head to and never use stealth. I will find out which mode are suitable for me but I need help with best end game weapons (melee, primary and secondary). I dont have much resources so I wann make one time and final weapons only. I m still using basic weapons from start.

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ty for help guys 


I m still confused about which primary, secondary and melee weapon should I make for my xcaliber lvl30 now. Please dont say its personal preference - give ur suggestions :)


My play style is more like yolo - rambo diving with melee weapons. Fight enemies head to and never use stealth. I will find out which mode are suitable for me but I need help with best end game weapons (melee, primary and secondary). I dont have much resources so I wann make one time and final weapons only. I m still using basic weapons from start.


there's no such thing as final weapons and frankly you're at least 500 hours from end game, no joke. end game is considered over Mastery rank 10, that's when MR bonuses etc. end, so it's technically 'end game'. taken that you have to level a S#&$ ton of weapons and frames to get to even rank 6(took me 170 hours and i had half the frames levelled, no Primes) end game is just a waste of time thinking about right now.


what you want is understandable, but the game doesn't work like that. you'll be building and levelling weapons and frames you can't stand just to get Affinity for Mastery Ranks so you can deploy more resource extracters etc. it's the nature of the game. i can't tell you how suck it was levelling Nyx or that rubbish Karak for example, but i needed the Affinity and it really wasn't that long.


for now i'll advise you to forget about Excalibro and get a new frame asap, you should be able to unlock Rhino pretty easily. weapons wise just build whatever, it really doesn't matter cos even if you hate it you'll only be using it till it's levelled then getting rid of it, and that's not a huge amount of time.

Edited by d1sc1p1e
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ty for help guys 


I m still confused about which primary, secondary and melee weapon should I make for my xcaliber lvl30 now. Please dont say its personal preference - give ur suggestions :)


My play style is more like yolo - rambo diving with melee weapons. Fight enemies head to and never use stealth. I will find out which mode are suitable for me but I need help with best end game weapons (melee, primary and secondary). I dont have much resources so I wann make one time and final weapons only. I m still using basic weapons from start.


Well, of all the stuff, until late game melee weapons ARE personal choice.  I personally like the dual swords a lot.  I miss (!) a lot with single swords, seems like it will hack on the diagonals and miss the guy right in front of me too often.   Daggers and fists and whatnot are cool but lack range.   The dual ether swords took me a long, long way into the game.   Toward endgame there are limited choices ---  Dragon Nikana

Scindo Prime Bo Prime Jat Kittag Orthos Prime Scoliac Kronen lead the dps according to the wiki.   Of those I see nikana, bo, orthos and kronen on more players.   I am just now getting at prime parts and have not made any of these yet.  I really love my glaive and want a glaive prime, its kind of a special case though. 


A good starter rambo weapon is the braton.  Upgrades to the boltor and karak  --- puncture for grineer and impact for corpus, I used both.  If you like machine guns, boltor prime is your target long term goal.    I dislike spin-up weapons (fires slowly at first and then reaches full on rate of fire after a delay)  but you may prefer them.  There are lots of full auto guns in the middle of the pack, try out different ones as you level up.  Read about them on the wiki.   I like burst guns (fires several shots per trigger pull) and single shot cannons.  The firehose guns (shoots a constant stream of ghostbuster goodness) also don't do it for me but you should try one out.  They are great for waves of mobs. 


secondary,  it just depends on what you want it for.  I almost never swap to secondary in group type missions -- defense, survival, etc.  My secondary weapons serve 3 purposes.   First, you need one that can be a pseudo primary for the "datamass" missions.   Second, you need one you can rely on if you use an ammo hog for your primary (I do not, and I can't help you there -- none of my primary guns ever run dry).  And third, you need one that complements your primary for a well rounded build; this is more important for soloing tougher missions than for general play.  An example, if your primary is a rambo machine, you might have a sniper type secondary --- rambo might like a angstrum, which is a small rocket launcher that does *very, very high* damage to go with his minigun.   


finally, you is missing what we is saying.   YOU CAN'T just go make endgame weapons right away unless some kind soul carries you through all the endgame content to get the things you need. 

- high end but not top end weapons take high end components found on planets that take some time to unlock.  Or, even if unlocked by taxi rushing, you still can't really farm them for materials with starter weapons.  Its possible, but it will be very tough. - top end weapons drop from bosses and assassins and voids and things you just cannot do with starter weapons.  And sponging off a group for those --- well good luck with that, you might find a nice group to do it but meh. 


- your upgrades and mid-grade items don't cost much.   Materials have NO VALUE.   You can't sell them, you can't trade them, they just take up space.  Credits have "low value" -- useful, but you get a LOT of credits by playing (without trying I easily make 100k a night just playing the game for fun).  Spending a few credits and a worthless materials to get a mid grade weapon that, while not the best, actually *can* kill the higher level enemy so you can farm for the best stuff and contribute to groups without being a mooch is the best approach.   On top of that, to USE the top end gear you MUST have mastery rank.  While weapons are the least way to increase mastery, they do help.  You also need to level pets and frames to get ranked up.   I could hand you all the parts to a top end prime weapon and you would not be able to do anything but look at it for a month while you up your rank to be able to equip it. 


You could buy some "near top end" weapons with plat which bypasses the rank requirement.   A waste of money, but you could do it.   Boltor prime is an exception and you CAN buy the parts for it from other players and use it at a low level.  That would work if you want to take the real money pay to win approach. 


You can get to endgame with no more than 3 or 4 primary weapons built -- your original, your braton upgrade, and one more, something like the tiberon which is only rank 4 and does top end damage would get you there.  You can ignore the melee and secondary weapons if you must.   That is about the shortest path you can take from where you are to endgame without being carried by others the entire way or buying your way to the top. 

Edited by jonnin
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1) I want to buy some melee weapon blue print but it says xp locked so how to solve this? my friend said u need to increase ur mastery rank or whatever - but how to increase it?

2) In my profile I have daily quest to rank up? Is it mastery rank up quest? whats benefit of that quest?

3) I m xcaliber class and still learning about game - which weapons and pets are really good for him? blueprints made only please. 

4) In how many Earth missions we get kurbow egg? just asking about general drop rate.

5) Is there any mode and upgrade guild for xcaliber here - preferably according to latest patch. 

6) Where is xcaliber combo guide? Other frames which are low lvl then me but still killing enemies so fast - how can I do that too? or just my frame xcaliber sucks or I suck lol.


Ty in advance

Since 1 & 2 have been answered in great detail already, I'll answer the others a bit more...


3) Based on your play style, I'd say the Strun (shotgun) and Lex (Semi-auto pistol) might be more to your liking.  Strun has pretty fast fire rate, and a reasonable reload speed.  You may want to get a blueprint for the Bo staff weapon.  The Corpus are vulnerable to impact damage and that may be more effective than the Skana.


4) For this, I direct you to the Kubrow MegaThread.  A LOT of folks are not a fan of the drop rate of those eggs: 


Edit: I hear that the drop rate is better on Everest than the other tiles on Earth, but your guess is as good as mine.  I just hope your luck is better, lol.  That said, you may want to invest in a sentinel, when you have the credits and the resources to build one.  Sentinels have a similar overhead cost as a Kubrow, but none of the maintenance cost.  It seems to me that a Kubrow is a more late-game investment than something for us lower initiates.


5) Not sure I understand this question.  If you're talking about an upgrade guide, you'll want to look at your mods.  


6) You have to get a stance mod for your weapon for a combo guide.  The higher the mod, the more combos.  


ty for help guys 


I m still confused about which primary, secondary and melee weapon should I make for my xcaliber lvl30 now. Please dont say its personal preference - give ur suggestions :)


My play style is more like yolo - rambo diving with melee weapons. Fight enemies head to and never use stealth. I will find out which mode are suitable for me but I need help with best end game weapons (melee, primary and secondary). I dont have much resources so I wann make one time and final weapons only. I m still using basic weapons from start.


As mentioned before, a great pair of newbie weapons are:

Primary - Strun (shotgun)

Secondary - Lex (handgun)


They are both high-damage.  The Strun has good impact damage making it an effective weapon against the Corups.  


The Lex is a low fire rate pistol with good puncture damage, making it an effective weapon against the Grineer.  It has a puncture damage rating of about 60, and that damage can be boosted with mods.


Note: the Strun and Lex weapons (complete weapon, not blueprint) can be bought with credits instead of platinum, making them great early purchases until you can grind the resources for better weapons.


If you have the time to grind on Earth, the Furis is a good sub machine gun (secondary weapon).  It needs 4 Neurodes, but once you build it, you likely won't need any other pistol for a while.


With regard to end-game weapons, you'll need to get your mastery rank up first.

Edited by (PS4)IkariWarrior83
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ive been ready for rank 8 and every time I try to rank up it goes to loading screen then brings me back to ship and says I need to wait 24 hours to retest Ive even tried to change the matchmaking to solo and I still cant get through to the test. 

You might want to make a new thread under feedback or bug reporting to ensure the devs see this.

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