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General Archwing Feedback


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I played through the quest, played all Archwing mission types, leveled my Odanata, Imperator and Veritux to 30, farmed some mods and transmuted some, farmed a Onorix (Traded one Blade) and farmed a Corvas (Traded the Receiver) and bought the Elytron with Platinum from the Market. I played a lot this weekend and now i am ready to give some feedback.


I think the Archwing missions have been overall a fun experience even with the bugs and problems. On this topic i will give my opinion on the good and the bad points, and some suggestions on what i believe it could improve this game mode. I will update later with feedback from other mission types, and more details on other stuff, for now i will just write what comes to mind.


Archwing Interception: 

- The most frustrating thing, is that enemies get stuck every single wave, they clip inside of rocks and solid map objects all the time. Also players get stuck on the asteroids very often.


- The mission itself is not hard, but it takes too long. The waves must be quicker. Reaching wave 4 feels like an eternity.


- Navigation can be confusing, mini-map improvements are required. Markers have to highlight all loot, the same way Enemies and Tennos are highlighted. Mods can be very difficult to see, same goes with energy, health, and affinity orbs.


- The Enemies take control of towers too fast, if you leave for a second while there are enemies around it, they will take it almost immediately. 


Archwing Weapons:

- Corvas: Very bad firing mechanism, should be automatic, or semi-automatic. This weapon is described as a Cannon, but it's a Charge Shotgun with pin-point targeting, much like some Warframe abilities like Loki's Switch Teleport, that means it will only hit enemies right on top of your aim, and that is a big issue on the gigantic outer space tileset of Archwing Missions, specially Interception ones. And on top of that it comes with only a limited number of shots. 


Archwing Abilities:

Distance is a big deal on Archwing Missions, sometimes you just can't tell by eye how far enemies are, if they are in melee range, or inside the range for one of your abilities. So i think all abilities that uses a projectile (A missile or something) should have a distance marker, like enemies have, so that when you use for example a Bloomer rocket from your Elytron, you know when to activate and explode the bomb. Basically everything that you interact 


Warframes with Archwing:

Tankier frames are clearly better for Archwing and that's not good. You are limiting the choice options for the players. Warframes like Rhino, Zephyr and Ash are much better than others like Nova, Loki, Vauban. I think that Archwing atributes should be completely separate from the Warframes.

Edited by RexSol
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Archwing, sucks! Can't even get through first ftying mission because UI is terrible.  have no idea, nor was anything explained about how to navigate in game, what happened to tutorial?



Took me a few minutes to finish that.

The fact so many people are using Archwings now for Limbo's mission means they have no issue at all.


Or maybe Zero G combat isn't really for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually, in my opinion, Archwing mode reminds me about a game named Strike Suit Zero in which players controlling an transformable space fighter that can transform to be a robot (similar Gundam). I do not want to play that game in Warframe (should be separate), but there are somethings needed to improve the current game-play of Archwing such as: navigation (I do not know where I am in space), distance of effect for different types of weapon, dog-fight mode (maybe) and various wings, weapons, etc.


P/s: Lotus and Ordis keep reminding me that I gonna be out of the battle. Those guys are annoying while I do not know which direction I need to fly in order to get back to the game. (_ __")

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  • 1 month later...

Really dislike Archwing at the moment. The 1 hit kill lasers on the captial ships are very hard to avoid and shut you down completely. Other major gripe is that the maps  are really big and open and it takes ages to get anywhere, which would be fine if it was clear where you're supposed to go and where the missions objectives are, but the map is really inadequate for this game mode and you have to spend ages figuring out where to go in the big open maps.

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