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Gargantis - [Heavy Mg Concept]


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The Gargantis is the "latest" concept in crowd's control department.


Originally wield by the Grineer's siege special forces during the first wars on Earth

it has been forgotten in favor of more mobile and light weapons... until now.


The exponential growth of the Infestation, the Hives and the treats hidden in Orokin Derelicts

pushed the Grineer engineers to bring the Gargantis back, update it, improve it.


The Gargantis can also be upgraded with different barrells and ammunition, depending on mission's needs.

** optional and explained below **




Given the size and weight of the Gargantis soldiers equipping it will face some trade-offs for its indomitable firepower.

** Any Warframe using the Gargantis will suffer a -0.2 run/walk speed penality **

** Standing still while using the Gargantis will improve its accuracy **




Total dmg: 50

Impact: 18

Puncture: 16

Slash: 16


Accuracy: like Gorgon while walking, like Soma while standing still

Fire Rate: 15 rounds/sec, no Spin-Up, 0.1 sec delay


Critical: 5% chance // 1.5x Multiplier


Status: 20%


Polarities: 1*V


Mastery Rank: 9


Gargantis features one single magazine, backpack like, therefore it doesnt need to be recharged.

However it will suffer overheating if used for more than 10 consecutive seconds making it unusable for 5 seconds.

A break of 1.5 second before the 10 secs mark will be enough to cool it down


Barrell/Ammunitions upgrades (optional):


Explosive Rounds: Increase Impact dmg to 29, Lower Puncture dmg to 5, Increase Status chance to 30%

Uranium Rounds: Increase Puncture dmg to 23, Increase Slash dmg to 23, Lower Impact dmg to 4, add 1m Innate Punch Through


In order to use Explosive Rounds you'll need to craft the H.E.A.T. barrell which requires a Burston to be consumed

In order to use Uranium Rounds you'll need to craft the A.P.F.S.D.S. barrell which requires a Boltor to be consumed


To further clarify how Barrell/Ammunition work:

They are a separate item crafted in the foundry that will "apply" to the weapon like a "skin".

Pretty much like using the Manticore skin on a Scindo or a Brokk skin on a Fragor






- Decreased Crit stats from 10%/2x to 5%/1.5x

- Added Barell/Ammunition specifications

- Added Mastery Rank requirement

- Typos

- Added names to special barrell and weapons needed to craft them along with the standard resources

- Changed Uranium Rounds benefit from increase crit chance to innate punch through effect

- Lowered base Status chance from 25% to 20% to underline the benefit of the H.E.A.T. barrell

- Added details about how Barrell/Ammunitions work

- Decreased Fire Rate from 20/sec to 15/sec

Edited by Phoenix86
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Dont you think that 10% for 2x is a bit too high for MG? 


Also 25% SC is a bit too much for my taste. 


Change to 5% to 1.5 to make it non-crit weapon and Status to around 15-20%. 


Also is it your drawings? You shouldnt use someone elses work, mate.



Other than that you`re good. Idea of a gatling gun is floating in the air for as long as I remember. DE stated that they might do it, but never actually did. I think because they had plans for really heavy weapons.


Who knows, maybe we`ll have a gatling for Archwing =)

Edited by Vicious_D
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Dont you think that 10% for 2x is a bit too high for MG? 


Also 25% SC is a bit too much for my taste. 


Change to 5% to 1.5 to make it non-crit weapon and Status to around 15-20%. 


Also is it your drawings? You shouldnt use someone elses work, mate.



Other than that you`re good. Idea of a gatling gun is floating in the air for as long as I remember. DE stated that they might do it, but never actually did. I think because they had plans for really heavy weapons.


Who knows, maybe we`ll have a gatling for Archwing =)


Image is taken from google, randomly searching for "minigun", nothing more nothing less :)

I may agree about lowering crit stats, not status, this weapon is intended to be a CC/raw power monster




Edited crit stats, added Barrell/Ammo upgrades

Edited by Phoenix86
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Instabuy. Even if it would be 200p. 
What you could do about this weapon is a spin up and heat up stage. As longer as you fire it the faster it shoots (obviously) and it heats up. 
On Crit side i would say as more as this weapon heats up as more critchance you get. But it would need a trade off. Accuracy loss would be the best thing there i guess.

Like this you could get into the weapon a bit more and experienced players can use it even more as an "endgame" weapon, if they are able to manage the heat and accuracy at high fire rate.

Even without this. Instabuy. I always wanted a real gatling gun in Warframe.

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Instabuy. Even if it would be 200p. 

What you could do about this weapon is a spin up and heat up stage. As longer as you fire it the faster it shoots (obviously) and it heats up. 

On Crit side i would say as more as this weapon heats up as more critchance you get. But it would need a trade off. Accuracy loss would be the best thing there i guess.

Like this you could get into the weapon a bit more and experienced players can use it even more as an "endgame" weapon, if they are able to manage the heat and accuracy at high fire rate.

Even without this. Instabuy. I always wanted a real gatling gun in Warframe.


Yep, heavy weps is what we need. For defense missions for instance. Tradeoff for them should be lower movement speed. So Frost can stay in his Globe and shot things with a mad smile :D


But I just cant imagine Nova with THIS :D:D:D

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FYI even if it's a 3 barrell gun, they would rotate aswell :)


EDIT: Gargantis doesnt have a spin up time like Gorgon,

it immediately starts to spit bullets at its nominal RoF, once you click the fire button barrells will immediately start rotate at max speed and 0.1 secs after bullets will follow :)




As you can see there's no delay... it almost instantanely go full 10kRPM

Edited by Phoenix86
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Personally I think that it should have only punch through damage. Its not barrel, that deals damage, bullets are.


Punch through dmg? i dont think i've understand ur post :/

shall u re-phrase it please?

(you gave me a nice idea btw, which i implemented in the 1st post ;) )


Barrells are like "Scindo's Manticore": an upgrade to the Gargantis crafted after you have obtained the main weapon then they could be added like a "skin" that affects stats aswell


Hope it's clearer how to obtain and use alternative barrell/ammunitions

Edited by Phoenix86
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Punch through dmg? i dont think i've understand ur post :/

shall u re-phrase it please?

(you gave me a nice idea btw, which i implemented in the 1st post ;) )


Barrells are like "Scindo's Manticore": an upgrade to the Gargantis crafted after you have obtained the main weapon then they could be added like a "skin" that affects stats aswell


Hope it's clearer how to obtain and use alternative barrell/ammunitions


We have weps that have initial punch through (Lanka) and mods that add punch through effect. So I think that such powerful weapon should have punch through effect.


About skins - not sure if thats a good idea. DE havent released any more weapon skins with stats since U11 (Spearmint Scythe)...

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About skins - not sure if thats a good idea. DE havent released any more weapon skins with stats since U11 (Spearmint Scythe)...


Well the alternative would be:


Building a Barrell = consuming the Gargantis too and make a whole new weapon (similar to the Latron --> Tiburon process)

Build a whole new attachment system for weapons


Skins are not used anymore, true, but that doesnt mean they are necessary a bad idea (we got many skin packs btw, forest, desert, camo, etc) and it's surely faster & easier to work out

Edited by Phoenix86
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Well the alternative would be:


Building a Barrell = consuming the Gargantis too and make a whole new weapon (similar to the Latron --> Tiburon process)

Build a whole new attachment system for weapons


Skins are not used anymore, true, but that doesnt mean they are necessary a bad idea (we got many skin packs btw, forest, desert, camo, etc) and it's surely faster & easier to work out


Well, it sounds too complicated =)


I said, that we havent received skins with stats, not regular skins. We actually got only 3 with stats - Manticore, Brokk, Spearmint Scythe. Excluding Arcane Helmets, thats the only cosmetics that have effect on gameplay.

Edited by Vicious_D
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That's why i've added " (optional) "




tbh i dont get how it sounds complicated... applying a skin simply lower some values and increase other; the total dmg is unchanged, always 50 and the only added bonus is extra status on the former, innate punch through on the latter


That being said, they are optional and not needed, i simply had that idea and i added it because i found it cool.


Would love some more opinions given the number of views :)


Do you like it? would u use it? Tell me :)

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While this is correct we are not talking about RoF and DPS (which on paper remain the same);

we are simply moving numbers from one dmg type to another without changing the total (which influence the DPS only because of the resistance/weakness system that apply TO ALL sources of dmg in the whole game)

all that talking doesnt apply to the changes presented here,

they are already balanced since the final dmg output is the same (simply shifted more towards Impact or toward Puncture/Slash)

Barrells (skins) would help customizing a multi-porpouse weapon into a specialized one

(always in this specific case: the H.E.A.T. would be arguably be better against Corpus and the A.P.F.S.D.S. against Grineer)


That being said i'll underline once again that the Barrell's idea is purely optional and it is not my focus, it was just an extra because i tought it was cool


The focus here is the Gargantis itself, a new HMG raw dmg/status based weapon

Edited by Phoenix86
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lel forgot to answer you, must have lost the notification sorry ^^


I see, thx for ur opinion anyway, it was very insightfull


Btw now that i've tried the Archwing i feel like that the standard MG we are given upon obtaining the Archwing is quite similar to this concept!


I wonder if DE could mesh up the 2 things and make this gun for real!

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