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De? We Need To Talk About The "original Eight" [Feedback Inside]


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You never played an Excalibur in high level I assume. Or if you did your team carried you through and be thankful for that. As a team player I like to contribute to my team and now I can not.


At high level both Slash Dash and Radial Javelin is useless as their fixed damage. Radial Javelin's stun is way too short, takes longer to cast. I did not find any build which makes Super Jump viable at 30+ level, but I am open to suggestion.

The only ability which was useful was Radial Blind (should have been his lvl 4 skill anyway), and the only skill which also helped the team. Now that it is blocked by single pillar or box it is a Russian rullet for the player and absolutely useless to team.


So no, based on that should not touch the Volt.


Please stop assuming. You don't know me, we never played together. Thanks.


I like playing excalibur too, so I welcome any buffs, but all that ranting he is so useless now... People should grow a beard.


Oh, and I like my precious Volt like he is, too.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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I think my comment got understood wrong. Sarcasm really doesn't work in forums.


However I may be part of a minority that likes Superjump (which got better now). Radial Javelin did got better too. The damage sadly not.


Excalibur remains a construction area, but I think the basis is fine.

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As someone who started his Warframe career with Volt:


He's totally fine right now. Volt is a GREAT frame.

His first skill is, quite frankly, one of the best in the game, dispersing a pretty decent amount of damage over a pretty decent amount of enemies for a very low energy cost. Heck, you barely even have to AIM with it; hit anywhere in the general area of the enemies, and it'll arc to and zap them. And lets not forget the frequent stuns that come with it, keeping this ability relevant even in the extremely high levels. (I have no problem being effective with this skil. It's very spammable, and just overall awesome.)


The speed buff brings pretty decent utility to a team. A lot of folks overlook the massive melee speed buff that comes with it... They really shouldn't! It's a huge boost to melee DPS. Hysteria'd Valkyr's will be quite happy if you spam this on them.


His shields are also pretty great overall. They totally block all incoming damage from the one side, AND give you a damage buff to any shots fired through it (With a few exceptions, of course.) The duration's also pretty decent. Overall, another solid skill.


His 4 is probably his most situational/worst skill overall. Yes, if used in a room full of un-fried electronics, you will simply decimate everything... But without that, it's actually pretty meh in terms of damage output. However, much like his 1, it ALSO has a very high stun chance, and can easily put a pretty good stop to many enemies in a room... at least for a bit. It's not the best ultimate out there, but it's still good, and still very usable.


And lets not forget, while he's not going to be putting out the same kind of damage as a Mirage or a Nova... Volt is a HECK of a lot more durable, too! He also, as it turns out, brings a pretty good bit more utility too....


Excalibur, though.... Yeah, he's usable, but I do have to agree with other folks. He's not in a very good spot right now! None of his abilities have been brought up to scale with the newer, harder end-game content that's been being released. The sad fact is that many of Excalibur's abilities require him to really put himself out in the open, but don't give him enough benefit for doing so. Pretty much EVERYTHING he does, someone else can do better. The only thing he's still got going for him is Radial Blind, which is still fantastic... But it did just get indirectly nerfed. Poor guy needs a bit of a hand. (Pleaaaase, DE? I really wanna use my Prototype Excal Skin and my Excal Prime without feeling like I'm gimping myself :< ) Hell, just making Slash-Dash a bit faster would probably go a loooooong way to helping him out, actually.... Just.... don't make it as stupidly good as it used to be lol.

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No. I said DE should buff his Augment Card. There's a BIG difference between "DE Should buff his base", and "DE should buff his card". And if that's the case then they should really fix all four element cards, as the buff is rather useless. And again... there is NO pattern since Nyx was Update 6, and never existed to begin with UNTIL Update 6. If they were actually following a pattern, Trinity, Saryn, or Volt would have been the next prime.


It's simply a matter of thought-pattern vs excuse, and you clearly missed the mark here. I'm not going to argue with you on the difference between the two, however. I simply leave this thread here, so DE can see it. Agree or don't, but do NOT bash my feedback.


Anything that improve something is buffing regardless where it came from. See recent enemy awareness fix? that became nerf to Loki and Ash even though they aren't being touched. Damage 2.0? that became nerf to Saryn and buff to Volt.


Not to mention your augment suggestion will result in unbalanced buffing. Really? team invulnerability that absorb damage and change it into energy? More useful than shock trooper? yes. Balanced? NO


The pattern is MM FF MM, the pattern will force some female to be released early and force some male to be released later. Nyx being released first change the pattern for female, but not for the male. Next prime warframe will be female because it follows this pattern and two male will come after that. You can rage as much as you want if the next male prime is Nekros or Oberon.

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Anything that improve something is buffing regardless where it came from. See recent enemy awareness fix? that became nerf to Loki and Ash even though they aren't being touched. Damage 2.0? that became nerf to Saryn and buff to Volt.


Not to mention your augment suggestion will result in unbalanced buffing. Really? team invulnerability that absorb damage and change it into energy? More useful than shock trooper? yes. Balanced? NO


The pattern is MM FF MM, the pattern will force some female to be released early and force some male to be released later. Nyx being released first change the pattern for female, but not for the male. Next prime warframe will be female because it follows this pattern and two male will come after that. You can rage as much as you want if the next male prime is Nekros or Oberon.

Suuuure. As if Trinity isn't any more "balanced" than what I suggested. Hell, her 2 gives endless energy provided you're smart about it, and 4 provides endless healing. As far as I'm concerned, I don't see a problem with it. And before we get into a "But she's a healer, that's her job!" debate, let me finish by saying we have a Rhino who's Iron Skin is pretty much a meal ticket for invulnerability which is worn down with damage. I don't see why a modified Volt Syndicate card couldn't work the same way. Maybe not make it as effective as Iron Skin, but... you get my point. It'd essentially be a temporary Rage ability, which would make sense.


As far as updates go.. his 4 is still worthless without electronics around. It's been like this since.... how long? Like, ever since they refurbished him? But yes. You can be sure though I won't rage, as despite how it looks I'm not at all mad. Forums have this issue. I just take issue when people misunderstand, or worse... twist my words around. Anyway, I wouldn't even be surprised if they popped out a Nekros/Oberon Prime next, honestly. But for now, I'm drinking beer, and cuddly as a teddy bear.

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You're still on about this? Your suggestion is badly balanced and so is your reasoning. Trinity is a main support who provides healing, with entirely separated ability for energy healing. Rhino's Iron Skin is far from invulnerability at high level. And you want both team INVULNERABILITY + ENERGY HEALING converged into ONE ABILITY which already provide a good indestructible cover and good damage bonus. And if you feel that Volt's overload is lacking, then made suggestion for his overload, not for his electric shield which is already balanced.


Your concept of balance, reasoning, and logic are all flawed. You ridicule yourself the more you write.

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You don't see any Volts? Not sure what game you're playing, but I see Volts in every other pub mission I play. It helps that he's probably the most interesting of the three starter frames as well, in terms of his skillset.


He has gotten attention recently, as well. Shield is now affected by Range, which is a big plus for holding temporary or stationary positions. Shock is a cheap and spammable CC disable that affects multiple enemies, and Speed helps teams complete objectives/revive allies/hit the air/etc. The only skill that needs a rework is Overload, since it's situational at best (outside of farming and rush missions; the range on it is huge) and not all that interesting to use.


Hmm. Maybe Overload could "charge" enemies that it hits, giving allies a chance to proc Electric whenever they hit an afflicted enemy. That way, Overload's utility would persist beyond activating the skill.


I'd actually argue that of the Original Eight, Volt is the frame that needs the least attention.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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