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Does The Screen Shake When "sprinting" In Arch Wings Make Anyone Else Sick?


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I hate the shaking. I wish there was an option to tone it down or toggle it off completely. Not only does it give me headaches faster than playing 2-hour survivals, but how are we even supposed to shoot anything while doing that sprint slide move?

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Does the screen shake when walking make anyone else sick?


Come on, whats going on? If you can't simply play games, don't play them. Seriously, people complain about darn small flares. Shake is even more stupid. I agree that it may be too much when you Sprint + Ctrl, but other than that It's okay. If you're not meant to play games or you're just sick, then just don't play them and watch YouTube or Facebook and have fun there.


*angry people incoming


Add: Adding an option to disable screen shake is a disadvantage to those who don't disable it, since those who disable it, can easily hit enemies far easier.


Since we seem to be making assumptions here: You seem like the kind of person that would go to a restaurant, find a dish that you really want, but not order it just because it comes with one ingredient you do not like. So instead of fixing the problem you have with it, you avoid the experience all together. Not playing a game at all instead of trying to fix a problem with part of it is basically the same thing.


This kind of "Shut up and deal with it, you baby" attitude is not helping anything. If we have the chance to make the game more fun to play for more people, why should we ignore it? And it is not just a minor issue, it is really not very much fun to play a game that gives me a headache. And I bet having to take breaks to keep from vomiting is even less fun.


Also, F2P games like Warframe have to try and be accessible to as many people as possible. Otherwise they may not make enough money, and then the game dies. So do you really want Warframe to go away because the Devs did not fix problems like this? They changed the locker lights to be more easily read by color blind people, so why should they not help people that get headaches or motion sickness from the screen shaking? It does not make me want to spend money on a game if the Devs do not even care enough about their player's experience to do this for them.


With the option to disable the screen shaking, those that want to turn it off, either to avoid headaches and nausea or to gain and advantage, can do so. But those that want it for the immersion effect, or whatever reason, can still have it. In most cases, more options please more players. Sure, it means more work for the Devs, but it also means more satisfied players.

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I have astigmatism; it has disabled me from being able to enjoy three dimensional movies, as fifteen minutes into the feature, I suffer extreme nausea and vertigo. Having said that, I do not like screen shakes of any kind. After prolonged exposure to this, the game becomes less enjoyable and I eventually have to stop playing. I get the same sensation having to deal with the pseudo three dimensional mod menus. 


One of my favorite games that I have backed in its infancy is slowly turning unplayable, and it makes me sad. People might enjoy the screen shake, and I'm happy they enjoy it! I, however, just hope that we get an option to nullify these visuals, as it detracts from the experience for those who do not enjoy it.

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If that makes you get sick then I'm scared to ask what other games you play........also its there for immersion.....plus for fictional non fiction 


meh...they could tone it down by 5% I guess

Honestly this is the first game that has effected me in this way.


I want it off, completely. It doesn't increase immersion, it breaks immersion.

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P-p-p-pleas-s-e D-D-E d-d-o s-s-o-m-m-m-e-thi-n-n-g D:



Well, in my opinion I don't see a reason to turn it off, but as suggested, making the HUD static would help to not have that nauseous/strange feeling. I did have it a little, but so far I only played maps with that effect a couple of times. Need to check what happens if I play more, like I do in survivals/defenses.

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