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Archwing Mission On Uranus Has Insane Difficulty Level! Not Even You (De) Could Survive


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I've completed this mission once out of 11 tries.  non of my team mates can survive and the second i try to revive someone i get shot to death in like 3-4 seconds. 4 of the games i joined the grineer had already taken 60%+ of the points. 


was this meant to be this hard? ive never had trouble with missions before and have never failed so many missions outright like this before. 


Please can the archwing damage mods be buffed more as the latest hotfix buff didn't help at all, or can enemy grineer be nerfed?


EDIT: Ok after some solo play i figured how to do it, now it doesnt seem that hard, but for lower ranked inexperienced players i still don't see them being able to complete it , i myself am only able to finish it solo

Edited by UndeadGhostWarrior
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That mission is actually considerably easier solo. I just captured 3 points and stayed back at one of the towers, sniping any enemies that tried to capture anything. All of the enemies just flocked to me, so I really just had to stay alive. Granted, I've tried that mission a grand total of once with my current setup (so maybe I just got lucky), but I was able to do 4 waves pretty easily with Valkyr. I do hear the same thing from other people, though.


Still, the difficulty does seem a bit too high. I often hear reports from groups of people who are "moderately" prepared or think they are ready but just get torn apart. The way I see it, the mission should be toned down or a mission should be added between the levels of Earth's Interception and Uranus' Interception (I'd prefer this). The difficulty jump is just too much, and the Exterminations/Sabotages between them just don't feel like enough.


there are tricks, strategies to win it >.> ... check the leaderboards, highest round record is 142. How do you think they did it?

They likely did it by forcing a host migration, which has a seemingly 50% chance to break the spawns and prevent any new enemies from showing up. It then just becomes a waiting game while you win rounds without opposition.

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Blah blah yes people can beat it, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be corrected.

No, missions like this should exist. 

The game has been far to easy throughout the entirety of my playtime. Rarely have I actually been challenged, where I actually need to think before doing something stupid. 

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No, missions like this should exist. 

The game has been far to easy throughout the entirety of my playtime. Rarely have I actually been challenged, where I actually need to think before doing something stupid. 

They already do in the form of endless missions.


You don't make content inaccessible to satisfy 1-5% of the community. That's just selfish.

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They already do in the form of endless missions.


You don't make content inaccessible to satisfy 1-5% of the community. That's just selfish.

The content is not inaccessible. People just don't want to (nor do they have patience) to figure out how things work in order to complete a mission. In other words people need to actually put an effort into rethinking their strategy when they fail the archwing missions, and this is something they are showing an amazing inability to do, most likely due to how they've been spoiled by general gameplay. 

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They likely did it by forcing a host migration, which has a seemingly 50% chance to break the spawns and prevent any new enemies from showing up. It then just becomes a waiting game while you win rounds without opposition.


they should actually remove from leader boards people who glitched their way there, its like the 15000 rep exploit on viver

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  • 2 weeks later...

The content is not inaccessible. People just don't want to (nor do they have patience) to figure out how things work in order to complete a mission. In other words people need to actually put an effort into rethinking their strategy when they fail the archwing missions, and this is something they are showing an amazing inability to do, most likely due to how they've been spoiled by general gameplay. 

all i have to say is that it's sad that DE failed the mission as well as a team myself and clan put together with a respectable set of mods to boot. got to a point where the enemies decided to all ball up in a group of ~30. it was just a ball of death to anyone who got close instantly going down from the hail of rockets that bombed us. shield doesn't protect against explosions doing ~200 damage a hit in a volley of 6-8 (hard to count when you're trying to run away) just from a single unit in the ball of death.


Edit: this is coming from someone is regularly solos nightmare and t4. that is easy compared to the ridiculous amounts of explosions and weapons you can't take cover from cause if you use the shield you can't get far enough away to avoid the missiles due to it causing a sharp damage falloff past something around 300m when they ball up in groups like that.

Edited by RafaelFuchs
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