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This Is How Weapons Are Done


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I played lots of ME3 Multi and if i recall correctly, many of those guns were introduced in DLCs (5 Multi DLCs - 3 weapons per DLC minimum - 15 guns introduced in +/- one year). Some of them are just variations of other - Black Widow was just Semi-Auto weaker Widow, Kishock Harpoon was sniper version of Graal Spike Thrower. Sabre was higher dmg-lower-rof Mattock, and Harrier was auto-fire Mattock. Not so many guns which are trurly unique (but I agree, some were awesome - Widow, Javelin, Mattock, Revenant, Avenger, Geth guns - those were my favourite)


Second, most of those guns were imported from ME2


Third, as someone mentioned, you are comparing DE with established developer with S#&$load of money.


Fourth, ME3MP armory had very poor modification capabilities - only two slots if I am not mistaken + flat RANDOM upgrades.


Fifth. No melee weapons at all.


So I think that DE is doing fine.


Re: weapons that are "just another version of the same weapon", Warframe does the same thing, so you holding that against ME3 is utterly bonkers.


I mean, LATO, LATO VANDAL, LATO PRIME, AKLATO, that is basically the same weapon four times. Similarly with a lot of other weapons in Warframe.


It's totally fair to say "Warframe's devs don't have the resources of BioWare", but you can't criticise ME3 for something that Warframe does... Also, by your logic, the Bolto is "just a pistol version of the Boltor", so can't count as a separate weapon either. The Kishock and the Graal are actually more different, mechanics-wise, than you seem to think, too, with the Kishock firing a single large bolt, and the Graal firing a very tight spread of shards.


Personally, I'd love to see MORE weapons in Warframe which were variants of each other, not less (but I'd hope they were a bit cheaper to make if they did that).


Also "no melee weapons" is misleading when ME3 had at least a dozen different melee combat styles (including ones involving swords).

Edited by Eurhetemec
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Quoting founder's bonuses as weapons is cherry picking.


Lato/Lato Vandal/Lato Prime are one weapon for the purposes of weapon variety discussions. Your point remains valid for Lato/Aklato.


Arguging the Braton and MK1-Braton is acceptable, but the Braton Vandal should be lumped with one of the former two.


I disagree with weapons being variants, unless they are deadspace 3 style variants where changing the tip drastically alters the firing pattern (in a similar veing to your Kishock/Graal point).

Edited by Balo
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Re: weapons that are "just another version of the same weapon", Warframe does the same thing, so you holding that against ME3 is utterly bonkers.


I mean, LATO, LATO VANDAL, LATO PRIME, AKLATO, that is basically the same weapon four times. Similarly with a lot of other weapons in Warframe.


It's totally fair to say "Warframe's devs don't have the resources of BioWare", but you can't criticise ME3 for something that Warframe does... Also, by your logic, the Bolto is "just a pistol version of the Boltor", so can't count as a separate weapon either. The Kishock and the Graal are actually more different, mechanics-wise, than you seem to think, too, with the Kishock firing a single large bolt, and the Graal firing a very tight spread of shards.


Personally, I'd love to see MORE weapons in Warframe which were variants of each other, not less (but I'd hope they were a bit cheaper to make if they did that).


Also "no melee weapons" is misleading when ME3 had at least a dozen different melee combat styles (including ones involving swords).


"No melee weapon selection" isn't really misleading when you had to change characters to change melee combat styles in ME3.  My favorite of the styles was the N7 Slayer, and I can just about duplicate that style with most longswords in Warframe, and on any frame right now.  I'm not limited to just one or two characters because of this.


Yes, I'm greedy and would like to see even more melee style variation in Warframe - but it's already far more involved than the very limited melee from ME3's multiplayer, or even any of the three games.


I'll grant your point about gun variation however, given that Warframe's already going in this direction with the weapons, and I'm fine with that part.

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Almost all of these weapons look so... dull and bland. Although I am big advocate of getting S#&$load of content mass in Warframe, I'd rather take smaller amount of easily-identifiable weapons with each having its own personality and recognition than bunch of lifeless,faceless clones of each other.



While I agree with you to some extent. The weapon designs have been getting noticeable better and will continue to do so as their artists learn more.

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Almost entirely sure they said they were going to do dynamic animations for weapons in the last livestream. Not sure when, though.


The current ones are placeholder, as previously stated they don't have the manpower to devote more time to them right now.

Edited by DecoyCode
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To be honest, guns are...guns. Developer can tweak a bit of variance in reload/damage/spread/recoil/travel speed and some special mechanic and call it a new gun. Any game does that with weapon roster.


Warframe is no different in this matter. All we need is some mechanics added into each gun in order to make it stands out of the rest. ME3 weapons that really stand out are - 


1. Boomstick (Claymore) extremely powerful OHK shotgun. One shot per clip.

2. Prothean particle rifle/Collector SR - beam weapon

3. Revenant - Minigun.

4. Widow - OHK sniper

5. Graal/Kishock - spike projectile + chargeable

6. Reegar carbine - flamethrower

7. Scorpion - explosive mine.

8. Krysae/Striker/Falcon - Explosive projectile


The rest of them are variation of values increasing/decreasing with skins to suit the purpose and feel of each player. Warframe will end up with more than ME3 weapon by the end of the year and hopefully with gun that shoot thresher maw.

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When will Warframe get this huge variety and animation quality?






When you start buying founder pack/ plat, so they can get the  money, time, and manpower( or women power--> DE rebecca ) they need to design and implement these things. 



press buy on the purchase founder/ plat page and ..........      



"The lotus will be pleased"  ;) 

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I think the variety is less of an issue and more I don't get a feeling they have an idea of how guns in a game should work. The pistols outperform the rifles, the daggers are slower than the single swords because of the twirl. Some of the stat values don't make sense. 

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I think the variety is less of an issue and more I don't get a feeling they have an idea of how guns in a game should work. The pistols outperform the rifles, the daggers are slower than the single swords because of the twirl. Some of the stat values don't make sense. 


they buffed rifles (and their mods) in last patch so generally rifles are now better option than pistols (which are now secondary weapon as they should be)

Edited by Strac_CRO
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I actually never would have thought that ME3 would turn out to be the best third person shooter ever made.

And it definitely has the best animations of firing and reloading, even the hand up to shoulder is animated consistent with rate of fire and it's very authentic, even much better than Resident Evil 5,6.

It's very rare that weapon animations in third person are done right. They are usually very floaty in other games.

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I think the variety is less of an issue and more I don't get a feeling they have an idea of how guns in a game should work. The pistols outperform the rifles, the daggers are slower than the single swords because of the twirl. Some of the stat values don't make sense. 


iirc, daggers per attack is slower but hit multiple times? This may actually translates to higher rate of actual hits (will need somebody experienced to confirm this)

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I actually never would have thought that ME3 would turn out to be the best third person shooter ever made.

And it definitely has the best animations of firing and reloading, even the hand up to shoulder is animated consistent with rate of fire and it's very authentic, even much better than Resident Evil 5,6.

It's very rare that weapon animations in third person are done right. They are usually very floaty in other games.


Go back under your bridge troll...


But in all seriousness, ME3 is far from the best shooter.


Warframe is better is almost everyway except powers

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iirc, daggers per attack is slower but hit multiple times? This may actually translates to higher rate of actual hits (will need somebody experienced to confirm this)

My friend's problem is after your melee, you take longer to bring out your gun because the time is wasted twirling and putting the daggers back. 

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except powers


And combo powers, tech burst cryo explosion, fire explosion, warp explosion, there are so many great abilities of varied scope and use in ME3 with amazing synergy.


Really when you think about it ME3 mp is light years away of any other online co-op game.


As for the weapon animations you are obviously wrong, guns feel a lot more meaty and authentic in ME3 than in Warframe.

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As for the weapon animations you are obviously wrong, guns feel a lot more meaty and authentic in ME3 than in Warframe.



Warframe is good, but nothing had to be said past the very first response to this thread. There is a reason Mass Effect has the ability to provide these kinds of animations and aspects of gaming, and that's because they had the money to do so. 

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And combo powers, tech burst cryo explosion, fire explosion, warp explosion, there are so many great abilities of varied scope and use in ME3 with amazing synergy.


Really when you think about it ME3 mp is light years away of any other online co-op game.


As for the weapon animations you are obviously wrong, guns feel a lot more meaty and authentic in ME3 than in Warframe.


Maybe if you spend some money on the game they will have some of the 30 - 60 million dollars it needs to match a cash bloated, EA suckling sellout. Oh yeah, I went there XD 

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And combo powers, tech burst cryo explosion, fire explosion, warp explosion, there are so many great abilities of varied scope and use in ME3 with amazing synergy.


Really when you think about it ME3 mp is light years away of any other online co-op game.


As for the weapon animations you are obviously wrong, guns feel a lot more meaty and authentic in ME3 than in Warframe.

Stop comparing an AAA title by a large and well known company to a a free to play game from a small independant company. Your an idiot. Warframe isn't and never will be a AAA title, it's a free to play epic 3rd person hack'n'slash shooter, not an epic AAA 3rd person action/adventure trilogy

Edited by __Kanade__
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And combo powers, tech burst cryo explosion, fire explosion, warp explosion, there are so many great abilities of varied scope and use in ME3 with amazing synergy.


Really when you think about it ME3 mp is light years away of any other online co-op game.


As for the weapon animations you are obviously wrong, guns feel a lot more meaty and authentic in ME3 than in Warframe.


you want Warframe to be a ME3MP clone or what?

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NEVER, i repeat NEVER suggest the me3 weapon system... Tiered weapons with the lower tiers working only at lower difficulties is the worst thing that can be done in a game. Ive put over 400 hours in me3 mp and i can tell you that the weapon system here is much better.

And on the variety of weaponry - really?! youre comparing a f2p game in open beta to a triple A game that has been around for over a year and has gotten multiple dlcs that have doubled the weapon pool? Give it time and warframe will get more weapons, mission types and frames. The game isnt even officially released yet...

The only thing that id like to see from me3 here are graal and claymore type shotguns.

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