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Nerf Grineer Commanders


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Okay I wouldn't be even thinking about this if it weren't for what happened today. I was doing a rescue mission and got to the cells where there was like 5 commanders and all they did was juggle me around with that tper thing. I couldnt even move and just died there was no way of fighting back even. There needs to be a nerf on how often they can use that skill atleast put a darn cooldown on it or something! When I say I couldnt move I really couldnt i just got tped around constantly until i died. The fact they are able to do this without cooldown is silly... I mean not even a rhino could fight back without being able to use any skill/move.. not even frost...

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Grineer Commanders are fine with their Teleport Ability, what is making them so annoying is, that the Game sometimes decides to throw a whole Level of Mobs at you with 5 Heavy Gunners and 3 Commanders, so you are basicly stunlocked and just dead. Also, I dont think Commanders should be able to Teleport you WITHOUT Line of Sight.


They need adjustments, they dont need nerfs, just  adjust the mob spawn and rework the teleport ability.

(What I mean with mob spawn, is situations were you walk out of your Spawn room and face against a whole level of infested, enjoy.)

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I dont really care what is done I just hate being juggled around the room without being able to even do anything. If that is fixed ill be pleased. I mean in all I understand being teleported is a thing they do im fine with that but if i cant do anything then damn what the hell is the point of playing. So yeah even fixing the amount of commanders near eachother sounds good too.

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The commander doesn't really make much sense to me as is. "Hey, I'm in charge of a group of soldiers, who are relying on my direction and tactics to lead them and hopefully do some damage against these nigh-invulnerable space ninja. I think I'll just switch places with one of them so that the other three immediately focus fire and instagib me, while the fourth gets a really good spot to aoe my soldiers."

I've never had the commander teleport hinder me. Since the commander usually spawns in the rear of the grineer in the levels I've played, one of two situations occurs once he switch teleports with me. Either I'm rushing through the level, and I get a free, nifty boost on my way, allowing me to avoid the worst of the gunfire (I usually rush when playing solo), Or I end up in the perfect place to put the Grineer in a crossfire between me and the rest of my team.


Maybe instead of the teleporting trick (Which I'm not sure why the commander has of all people), maybe the presence of a commander buffs nearby grineer in some way (or even better AI, if the DE can do it. Not a knock at them, just recognizing that AI programming is hard) 

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The commander doesn't really make much sense to me as is. "Hey, I'm in charge of a group of soldiers, who are relying on my direction and tactics to lead them and hopefully do some damage against these nigh-invulnerable space ninja. I think I'll just switch places with one of them so that the other three immediately focus fire and instagib me, while the fourth gets a really good spot to aoe my soldiers."

I've never had the commander teleport hinder me. Since the commander usually spawns in the rear of the grineer in the levels I've played, one of two situations occurs once he switch teleports with me. Either I'm rushing through the level, and I get a free, nifty boost on my way, allowing me to avoid the worst of the gunfire (I usually rush when playing solo), Or I end up in the perfect place to put the Grineer in a crossfire between me and the rest of my team.


Maybe instead of the teleporting trick (Which I'm not sure why the commander has of all people), maybe the presence of a commander buffs nearby grineer in some way (or even better AI, if the DE can do it. Not a knock at them, just recognizing that AI programming is hard) 


Would be neat to see a squad of grineer enter a room in a group with a commander, and as soon as you're spotted they disperse to flank and rush you. Or maybe just have insane suppression fire where they all focus fire at the same time.

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They could've juggled you for a while, but you must have not been strong enough to kill them. They have tons of health and the teleport range is pretty large, but the cooldown is also really long.

Edited by Stygi
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Would be neat to see a squad of grineer enter a room in a group with a commander, and as soon as you're spotted they disperse to flank and rush you. Or maybe just have insane suppression fire where they all focus fire at the same time.


Smart Grinner would be awesome to play against. I was thinking of how ME3 enemies (so I'm told, haven't played the game unfortunately) react to what the players are doing, responding intelligently to the player's strategies. Well, as much as one can respond intelligently to nigh invulnerable space ninja.

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That could work in theory. The heavy melee gets in close combat with a group of tenno, who might decide to try to finish that off before saving theri buddy, while the others are directed to focus fire on the poor sap who got tp'd into the middle of their killzone...

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 The only thing I would prefer is that a commander can't shoot you while you are being teleported by him.  Other then that, meeting 5 at one time is a pretty rare event.  If you were killing them as you found them, then you would be fine.  But if you skip them then you have to worry about getting teleport trapped.


It's just the way you play.

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They could've juggled you for a while, but you must have not been strong enough to kill them. They have tons of health and the teleport range is pretty large, but the cooldown is also really long.

No, they were able to juggle me constantly without pause until I died each time. There was no way of getting around it, your assuming that I got a chance to even move a inch or use a skill when I clearly did not. I was basically stunlocked using my mouse or keyboard was basically useless at that point thats how bad it was. The cooldown must not really be that long if they are able to do it nonstop with a total of 5 commanders. It had absolutely nothing to do with how strong my warframe was.



The commander doesn't really make much sense to me as is. "Hey, I'm in charge of a group of soldiers, who are relying on my direction and tactics to lead them and hopefully do some damage against these nigh-invulnerable space ninja. I think I'll just switch places with one of them so that the other three immediately focus fire and instagib me, while the fourth gets a really good spot to aoe my soldiers."

I've never had the commander teleport hinder me. Since the commander usually spawns in the rear of the grineer in the levels I've played, one of two situations occurs once he switch teleports with me. Either I'm rushing through the level, and I get a free, nifty boost on my way, allowing me to avoid the worst of the gunfire (I usually rush when playing solo), Or I end up in the perfect place to put the Grineer in a crossfire between me and the rest of my team.


Maybe instead of the teleporting trick (Which I'm not sure why the commander has of all people), maybe the presence of a commander buffs nearby grineer in some way (or even better AI, if the DE can do it. Not a knock at them, just recognizing that AI programming is hard) 

I like this idea, make the commanders work similar to trinity perhaps would be amazing to see to be honest in a more organized and elite fashion with their commander instead of being scrambled around.

Edited by Klaww
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id like to see them add a timer so that when they first see you they have to wait before using it. 


cant count the number of times a single commander instantly teleported me into a pack of them. don't even have enough time to find cover before you was gunned down. not all frames have skills that will buy you time in that situation.


at least with that it can give you time to see what you are up against and adjust. there is no reacting to getting pulled thru a half open door and in the middle of a shooting range. you kinda just die -_-

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Smart Grinner would be awesome to play against. I was thinking of how ME3 enemies (so I'm told, haven't played the game unfortunately) react to what the players are doing, responding intelligently to the player's strategies. Well, as much as one can respond intelligently to nigh invulnerable space ninja.

I'm not entirely sure about ME3's AI. One of the factions was farmed by teams camping in a room in a specific map, because they'd just enter through the doors and get killed. Otherwise, I do think I get flanked a fair bit, but I'm not sure if it's an enemy that actually went around or one that just spawned behind me to replace one I'd killed. The AI deal nicely with invisibility though. If you just cloak in their face they can still hit you fairly reliably, but do it around a corner and they'll be more oblivious.

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Having played all the Mass Effects I can say with some certainty the AI is not the greatest. It is serviceable, but it isn't much if any better than Warframe's. Hek, in the first one the AI only knew one move, run around randomly and shoot non stop.

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Having played all the Mass Effects I can say with some certainty the AI is not the greatest. It is serviceable, but it isn't much if any better than Warframe's. Hek, in the first one the AI only knew one move, run around randomly and shoot non stop.


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How did you end up with so many commanders in one room?

Were you solo? Did you try to speed run the mission?

Yes I was solo, this was more of a case of being unlucky with the way the game runs with them + spawn rates though. Normally I just restart the mission but damn its starting to happen more often. No I never speed run missions because I want mods from the bodies. Also I do play cooperative but the main reason I like to solo is to hone my skills, but there is no skill that can save you from the situation I was in, it was just pure bad luck and its happened more than once.


id like to see them add a timer so that when they first see you they have to wait before using it. 


cant count the number of times a single commander instantly teleported me into a pack of them. don't even have enough time to find cover before you was gunned down. not all frames have skills that will buy you time in that situation.


at least with that it can give you time to see what you are up against and adjust. there is no reacting to getting pulled thru a half open door and in the middle of a shooting range. you kinda just die -_-

Well if you were tped into a crowd at that time and just being gunned down if you were a rhino for example you could just use iron skin, but against a whole group of commanders working together you wouldn't get that chance at all due to the fact your constantly tped. I do understand not all frames have abilities to counter this though but atleast you have somewhat of a chance to get the hell out of there compared to being just juggled without the ability to use a skill or move an inch even. 

Edited by Klaww
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If you dont rush the mission , why you ran in the ambush ?

Your assuming things, I did not run into the ambush.The door opened, one of the commanders tped me and I was juggled around until I died by the group of commanders.

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