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What Is This Stat On Some Of The Mods From The Syndicates? Justice, Truth, Entropy, Sequence, Blight, Purity


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This is exactly what I thought when I first saw the mods.  They are trying to get people to pull out their underutilized "crap" weapons by boosting the stats.  It makes perfect sense and I hope they continue.  I wouldn't want to see a mod that boosts something like the Soma even more.


Now, Akvasto mod!

i really want that hek mod something about having 320% multishot sounds promising 

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Going to assume it's probably some poison aoe or debuff. Pick whatever mod you think is the most useful to you and report back with results and possibly screenshots/videos ;]

if i know which is the most useful to me then i wont ask for suggestions...

dark dagger is cool but damage is meh, more status chance? 10% base so +100% is +10% only, not that great.

embolist's total ammo is still 210, so that means if i use that +200% magazine size mod, i wont even fully reload.(dont tell me to use Trick Mag, not enough space already!)

mire... well good news is it uses crimson dervish, bad news is even with +!00% extra poison damage, i doubt it's gonna be as good as dakra prime

so all in all i cant see a clear choice for me. it seems i have to rely on "blight" being super good to justify their cost.

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if i know which is the most useful to me then i wont ask for suggestions...

dark dagger is cool but damage is meh, more status chance? 10% base so +100% is +10% only, not that great.

embolist's total ammo is still 210, so that means if i use that +200% magazine size mod, i wont even fully reload.(dont tell me to use Trick Mag, not enough space already!)

mire... well good news is it uses crimson dervish, bad news is even with +!00% extra poison damage, i doubt it's gonna be as good as dakra prime

so all in all i cant see a clear choice for me. it seems i have to rely on "blight" being super good to justify their cost.


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Ok finally got the Scattered Justice and the justice effect has been finally revealed.

Apparently the mod requires you to kill 10-ish enemies for a certain effect to activate. (Skill uses also contribute to the bar, at a slower rate) the symbol right next to your ammo show up close you are to getting the effect to activate. Only kills with the weapon count.
The effect for Justice is a AoE damage (about 15 meters) that does 456 damage (this is after armor mitigation, so the full damage might be 1000) with the addition of a 25% heal of total hp. These 2 effects happens almost instantly after you get 10-ish kills
There's a red aura around me lasting a few seconds after the 2 effects activate, I'm not certain what that does yet, if it does anything.
These effects can really put some weapons back in use. Some of these effects may even give energy which would be a huge boon to combat effectiveness.
Additional notes:
-the 'justice' gauge does NOT resets after switching weapons, but you no longer receive exp for this gauge.
-the level of the skill used effects how much is contributed to the 'justice' gauge
-CORRECTION after doing further research, the justice gauge fills up based on how much exp the weapon gets.
-This may mean the effectiveness of this 'justice' gauge can be effected by whether or not you have affinity booster.
-Kills made by your skills do not effect the gauge
-Whether you have only 1 weapon or 3 does not appear to effect the amount of exp gained for the purpose of this gauge.
-The amount of exp needed to fill the gauge appears to be 2000 (I'm using affinity booster)
-exp gained from other players also effects this gauge
-The AoE damage is confirmed to be 1000
-there is a 5 second cooldown after each activation
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Do you have a source for this?


1. The Gilded Truth mod specifically lists the Burston Prime as its exclusive weapon rather than the Burston, suggesting that Primes are considered a separate weapon.

2. From experience, we know that dual weapons are always considered their own weapon separate from the single variant.

Edited by LGear
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Justice for the Steel Meridian Syndicate, is an attribute that is added through one of the three new mods for that Syndicate, for the Sobek, Hek and Cleavers respectively. Many seem to be asking what the hell this means; '+1 Justice'. After experimenting with both Scattered Justice and Justice Blades here is my finding.


When using a Syndicate endorsed and upgraded weapon (Hek with Scattered Justice in this case), in the bottom right hand corner, your UI is slightly skewed, and beside your ammo counter is a 'Steel Meridian' logo. I noticed that every time I got a kill with the fully ranked mod equipped on my Hek, the logo would slowly fill up, making me think that it was an indicator of some kind. After about 10 or so kills, sorry I didn't count, the bar filled, and then an animation played on the screen with the Steel Meridian emblem flashing in the centre of the screen.


At this point a large AOE explosion, about 20m or so fired from my character. Bear in mind that I am using a Hek configured for 7500 radiation damage and 1700 puncture etc...This explosion was capable during my observations of killing most any single enemy on mid to high Grineer maps.


I can't tell if it is 360 or purely frontal in terms of blast type, but all I know is that the enemies that were once near or around me were no more after this triggered. Once the bar empties, it refills again.


For a short while after the blast has triggered, a sort of fiery red aura surrounds my warrior, not sure what the purpose of this is, and it didn't seem to have an effect on the enemies passively when I stood next to them and observed their health bar. Perhaps it is some kind of a damage buff, I do not know and haven't got around to confirming or disproving this.


This is what I found out, hope it answers some questions.



But but... How? That's.... What's the secret of reputation grind that this person has completed that much of it already? i MUST know!

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1. The Gilded Truth mod specifically lists the Burston Prime as its exclusive weapon rather than the Burston, suggesting that Primes are considered a separate weapon.

2. From experience, we know that dual weapons are always considered their own weapon separate from the single variant.

The difference between primes and their normal variants is pretty old and tested, I remember that there was a rubedo skin that applied to both its single and dual version.  My point being that there are exceptions to every rule that DE set for themselves.


Still, I think having an official answer would be nice.  Although I have this sinking feeling that for some reason DE would prefer to wait it out and say "Well that was obvious" when we learn for ourselves.

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I'm sick of the devs putting stuff in and never explaining it until people ask.


It should already just be said when it's added, what is with the secretive nonsense? People work very hard to get these rep points and you leave them in the dark about a lot of actual need to know information.


I'm sick of it, seriously. It's getting so old.


May as well say, +1 to Herp De Derp, +1 to Cheeseburgering, +1 to Seinfeld DVD case sleeve, because that information is as useful as +1 to Purity.



Complain more about having to figure stuff out in a game yourself please...

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Then why do they cost a bleeding arm and leg to get? If their purpose is simply to buff crappy weapons they should be some of the first rewards available!

Because having them mods means having OP buffs.


P.S. Supra 'aint really underpowered, but screw it DE made it OP

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Because having them mods means having OP buffs.


P.S. Supra 'aint really underpowered, but screw it DE made it OP


The Supra Augment is probably one of the worst anyway.


20% Status Chance ontop of 5% base Status Chance is nothing.

Edited by Brimir
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it's not a typo. steve confirmed that in AMA

I would be happier if that was a 20 to the acurracy not the status. What is the meaning of having very high status if you cant hit anything ?

Edited by Garuger
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Complain more about having to figure stuff out in a game yourself please...


At last the voice of reason has arrived to insult people who expect a term to be defined before it's presented as an explanation. What a bunch of overentitled infantile qq'ing to suggest that playing this game shouldn't be a test of players' faith & devotion. I know that I (and doubtless all the real players) have been waiting with bated breath for endgame content built around months of grinding for incompletely defined buffs to weapons specifically chosen because very few players actually use them.

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the mods are to boost crappy weapons, its cool to have something that boost them, but grinding so long for a single mod that boost a crappy weapon.... it shuold be obtainable way more early, farming those syndicate points is REALLY hard, at least for me, gonna take a long time till i can even buy them

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Must be a typo. Status Chance don't work that way.


Being an additive instead of multiplicative is the reason the syndicate mods are special, at least in the case of the Burst Entropy and Shattering Justice. Instead of 20%, they add 20 to the base status chance, so you get 22.5% and 35% respectively. I also hear that this increases their -base- status chance, which means that adding the multiplicative status mods like the Event mods will give out very large status increases.

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