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Another Hysteria Idea.


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I know we've seen a lot of these and DE has already said a change to her mechanics is on the cards; but I had an idea that I thought was worthy of sharing just to see what the feedback would be.


So everybody knows Hysteria's invincibility is a huge crutch and it would certainly benefit from something else implemented. My inspiration comes from the lore; the origin for Valkyrs abilities is up for debate but it seems logical to assume, from the animations at least, that Hysteria's claws are generated (or augmented by) the Corpus technology she has bolted on.


Activiating Hysteria seems to flood Valkyr with energy (small explosion, glowing energy 'blades' and the weird electronic trill that comes with it) so I propose that while it is active she gains a large amount of Proto Shielding.


This is essentially very similar to Rhino's Iron Skin in concept. But where Rhino has large shields, Valkyr has large hit points. Iron Skin grants large hitpoints and Hysteria would grant large shields. I like the symmetry, but that's purely conceptual.


Ok, so why shields? Well it fits the Corpus theme and could be interesting visually. Also it would have nice synergy with Paralysis; if you gained for example 1.5k or 2k of shielding the damage on Paralysis would be greatly buffed, and since this an ability that largely goes unused (I like to use it for Finisher attacks on elite units) this would be a good incentive.


Also a large buffer would still allow an alpha strike to take you down, no Warframe is supposed to be immortal (Quick Thinking, Life Strike builds grant huge resiliency to any frame).


There's still much that can be discussed:


The upcoming 'Directional Melee' change will be a great boost to her ability. But I still feel she needs some tweaks to damage; Hysteria really is not much of an improvement over a well modded melee weapon.


Should she still have health drain or add an energy drain mechanic that replenishes the shielding?


I would like to see a movement speed increase as playing purely melee means you have to race bullets if you want to achieve anything (i.e. your teammates shooting stuff dead before you get into range).


Personally I would like to see Warcry also changed to grant melee life drain in place of the melee attack speed (since Volt grants this and I don't like the overlap) but still retain the bonus armour. This would be great utility for your team and also encourage the use of melee. This also seperates the skills into clean cut defensive and offensive.


Anyway, it's an idea I'm still playing with and I've put here for discussion. Shoul be interesting to see if has merit or what changes you guys can suggest!



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I agree with move speed increase.


I think that rather than damage mitigation or adding shields, Hysteria needs a way to regenerate health and shields quickly.  Her method of survival needs to be killing things as fast as she can, and if she's playing smart she can kill things very fast.  I would rather see health and shield regenerate from doing damage and having added passive regeneration than boosting her health (or adding invulnerability).  It means that rather than being able to tank more damage, she still dies from the same amount of damage but has ways to get around it or recover.


I also agree with making this skill synergize with Paralysis is a good thing.  But with shield regen she would be doing damage more consistently, whereas boosting her maximum shields means he would do more damage at first but burn through them just as fast.  She needs to keep doing damage throughout Hysteria's duration rather than doing a lot of damage up-front and having to fight for it as it goes on.  It's the same reason a lot of us want a speed boost; she hacks up the first group of enemies quickly but she has problems closing the distance without stamina mods or when she's out of energy for Ripline.

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But with shield regen she would be doing damage more consistently, whereas boosting her maximum shields means he would do more damage at first but burn through them just as fast.


My mistake I did intend to discuss some sort of increased regeneration (or draining mechanic) to top up those fancy shields.


For mobility (she's already immune to movement-impairing effects which helps) some extra speed would certainly help.


The issue is that melee is just a dangerous place to be so she does need some way to shrug off damage; actively regaining hitpoints via damage sounds good but there just too many situations where something can kill you outright in the open nullifying your ult skill.


There's always the issue of team mates gunning things down before you even get toe to toe; that's really frustrating when you've popped Hysteria to try and get some health back!


I main Valkyr and primary melee, for the longest time I ALWAYS had Quick Rest and Rush on, (I'm using the Atterax now and I find with Fury and Berserker slide attacks move me plenty fast enough so I have Flow and Quick Thinking on) and honestly, movement is the best way to avoid damage. Grineer can be troublesome with their hitscan weapons but if you move through or over enemies generally you're pretty safe.


Running crazy fast during Hysteria might be a simple solution... maybe have an advanced multi-target Rip Line that pulls nearby enemies to you. I htink there's some scope for augmenting the other skills during her ultimate, it would be a unique mechanic.

Edited by JCBeastie
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I like the Proto-Shielding idea and would greatly appreciate more shields for my Paralysis built Valkyr.

While I would like to see Paralysis Damage quadroupled, I don't think DE would buff it that much.

Possibly just allowing Paralysis and Ripline to Crit would suffice.

Stamina needs to be addressed so that while in Hysteria there is a fixed stamina drain. (Not dependent on melee weapon/stance)

I still think Damage Reduction while retaining Status-immunity is better than a Proto-shield boost.

(Still want Hysteria Red Crits)

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