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Two-Directional Aiming For Dual Sidearms


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The new Excavation Update is pretty amusing.


We have some new Corpus units and more Infested units. New Sentinels are also cool. I like it.


To the main point of my topic, I want to show this video that I found in the internet.



Notice anything? If not, I'll tell you. Loki fires his akimbo pistols in two directions.

The first time I played this game, I immediately bought the Aklatos because I really thought I could pull an epic stunt like this. I used it and I had fun, but I ultimately forgot what was I expecting. Not until a new months later where I started to sell my akimbo pistols once I ranked them to 30.

I thought to myself, "Why am I collecting this stuff again?"


Then I remembered. Akimbos should be able to at least, fire in two different directions.

It's two guns. Blasting them in a single direction is not utilizing their full potential.

I know that DE knows that akimbo pistols work this way. That video was from a DE staff, right? (I just found it while searching for topics here that is already related to mine.)

I'm simply posting this topic to bring up a new "potential game mechanic" when using akimbo pistols.
I can't really suggest anything how it should work in game. But since DE can always put out something fresh out of their box (frickin' Archwing, bro), I'm sure that they can make something like this possible.

To sum it up (I know some if you people are too lazy to read):
I want dual pistols to be able to fire in two directions.


P.S. I'll try to avoid replies about people asking for the title of THAT game.


It's Phantasy Star Online 2.


Edited by KasaneTeto
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There isn't really a REAL possible way to do that without going further back in the viewing distance from the character. Most likely the only way it can go is maybe about 90 degrees or so (within player view). Apart from that, I don't really want to say anything much.

Edited by matrixEXO
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How would aiming with the weapons work then? Unless one weapon relies on auto lock while the other one relies on manual aim, I don't see how this would work, and even that would pose a problem, how would you know what you're shooting at if the auto lock goes behind the camera and how would the game know what you want to shoot at that point in time? For all I know the game would aim for deactivated turrets instead of heavy gunners.

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I've seen a similar topic a bit earlier, so I'll just say the same thing here. It would be neat to have, at least on toggle, but I'm perfectly fine with how they work ATM. Though now that I think about it, if the direction is split, so will the damage. Aiming and firing at target A, then turning to target B will take just as much time to accomplish. Just my thoughts.

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We could potentially add a "lock on" either by aiming at something for a bit (1.5 seconds?) or using the alt fire key (although that would mean console players might have trouble with it).


After locking on, one arm would follow that target and the other would aim forward as usual. It would take some fiddly animations to not look doofy as hek but it's doable.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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A problem with doing this is we have to aim real time with only one mouse or one analog stick. Firing two directions would have to have two separate crosshairs with maybe a split screen effect, but it all has to be controlled by only one factor to aim which will be a hassle. As a joke, I don't have three hands to control two mouses and my keyboard at the same time, and I don't want drake and the 99 dragon's auto lock system

Edited by -CM-SilentCoin
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Like I stated, even I can't figure out how it would work (but it sounds cool tho). A game has its own limitations no matter what.

As for having visual limitations, I bet people from games and movies who do this also can't see whats behind him and just shoots randomly, hoping to hit some poor sap at the head. XD

I just simply brought up this topic as akimbos ATM feel quite lacking for me.

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Well, maybe we need mod, or even stance-like slot for this (talking about "Firearms 2.0" XD ) For example, "Peripheral Vision" allows you to automatically target your left pistol on nearest enemy, but your right one will still use manual targeting

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the only way that would work is if they could auto target so each one could lock onto different enemy's.. then for it to even be usable it would have to have a damage buff.. a big one, then people would stop using the ability to shoot 2 diff targets because you could kill one in half the time.. its a never ending circle

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One system that has been recommended is to allow a "quick shot" system - so that you can use your left hand to auto shoot in the general direction you are facing whether you are using a melee weapon (as a correlative to "quick melee") or if you are even using akimbo guns. In such a way, you could shoot normally at your reticule with your right hand while your left hand shoots (with less control and accuracy) in the general direction you are facing, effectively allowing you to shoot two separate targets at the same time.

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