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Weapon Question For The Devs About Design Intent.


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This is sort of important from a beta testing perspective as to your intent in weapon design. Many FPS style games are situated in such a way that your "Long gun" is your main weapon and your sidearm and melee options are more for emergency packup or are very situational in use. The vibe I have gotten from Warframe though is that all of your weapons are considered to be very useful and can/should be used regularly.


I want to confirm if that is your design philosophy as it definitely changes how you look at weapons and provide feedback for them. For example in a more standard concept of sidearms being emergency backup/situational the LEX would be vastly overpowered, however if you are trying to setup a scenario where all 3 weapons slots have great functionality obviously the Lex is much more balanced.


Could you comment on this and or any other points of design philosophy that would be useful when reviewing weaponry, frames, and other points of game balance?



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You mean it's not screamingly obvious they intend on all your weapons to be useful and relatively on par with eachother?


It seems likely, but no it's not screamingly obvious, your tone is also not particularly appreciated. It does not add to the discussion and instead tries to subtract from it.

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I am also of the philosophy that your weapon load-out should be complimentary of your other weapon. So you a gorgon as primary then a ak/bolto or lex as your sidearm to deal with the more stubborn targets is a good match. I have seen unfortunately people who haven't quite got the concept right yet, ie ak/furis grakata ROFLOL

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The intent is that you use whatever weapon you bring in the best situation suited for it.  The idea is that you're a highly skilled combatant that can effectively use multiple weapons platforms and are limited, for whatever reason, to three per loadout.


What strikes me as odd is that I can't hold my melee weapon as if it were my main weapon of choice.  I always swing it and then put it right back.

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