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Buzlok's Homing Dart Shouldn't Cost Ammo


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I like the Buzlok.  It has decent status chance, good damage and a decent fire rate (though not being able to fire damaging shots while ADS pains me).  However, 10 ammo just to put a homing beacon out is way too much.  The beacon should not draw from the ammo pool.  It doesn't do any damage in and of itself.  This, combined with the 10 ammo needed to use it, makes it situational almost to the point of non-usability.


Update:  Now I've gotten the thing up to rank 15.  I've decided the damage should be higher.  45 damage just isn't enough.  I tried it on E Gate, Venus, and it chews through ammo instead of chewing through enemies (they only got up to level 12 before I wasn't breaking even on ammo consumption).  E Gate also led me to a valuable discovery: the weapon is crap at anything beyond medium-short range because you can't ADS.  If you could have free tracker slugs it'd be one thing, but  having to hipfire with no tracking is horrible.  It's worsened by the horrible recoil.


I did further testing with the homing function.  It's bad.  The weapon can miss, even when you've tagged the enemy at center mass.  This completely invalidates the point of having the homing.


Last criticism: when you go through all the trouble of tagging a spot to shoot at, you don't want your tag to deactivate so quickly.  The beacons should deactivate if you scope in, and not have a time-based expiration.

Edited by Telogor
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Agreed. This weapon was a neat idea, but it is so underwhelming that there is not point to use it other than mastery. Also since we can't ADS, the recoil of the weapon is so high that it is annoying to aim. Yeah there is the reduction mod, but we shouldn't be almost forced to use it. This is all my opinion as well, but this is really how I feel about this weapon. In the end, the small niche this weapon fills, can be easily fulfilled by a gorgon, or any other weapon that doesn't basically stop at a neat and unique idea.

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Updated with further issues.


Hydroking, the tag can't consume more than 1 rifle ammo.  The weapon is unusable at medium and long range because you can't ADS.  That combined with the strong recoil just makes it a bad experience overall.  The Buzlok needs to be able to tag efficiently because that's its only selling point.  You want a weapon with good damage per shot and high mag size?  The Supra, Boltor Prime, Soma, Gorgon Wraith, Grakata, and Tetra all have at least 60 rounds per mag, can kill crowds just as well as the Buzlok, and perform much better at range because you can go ADS with them.  The Buzlok needs the tagger to keep up with the rest of the weapons in the game.

Edited by Telogor
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