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Valkyr Abilities Are "cleansed" By Falling


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When you fall off a ledge and the game "resets" your position Valkyrs Warcry is cleansed, and so is her Hysteria. I've noticed this for a while now but the issue wasn't fixed, so i thought id post a bug report on it.


Also i believe Paralysis still only works after the second cast if you have full shields (though its been this way for as long as i can remember, so im unsure if this is intended)



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It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Jumping off a ledge is a great way to avoid damage and confuse the AI. When all this did was teleport you back to your previous location, it was heavily abused for numerous things. Having a drawback takes it from being a tactical option to being a convenience. You aren't meant to be jumping off cliffs to win battles, that's not how the game is designed, and that you ever could was unintended. Thus, all buffs are removed when you fall off the edge, which keeps you from avoiding content, and, thus, instead either complaining about it (so it's fixed) or finding an actual in-game way to resolve it without abusing the physics system.

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It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Jumping off a ledge is a great way to avoid damage and confuse the AI. When all this did was teleport you back to your previous location, it was heavily abused for numerous things. Having a drawback takes it from being a tactical option to being a convenience. You aren't meant to be jumping off cliffs to win battles, that's not how the game is designed, and that you ever could was unintended. Thus, all buffs are removed when you fall off the edge, which keeps you from avoiding content, and, thus, instead either complaining about it (so it's fixed) or finding an actual in-game way to resolve it without abusing the physics system.

Also it was to give players a way to remove some self-buffs. One example being iron skin with the new 'health' indicator. This means when one sees he has low health on that ability he can jump off to remove it and recast it. Useful in higher level missions.

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Also it was to give players a way to remove some self-buffs. One example being iron skin with the new 'health' indicator. This means when one sees he has low health on that ability he can jump off to remove it and recast it. Useful in higher level missions.

I think this is a semi-unintended bonus.


It was specifically added around when they did the great "heavy impact" nerf. There were many ways you could build up several miles worth of fall time, and this was one of them. Instantly killing everything in the level through creative math was bad.

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Ah i was unaware that this change was intentional. I just find it extremely annoying whenever i visit Earth or some other areas where theres lots of areas you can "fall" that my buffs keep being removed. I never really thought about abusing the "falling reset" thing as it used to be, guess i just took it for granted that i still had my buffs when i failed a jump or was whacked off the edge by an Ancient on Xini, thanks for the information.

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