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Cover System


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I'm all for the option to hit a button and put my back to a wall so I can peek around, or get a better view of my surroundings without being detected by the camera across the way or the guy who's walking right up that I might have just run into had I turned the corner to look.  The developers are working to improve stealth in the game, just because ninjas are awesome in combat doesn't mean they don't rely on stealth at all.  Or that they have specific warframes Designed FOR stealth, or a buggy pet that is MADE FOR STEALTH.  lol


All you people who just rant and rave about how fast the game is supposed to play and feel are just missing 50% of what the developers are trying to do here.

Sure it's one OPTION to play the game with, just like being able to cover by a wall should be an OPTION.  Neither is forced upon you, it's however you want to play.  If this game has no variety than it has stagnation, and if there's no challenge (like making it through an entire level undetected) people will get bored of farming.  Granted we're still in beta so there's plenty of room for these improvements to come about.

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For the lazy:

What about a Cover system? What about Stealth? (I'm a ninja, there should be stealth!)

We love cover systems but for Warframe we felt it sacrificed mobility and simplicity too much. Our coming updates continue down this path even more so, emphasizing the agility and speed aspects of the ninja. We hope to convince you this is a better path for Warframe and that slow and tactical, although great on its own, just doesn't fit well with Warframe. As far as stealth goes: we're with you. We have started on this path with Warframe powers (like Ash and Loki), critical bonuses for charged melee attacks on unaware enemies and perception changes when crouching. We are exploring some very cool stuff for stealth that I will talk about once it is in better shape.

Directly from that section relating to cover and stealth.

Please dont assume that you know better than the devs the type of gameplay they are making and that cover wouldn't slow it down too much when they have tested it already.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I don't really want a cover system. If you want cover? Step behind a box. 


I don't want yet ANOTHER shooter where I have to stand behind something to shoot.


I want to move like old-school shooters used to make you do. That was what was fun about it.


And to steal a phrase from a diff IP -


Cover is for the weak! :P

(or for reloading, cough..)

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If you want to take cover, find a box and hide/crouch behind it. As for "stealth" gameplay, you can switch shoulders to see around corners if you want to get the jump on any patrolling enemies/security cameras (I think the default for switching shoulder views is 'H').


I'm really not sure why people like the idea of being latched onto a wall...

Edited by Stefe
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I want to run faster, kill faster, and melee more. The game currently feels like a mix of Doom, Devil may Cry and Unreal Championship. They should play that up more, not turn it into a Mass Effect clone.

Wish I could give you more than one upvote.

The Devs thankfully have seen that a cover system would just complicate the game and slow it down too much. I just hope that they can raise the action further and increase the parkour abilities in the future.

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The people saying "Hurr make it optional." Don't realise that once it's in the game, devs have to balance it. Enemies as they are won't be very threatening if there was a very functional cover system, so they'd have to be beefed up a bit.


Players NOT using the cover system would face difficulty imposed on them by a very short sighted group of the playerbase.


The general consensus here seems to be a big firm "Nay." To the cover system, which I'm thankful for.


Hooray for one of the few unique Third person shooters!

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+ you can take cover without cover system


Exactly - if you truly, seriously, actually have to take cover, crouch behind a crate manually.  It uses the same system already present in the game, and accomplishes the same goal.


Otherwise, consider the Tenno like the humble shark - Never Stop Moving.

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Let me get this straight.

Letting a Ninja take cover would slow down Gameplay but letting the enemies do won't?

I do not see the logic with this.


Enemy Behind Cover

 - Without the cover system

 You can either, duck behind a box and wait for him to pop out

Charge at him and smash him with your sword!


 - With the Cover system

Take cover behind a box and wait for him to pop out

Charge at him with your sword!


I don't really see how a cover system would change it that much then already "crouching behind a box"

Can someone enlighten me on this ? I am really trying to understand all this hate towards the cover system when really we can do it already, kind of.


How would it change it so much?

Why would it change so much?

How does this stop anyone from not using it?

Why do you have to increase enemy difficulty when we can take cover anyway?

Why does this stop people from charging enemies?

How does this change if I want to play a slower paced game while other can still play there fast paced game?

Fast paced games aren't good if you want "stealth" unless you make the enemy retards, is this so bad?

Fast paced games aren't really that good for sniper type weapons, so why do you have them?

If you want a fast paced game why do you have Lockdowns and Laser Barries to slow down people?


Everyone is saying they want a fast paced game yet there are things in the game to slow down the pace.  This is honestly making little to no sense for me.  I just don't understand why you have mechanics in the game to slow people down when everyone wants it to be fast paced.  Name me a Stealth game thats fast paced?  Because I have yet to see one.

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Name me a Stealth game thats fast paced?  Because I have yet to see one.




Also, people don't want the option of a cover system because it changes from "I can take cover" to "I need cover".

Right now, the incentive to take cover is only if you really need cover. With a cover system, people would have just take it in the first place as they can just pop in and out of combat.

Edited by Tetsmeha
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Also, people don't want the option of a cover system because it changes from "I can take cover" to "I need cover".

Right now, the incentive to take cover is only if you really need cover. With a cover system, people would have just take it in the first place as they can just pop in and out of combat.


This. Even then, Dishonored could be slow paced if you play it stealthily.


As for the cover system, the only thing that bugs me is that there's no indicator to indicate whether or not I could shoot from my position. I often find myself emptying my clip on the container right infront of me.

Edited by x3Darkie
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I do not see the logic with this.


Everyone is saying they want a fast paced game yet there are things in the game to slow down the pace.  This is honestly making little to no sense for me.  I just don't understand why you have mechanics in the game to slow people down when everyone wants it to be fast paced.  Name me a Stealth game thats fast paced?  Because I have yet to see one.


The way I see it you don't have any logic (and I won't say anything else because I'll get a warning point for insulting people on forum)

Have you played games using "cover system"?


Once you are in cover system you usually don't go out of it until the whole room is cleared of enemies. So you would have 4 warframes hugging the walls and shooting from their cover.

And some enemies going into cover (because they are soldiers and not "ninja-samurai-whatever") = opportunity to "storm" them with melee weapons or just headshot them.


and btw. WARFRAME is not "STEALTH" game, GOW and ME are also nor stealh games. Splinter Cell games or Thief games are.

Edited by Strac_CRO
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If they add a cover system like Deux Ex: Human Revolution, they won't have "movement problems" since that game has a specific key binding to cover, if you don't press it, you will never cover.


About making the game "slower" that is true, but the fact is, "ninja" use the the shadows, the environment and stuff,, they're not a totally offensive faction that goes head on. Here we are, totally head on.


Cover would be sort of a "stealth" feature, more then a defensive "i'm don't wanna get shot" feature. IMO

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Also, people don't want the option of a cover system because it changes from "I can take cover" to "I need cover".

Right now, the incentive to take cover is only if you really need cover. With a cover system, people would have just take it in the first place as they can just pop in and out of combat.


Expect that I play it so slowly that I have only completed the first two levels with nearly 3 hrs playtime yh.  Really fast paced stealth game.......

Try and go though a level without alerting anyone at the speed which you do in Warframe.



The way I see it you don't have any logic (and I won't say anything else because I'll get a warning point for insulting people on forum)

Have you played games using "cover system"?


Once you are in cover system you usually don't go out of it until the whole room is cleared of enemies. So you would have 4 warframes hugging the walls and shooting from their cover.

And some enemies going into cover (because they are soldiers and not "ninja-samurai-whatever") = opportunity to "storm" them with melee weapons or just headshot them.


and btw. WARFRAME is not "STEALTH" game, GOW and ME are also nor stealh games. Splinter Cell games or Thief games are.


And how does this differ from running towards a door, letting it open, shooting a bit, moving back, letting the door close, rinse and repeat?

Do you not take cover behind boxes at all?

Most games with a cover system does not give the player a ton of HP to be able to withstand that many bullets so taking cover is almost mandatory where in this game it is not. Using defensive abilities such as Snow Globe or Electric Shield will still be more beneficial as you can more freely look around and shoot back. If you get 4 people with Energy Siphon all using Shield-like abilities how is this any different?


AFAIK Splinter Cell had cover. Unless we were playing different versions of Splinter Cell?

I have never played Theif, GOW or ME so I cannot comment on those either.

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Expect that I play it so slowly that I have only completed the first two levels with nearly 3 hrs playtime yh.  Really fast paced stealth game.......

Try and go though a level without alerting anyone at the speed which you do in Warframe.




Improved game mechanics to support stealth play are coming; mechanics for cover are not.



It's in the https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/5898-warframe-faq/'>FAQ.

Edited by DataShade
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Expect that I play it so slowly that I have only completed the first two levels with nearly 3 hrs playtime yh.  Really fast paced stealth game.......

Try and go though a level without alerting anyone at the speed which you do in Warframe.


How does your subjective method of playing change what the game really is? You said yourself that YOU play it slowly. That doesn't make it a slow paced stealth game, especially when compared to stuff like the first two Splinter Cells and the Thief series.

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