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@.@ Gimme a break!


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Damn,why this game soooo intense >.< Theres this one time,where i was playing on a Corpus Map and i walked through this one door and boom,about 10 million moas just appeared from nowhere and i got shockwaved 2 times and shot in the &amp;#&#33; by the crewmans about 100 times and died @.@

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Any chance we could manually adjust the difficulty later on in the game? I agree that the initial progression should be a balanced and smooth difficulty ramp, but late game I would like the option to bump up the risk vs. reward in some way.Give us some fantastic tough missions.

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Haha well - honestly, its supposed to have its cruel parts, absolutely. But it needs to feather that out toward the edge locations.

I think during some missions, you should the oppurtunity to do more than whats required of the current misssion to get a really awesome item. In doing this the difficulty insanely ranks up. Something like that, I would really appreciate.

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Damn,why this game soooo intense >.< Theres this one time,where i was playing on a Corpus Map and i walked through this one door and boom,about 10 million moas just appeared from nowhere and i got shockwaved 2 times and shot in the &amp;#&#33; by the crewmans about 100 times and died @.@

I laughed so hard at this. Brilliant! :D

I think during some missions, you should the oppurtunity to do more than whats required of the current misssion to get a really awesome item. In doing this the difficulty insanely ranks up. Something like that, I would really appreciate.

+1. Actually, +10, I am voting for my buddies aswell.

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