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Why Was Loki Removed From Starting Frames?



So I know im a little late on this topic but why was loki removed from starting frames I mean hes one of the best frames in the game even though he has no offensive abilitys and also hes really hard to farm for so why did he get removed? Also was there a change in his codex entry I remember it saying when I started playing this game 7 months ago that was for advanced players not preferred by advanced players? 



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I chose Loki back when I first started, I love his; style, abilities, and the way he can be played. It's true, he is for the more "advanced" player, but I've been gaming since 1998 and have been playing FPS games since 2001. I consider myself an "advanced player" when it comes to shooters and having a great reaction time, of course I wasn't an advanced Warframe player when I first started, but I took my skills from other games I've played over the decade and applied it to him.


I dodged, ducked, dipped, dived and dodged my way past enemies, always looking for a vantage point to get to so I can take cover and fire down upon my enemies. Of course someone who has been playing shooters and adventure games for not even a year will probably die a lot with him, but personally I enjoyed him and honestly I expected the other frames to be just as squishy as him, obviously that isn't the case with most of the frames, but some of them are just as squishy or even more squishy than Loki, so I'm glad and don't regret choosing him first since he taught me how to play the game in a quick and stealthy way.


I do agree with the decision of Loki being replaced by Volt, and honestly I wish Mag was replaced as well since she can be just as squishy and her abilities aren't really that good against Grineer, maybe replace her with Ash or Banshee? I don't know what would be the best replacement, but I would love to see one of the other "stealth" frames being a starter than Mag.

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I started with Loki and i am glad they removed it as a Starter Frame, my first 10 hours of the game were so confusing, i'm surprised i stuck around after that, i'm glad i did, cause i've played for over a year now.


Loki is NOT a good frame to use for starters.

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I honestly tried this game a while back for about an hour then came back about 2 weeks ago. I had loki as my starter frame and honestly it was a major pain to get started with a frame like loki when you had few equipment options. It's much better that they changed it, it would've been far worse if I didn't have help. 

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I speak as a player whose first starter was Loki (I reset when it rolled around before u8), while he was indeed a hard one to play, I loved every second of it. Why? Because unlike Excal or Mag, Loki had a thought process and speed. You're running into a crowd, guns-blazing? Throw in a decoy and pick them off one by one. Your buddy got downed across the map? No fear, just use Invisibility and run there in a flash (speed was very nice for starting!)! Your teammate went AFK to leech off a mission? Switch teleport him into the thick of it. Surrounded by Grineer Heavy Gunners? Use Radial Disarm, and watch them become Heavy Prodmen/women!


For me, starting as Loki was the most fun I had starting off in any game for a long time... I'd rate it my second best NPE (New Player Experience). Only second to City of Heroes/Villains (RIP in peace).

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I started with Loki as a player who is not adept at shooters.


I shot an exploding barrel by accident and died. I walked near a Grineer and died. Having that pathetic excuse for a gun to start out with (MK1 Braton) did not help at all when his abilities did no damage and you relied on your weapons to kill. I only managed to survive because I ran missions with friends until I learned from them that spamming Invisibility and using the Skana was the best way to not get killed and to get kills yourself.


Of course once I got better mods for him I instantly picked him back up and pressed that 4 button I never used cause it ate up all my energy. It was great.

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I found that players who picked Loki as a starter tended to quit the game earlier on.


HOWEVER, I also found that those who chose Loki and didn't give up immediately on Warframe got REALLY good with the game.

Define good. Loki players have to work harder to get anything done, but they don't actually do it better than the frames who can clear rooms with 1 button press. That's actually starting to annoy me in this game. People don't want their frames nerfed, so all the nuke frames are kings until enemy levels are around 50 or so. I could be Switch Teleporting people out of danger, moving high damage targets into the open to get torn up by teammates, using Decoy to buy people time, reviving people while invisible, stealth killing dangerous targets, and disarming whole rooms, all requiring more effort than the nuke frames, and I'm still not accomplishing anywhere near as much as what another frame can do just by pressing 1 button. Granted, he starts being good again at high levels, but the severe imbalance throughout most of the content is a major turn off for most people.


Don't get me wrong. I WANT Loki to be a fun and viable frame. But I feel that the game needs to be changed to encourage more engaging playstyles first, rather than the whole PRESS 4 TO WIN BS that the current 3 starters are capable of. The characters are ninja's, not black mages, so they should be engaging as a norm, not as an exception like Loki and Valkyr are. /rant

Edited by Grilleds
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